Feeling sad and a bit lost

Aw how comforting, I am hopefully getting David’s this week, it is a month tomorrow since he died , far too long to wait in my opinion. :cry:

Great stuff xxx

Thank God for that! What a worry.
Now my dog is under the weather and won’t eat her tea. Shell be 15 in September…

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Good, at least you will get some peace when you receive them. I’ve waited since his cremation on 8th March, his family have been procrastinating.


Sending positive vibes and my prayers.

She is such a sweetheart.

They have a special place in our hearts.

Sending big hugs and much love to both
of you.

Rose xx

Thank you Rose x

My partners sons have been a nightmare to be honest.
My darling passed away in January.
Eldest son has rewritten history and acted as if I have never existed - so disrespectful to their father and me.
Younger son ( who I thought I genuinely got on well with) has spurted venom (;totally untrue) about me from the funeral onwards.
Finally his ashes… told they were keeping them but will give the grandchildren ‘little pots of love’ with some in.
No mention of me, although we were together for 4 years and clearly loved each other.
I find their behaviour vile, , cruel, totally unfeeling and disrespectful.
Their father would be despairing in disbelief at the way they have treated his partner .
This has added to my anguish and utterly disgusted at how someone’s nearest and dearest can act a a time like this , to someone who had bought their dad so much happiness in his final years. .
I do nit benefit in any way from his estate so that isn’t a factor.
I think the fact that he loved me was more than they are now prepared to share.
Sorry needed to air this.


Oh thats awful for you.
Why do people have to be so horribly cruel.
You loved their father and he loved you. That should be enough to give them comfort. They should be protecting you, not treating you like this.
My husband has 3 sons, 2 are fine but one is totally estranged. Not just from me but the whole family, even his children. I have no sympathy for him. But I know if we hadn’t been married I would have had the same problems as you.

And please dont apologise, you know were all here for each other. If you need to rant, you rant. We understand

Love and hugs to you x

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Thanks so much Liro.
Their totally callous and unfounded /unnecessary behaviour towards me has really added to my grief.
Why is it so necessary for some people to channel all their grief into hurting someone who loved their dad so much.
Sending big hugs to all in this community tonight.

I’m sorry that they are putting you through all this heartache, @Elite when you really need their support. That’s the problem if we aren’t married, the relationship can be ignored and ploughed over, it is so wrong. They know deep down how much you meant to one another; there will be a jealousy factor plus their own guilt because you did more for him and spent a lot more quality time together than they did with him. Try to rise above it. Only you really know the truth, you have no need to explain your relationship and love to anyone else.

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I am so sorry.

You don’t deserve that.

Sending a very big hug xx

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Families are the worst i have found in this situation ! My own birth family have been cruel and mean to me ! Nice for about two minutes and then the worm turned !! my mum and my middle daughter are only ones who have cared really … you take care of yourself ! You need to vent in this situation so go ahead . Im sorry they cant see how much you loved their dad and theyre probably taking their anger at losing him out on you :frowning: xx


I know exactly what you are going through my partner has twin daughters from her first marriage and after she passed away they turned on me
Ann and myself were together for over 30 years her twins were in their twenties when we got together and I thought we got on really well Ann was a heavy smoker and she had COPD and long COVID for the last four years of her life she was in and out of hospital every few months the doctors kept telling her if she didn’t stop smoking she was going to die so I tried everything to get her to stop Ann went into hospital six weeks before Xmas and passed away after four days it absolutely killed me to see her suffering but I thought her daughter’s would help me with loosing her but the day after she passed away they came to my house and accused me of being a narcissist saying I was controlling her I tried to explain that all I was doing was trying to stop her from smoking but they said it was her choice
They both blamed me for her dying then they demanded that I handed over all her belongings I had to call the police to remove them from my house
I made the funeral arrangements as per Ann’s wishes but they both tried to take control of the arrangement’s and told me to stay away from the service the funeral directors got involved and they were warned about their behaviour and said that there mum would not want this to be happening
At the service it was as if I didn’t exist Ann’s friends all comforted me then two days after the funeral I received a letter from them asking for her belongings I just ignored them one thing I promised Ann was to take her fresh flowers every few weeks and place them on her resting place and I have been keeping to that promise but her one daughter keeps throwing the flowers into the bin
I never knew children from a partner’s previous life could be so disrespectful


Oh @Boo2
I’m so sorry for you

What disgusting behaviour.
I can’t believe that anyone could act in this manner.
Especially her daughters. You were together for a long time, would they have cared for their mother if she’d been on her own?
As for their behaviour in the cemetery, I can’t believe thely think thats ok. Do you think maybe a letter from your solicitor would make them back off.
In the meantime just remember the love that you and Ann shared. They cannot take away your memories.

Sendig you a huge hug. X


I would report that throwing the flowers into the bin to the crematorium ! How dare she !! Thats really not on !!! Dont let em get away with that :frowning: Xx



just to let you know that my cat is perkier today.

He has eaten and been drinking.

Fingers crossed he is on the mend :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

I want to thank all of you for your support.


Rose and one gorgeous black cat :black_cat:

Xx. Xx


Aw … thats brilliant news xx

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Isn’t it xx

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I have been treat very badly by his son,we were together 38 years never married but very happy relationship.His son never contacted me before the funeral which I had to arrange on my own ,after the funeral he came to my house demanding to see the will then rang the solicitor trying to contest it because I was the sole benefactor.He had given the son money previously telling him he was giving him it while he was alive.He didn’t get anywhere with the solicitor but it really upset me that he could be so greedy.


Thank you all for reassuring words.
When our beloved one’s children act so cruelly it does make you question things - which I hate. It even makes me doubt our relationship but purely based on the kids behaviour. Then I think of the wonderful times we had and how their nastiness is only based on jealousy .
Phew….this forum is so liberating.
Thank you everyone for truly understanding.
RoseGarden so pleased yr cat is perkier today .