Grandparent loss

I lost one of my grandparents in August then 43 days later my other grandparent also passed. I was extremely close to both - they were a second set of parents to me. This is the first / second major loss I’ve ever felt in my life. The pain I feel daily is unbearable. Sometimes I don’t want to be here myself but then feel guilty for feeling like that as it would destroy my kids and mum. I know everyone says it gets easier with time but the more time that passes the more it hurts …

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Hello @Broken23,

I can see you’re new to the community. Thank you for bravely starting this thread. I hope you find the community to be a support to you, but I’m sorry for the loss of your grandparents that brings you here.

You are not alone. Sadly, many of our members have experienced the loss of their grandparents and will understand some of what you’re going through. You might want to connect with @A-D, who posted this thread recently: Losing my Grandad

You may find these Sue Ryder resources helpful, too.

Take good care and keep reaching out,

Hi there thanks for sharing your story
Somebody tagged your name in my post and I can see our stories are similar.
I lost 2 grandparents in a short amount of time too, and I’m stuck in the mindset that time doesn’t make anything better - time just creates more memories and experiences that I want to do with my grandparents.
I really hope you’re ok, I’m new to this platform so I’m unsure if you can message directly but I am here and I hear you 1000%. I too feel that I don’t want to live without them sometimes, but we know that’s not what they would want.
If you would like to chat I’m completely open about this and again, I’m so sorry that this has happened I really do feel for you. X

Hello @Broken23 I can partially relate as I lost my grandmother 6 weeks ago. I was her full time carer as she had alzheimers amongst other health conditions. I feel so lost and don’t know what to do with myself most days. I have my parents with me but it doesn’t stop me missing gran so much and it feels like I don’t know what’s what. My last 13 years revolved around being her carer and learning about alzheimers and how I can help her at home, what I can do to help her, how to advocate for her and all sorts that now I am lost. I feel so numb. If you want to reach out please do. Thank you :pray:t5: