Hello everyone, my passed away this January at home, it was so unexpected. We thought she had a virus as she was not eating well and vomiting. She died of a heart attack, I found her with head tilted back on a chair in the kitchen.
I have this problem that is eating away at me, I feel few of my long term friends whom I’ve know for over 20 years, haven’t come to see me after my mum passes away. One of them does live in Manchester and has a family, she has told me before it is too far away for her to come and visit. She is not the type of person to jump on a train or a coach. She has a partner who could drive her to see me, but I think things are a bit awkward with him. Previously I had cancer and she never came to see me until 3 years after I got better. My brother says he would have dumped that friend. The day my mum died I called her, and told her my mum had passed away and I was waiting for the ambulance to come. After that day she did not attempt to call me. I called her a 1-2 weeks later, she claimed she couldn’t get through to mobile phone and had called my land line. In one phone conversation she said we will meet one day, but she is not making any arrangements. We have known each other for over 40 years why can’t she just make an effort to come and see me. My 80 year old who is incontinent came to my house to see me. Putting on a nappy, and coming to my house with a walking stick.
My other friend who I told about my mum passing said I could call anytime. Many months passed since I told her about my mum passing away. I texted her to see how she is. She said she had been thinking about me and one day I should come to her house for lunch. I have tried to arrange with her 2 times for us to meet up, but one time she said she forgot and another time she said she had been invited away somewhere and would rearrange to meet up with me another time. This friend has been coming to my house for 15 years, and my mum always cooks something for her. She has never invited me to her house for anything to eat and her mother has never invited me to her house for anything to eat. This friend is in a new relationship and has moved in with this new partner, this is the reason, she can’t be bothered with me.
I have an aunt also in Manchester who has not come to see me since my mums funeral. She has been to see her daughter in London 3 times this year, her husband drives her there and picks her up. She claims my uncle finds it more difficult to drive as he is getting older. My aunt has tried to be supportive by calling me once a month, however I feel disappointed she hasn’t come to see me.
I don’t know what has happened to me recently, I was feeling not so bad before, but these thoughts keep going round and round in my mind. I feel like I am making myself sick.
I am trying to find things online about other peoples experiences with friends and if they have been supportive. I have read some articles where friendships and family relationships have broken down.
I am feeling isolated, I go to work and hardly talk to anyone there. I used to live with my mum and now I live alone, in the house I grew up in. Sometimes I talk to my brother or my cousin in the evening. Sometimes I feel like I am counting down the days till I pass away.