Finally booked a medium

According to the article he came through and spoke full fluent sentences, I don’t really buy that because most other mediums have to decipher images or work out things with little bits of information. According to her he just came back and had a full on chat :rofl:

No, to be fair most of the mediums describe the afterlife as being all around us rather than up there or down there. Most of them describe it in much the same way and I’ve also seen a load say that every soul goes to the afterlife no matter how they die or what they did in life.

We’re never going to know really are we :pensive:

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Nope. Not for sure. I think that’s what you have to get comfortable with. The fact that we just don’t know.

@LostLil There is actually a chap called James Randi; he set up a prize of 1 million dollars to anyone who could prove they possessed a “Supernatural “ ability. This started in 1964 (I think) anyway, lots of people had applied and were proven to be frauds…:pensive:

I can’t imagine anyone who truly believes they have this ability and not try this out? They could take the prize money and donate to charity!

I’m like you and try to find something that will reassure me? I did visit an amazing Medium here and to be honest, he told me things that no one else would know but, that feeling; its just nonsense has taken a hold!

Fingers crossed your reading goes well! Please do let me know…

Big hugs

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I’ve just looked into this but apparently it got terminated in 2015.

How would they tell you things only you would know?

I get it, it is hard to believe but I’ve spoke to a lot of people who told me they were skeptical before going to see one and many have sworn seeing a medium has changed their lives.

I’m definitely not saying I believe in it all though as I am to very skeptical about the all thing, but I plan on seeing a medium soon and hope that I don’t doubt them telling me things only I would know as I think this is what I’d need as proof. But no good if I’m going to doubt it.

I keep putting it off seeing one cause I’m scared of being disappointed but I don’t want to think that my mum doesn’t exist anymore cause it hurts so much x

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Hi everybody, yeah im too scared to go to a medium in case my daughter doesnt come and speak to me . Im with you Jess ,i would feel worse .its kinda the unknown that keeos me going ,otherwise whats the point if theres nothing after life here. Has anyone seen the film “21GRAMS” ? :heart:

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Yes, but I have always thought if we had a soul it would be weightless?

I know I’m scared but I know my curiosity will win eventually and I’ll end up seeing one.

I have been to the spiritulist church twice since losing my mum and my heart broke both times cause I never got ‘chosen’ for a reading.

I did listen into other readings but the first time I went the medium who was on I wasn’t convinced at all but the second time with another medium it did make me think.

No, what’s it about?

I’ve heard of the experiment of weighing the “soul” after death so I’m assuming it’s about that?
I did read that some people weighed 21g less and others nothing at all less so the whole experiment was very unreliable really.

I’d love to think we have a soul I truly would but I can’t help but feel it’s just wishful thinking because we can’t bare the thought of our loved ones being gone forever :broken_heart:

I’ve never been in a situation where I can’t get my head around a death before despite losing my mam and other close family members. The loss of my partner has turned my world inside out and upside down and I just can’t come to grips with it :broken_heart::sob:

Never have I believed in or been interested in the afterlife up till now.

I just can’t for the life of me accept that the love and feelings we have for our loved ones just stops in the end, what would be the point of even being here if everything we are and everything we make of ourselves just vanishes!

Scientists can’t even work out what happens after death and can’t tell us where this random ball of gas came from that created the world, you can’t even imagine what nothing is cause nothing has to be something and you can’t turn something into nothing lol completely mind boggling

Yeah that is what its about and yeah there are conflicting evidence about it . My daughter didnt believe in a conventional “heaven” but believed our spirit goes on to be something or someone else . Some people say that childre are very open to ideas and that when they talk to an imaginary friend thats its an actual person but we lose that ability an openess when we get older . Im not sure what i believe :roll_eyes:

I wonder how many of these mediums would pass lie detector tests? It would be interesting to see how many would even be willing to have one.


But what if these people genuinely believe they have this so called power lol it wouldn’t set off the lie detector then :joy: Lil can you imagine if we hung out at a bar or something our conversations would go on forever more with us feeding off each other if that makes sense we always have an answer for everything, the mediums who we see have their work cut out for sure :joy:

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None of them probably :rofl:do you think they believe in themselves or are they scamming everyone ? It makes me sick to think people would take advantage of someone in absolute desoair

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You know guys most of my childhood and younger years I always believed that they were something, I honestly don’t know what happened over the years to lose my faith like that, probably cause I’ve had a lot to deal with over the years and I’ve thought there’s no one looking out for me in the spirit world so it must not be true. But since losing my Mum I want to believe with all my heart that I’ll see her again x

@Glesgalass I have seen mediums asking people not to give too much away and they prefer to work things out themselves, this is the type of medium I’d prefer to see one that doesn’t need to ask many questions makes it more real then x

I believed in something right up until my daughter dued and now i believe in absolutely nothing but i guess that could be just grief. Its good to believe because otherwise whats the point in all this suffering? :heart:

I’m sure there are mediums out there who genuinely believe because I really, really hope there are legitimate ones out there but some of them definitely are taking advantage of grieving people.

I guess there can only be legitimate mediums if the afterlife actually exists and at the minute there’s no proof that it does. I’m sure there’s been countless experiments to prove it exists over the years though.
I just hope one day we find out before we go stir crazy, ah might be a little late for that with me :rofl:
Oh god, yes I can imagine me and you drunk at a bar going on and on about it all :rofl: We’d still leave confused as hell though :rofl:

Yeah me too but i dont trust many people ,theres ways to find stuff on social media about you and i watched something on morning tv and there was a guy who used to be a medium and then came out and said it was all a hoax and wat talking about how he did it . Im sure it was with Phil and Holly :heart:

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We may not solve anything between us or come up with any definate answers but its definitely therapeutic. Its taken me away fromstaring at the TV :rofl:

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I’ve heard about them bringing up memories that hasn’t been posted anywhere, my fb profile is on the highest privacy setting and I don’t post my life all over it. I’m tempted to get a different sim and contact a medium that way with a false name could be a way to figure out whether it’s real or not lol

Thats genius idea :+1:yeah i have FB but i never post and i dont have any of my friends on it . I just cant look at happy posts just now . I know that sounds terrible and i dont want to be mean​:heart:

Some are absolutely taking advantage, usually the ones who do the whole genetic I have a young male here, he had chest issues in life blah blah then they just wait for said soul to be claimed and lets be honest, most of us know someone who would fit that bill lol.

I’d like to believe the really specific ones are for real though and if they are then they are worth every single penny. I paid £750 for my reading and I’m praying she’s good.

It wouldn’t actually take too much to make me believe because I know for a fact there’s nothing she can know about me or my OH that she could have found online or through my Facebook because my Facebook is private and I don’t share anything on there anyway. I mainly use it for messenger so just a couple of specific things would actually do it for me.

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