
Im just the same so I do understand how hard it is. Ive been gardening today just to keep me occupied and to tire me out so I sleep. Enjoy your walk, hopefully it will clear your head x

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Will do well done on the gardening ! x

Keeping busy is all we can do, it stops us from overthinking x

Hi am having a really bad morning . My son and grandson are due at 11 and am dreading it . What I don’t understand is why my mum’s death would affect my feelings for them. It’s 9 months since she passed and all I feel is a numbness :cry: but can’t stop the tears today x

Try to stay calm, you’ll make your anxiety worse by overthinking. Grief is different for everyone theres no right or wrong way to feel. Good luck, I hope you enjoy their visit x

Hi I went for the assesment at Mind on Monday and just cried all the way through … The person I saw was nice and listened and wrote stuff down . Now I am on a waiting list for counselling … Every day i am struggling with myself . Hope u are ok ?

Hi I went to Mind for the assesment on Monday and sobbed all the way through. The lady I saw was nice and listened and wrote stuff down . I am now on a waiting list for the actual counselling every day is hell for me at 5he moment

I am so glad you went for the assesment, I would have cried too but hopefully you’ll get the counselling you need. It must have been tough but you did it so well done! Im also having a tough time, Im losing weight and my anxiety is at an all time high, its so horrible, Id do anything not to feel like this. We have to just keep trying and hope one day we feel differenly x

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I lost weight at first but am comfort eating at the moment and have put some weight back on . My anxiety is through the roof as well . Fingers crossed we both feel better soon x

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Hi Jan having a bad day already , am having my hair trimmed shortly and full of anxiety because my son gets married on 9th April and trying to work out when I will need a colour on it .
Am worrying that I,m not going to be better by then ( they get married Easter Sunday ) I get upset because I know how much I loved Shaun ( my son) and Jacob . This is really upsetting me at the moment x

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Thanks for the tips, I might try some massage oils to relax, I havent heard of the capsules but I’ll check them out. It helps knowing someone understands although I wish you didnt have to go through grief and anxiety x

Oh I am so sorry that your having such a bad day already, you’ve got yourself worked up with worry and the anxiety takes over. I can understand why you are stressing about your sons wedding, who will you be with on the day? Is there a family member or friend that will be by your side?
Deep inside the love for your son is still there its just trapped at the moment. Try to stay positive ( easier said than done ) but dont let anxiety win!
Getting your hair done might brighten you up, have a chat with the hairdresser just to take your mind off everything x

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Whereabouts do you live? Im in Warrington, Cheshire.

Hi my hairdresser knows about my depression but she did say I look better . She suffers with depression herself . . Shaun and Jacob are coming tomorrow for brunch and this will be four weeks they’ve been . Jacob been on half term this week and he’s been at football camp for most of it,he loves football and they are mad Sheffield United supporters. I am in a state of anxiety already , it never seems to go away :cry: How are you today ?

Hi you do sound a little brighter I hope going to the hairdressers helped you its good to talk to someone who knows you. I understand your anxiety though, I feel exactly the same, I wake up shaking and my heart beating fast. Stay as calm as you can and try to enjoy your sons visit today. I bet your grandson will be telling you all about his football x

My son and grandson came yesterday and it was just as before going thru the motions. My son (Shaun) told me he’s bringing
baby Lottie next week as mum is going on a hen weekend . Just don’t know how I’m going to handle it and stressing already . I can’t stop crying this morning ,…, Sorry

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No need to say sorry your upset and stressed and we all need to talk to someone. I wish I could help in some way your going through a terrible time but you have to believe in yourself. Take deep breaths when your anxiety hits and remind yourself this wont last forever. Deep inside you love your family and they love you, dont ever forget that. Where do you live? x

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I llive in Sheffield . My friend lived in Warrington during her first marriage. Today it’s very grey here and am still in my pj,s . I don’t feel like going out but staying on the house is getting me down . Have you managed to go out today ?

I know how you feel I force myself to go out, Ive been food shopping today and called at my sons for 10 mins to see my granddaughter. Its hard but if I dont do something I worry more then cant sleep at night. I get so fed up of feeling flat, I wish I could be happy but its just not in me right now x

At least you’re getting out , I went for a short walk yesterday afternoon after my son had left but today wasn’t an option . Got a bad headache as well. Can’t go 9n feeling like this …bursting into tears all the time x

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