Grief is so exhausting

My first counselling session was last Tuesday also and I have 5 more sessions. Sobbed all the way through. Really hoping they are going to help.

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I’m hoping mine help too as I still can’t accept she’s gone keep thinking I’m going to wake up from this nightmare and it was a dream, I need to call it a night now as I’m getting myself upset before bedtime and it’s making me feel a bit anxious need to calm myself down x

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So I woke about 2.30 and I’m wide awake so I’ve done all the dishes and ironed the school uniforms ready, done my eldest her pasta for lunch, couldn’t do it earlier as I’d got my self upset and I just shut my eyes and went to sleep now I’m lying here wide awake so I’ll watch a film and might just end up dropping of again fingers crossed.

Can you rest once your girls have gone to school?

Are you going to get an appointment with your GP?

I hope that you have a restful day. X

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I dropped off and woke to my alarm at 6.00, I’m going to phone doctors when it opens at 8 feel a bit rough this morning don’t know what happened last night got myself a bit worked up when I had the flash back, near had a panic attack, it’s been couple of weeks since my last one I managed to breathe my way through it, thought I was making some progress but think I’ve underestimated myself and it’s finally hitting me that she’s actually gone.

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I am sorry, that sounds so awful. I hope you have been able to get a Dr’s appointment.

Be kind to yourself today. Don’t do too much. Let your body and mind rest.

I am beyond exhausted and can barely string a sentence together. People at work are asking if I am ok.

How do I say I am still grieving.



That is such a good illustration.

I am struggling today, trying not to cry. My head is seriously foggy. I am beyond exhausted.

I know I am not as suffocated by the grief, but I am still grieving. Sat on my own in my office. I just have to get on with it at work as I worry they won’t think I am up to doing my job.

Couldn’t get through constantly engaged. I think just let others know how your feeling, I know it will be hard saying it but think they need to know if you know them well enough if they ask you are you ok just say no not really, xx going to have an hour see if my head feels any better will chat later hope you get through today xx

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You could try dr’s again later to see if you can get an appointment another day or do they have an online form?

Speak later

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You have to phone up on the day then they triage you, will try again later xx

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Oh peeps, I’m so fed up. Over the past 2 months I’ve been back and forth, trying to do what’s needed for probate. Co-Op lawyers told me the wrong thing. Various others told me the wrong thing. I hate having to deal with this. It’s really stressing me out and getting me down.

Oh no, that’s really not helpful. Can you speak to citizens advice to see what you do need to do? I don’t know what you need to do, sorry.

You need things to be easy when you are going through this.

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Thank you Becca :blush:

No appointments at doctors they said phone back tomorrow have my 2nd counselling session tomorrow not feeling very well too be honest felt really exhausted today it’s been exactly 3 months today since I lost my mum and I’ve sobbed all morning even in the shower tomorrows session is going to be tough but right now I just want to sleep.

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Just sleep when you can. Try again tomorrow to get a GP appointment. Tell your counsellor that you are trying to get an appointment.

Grief is the most exhausting hing mentally and physically.


Oh I’ve felt like crap today now my head hurts and I have pains in my abdomen. I upped my meds so wondering if it’s a side effect x

Could be, hopefully you can rest and sleep well tonight.

I am so tired. We have a mock Ofsted at work tomorrow and they have changed the time of my meeting. Which I can’t do as I am taking my dad to the Dr’s. Which they know. If they change it it messes up my whole day as I have it planned around when I thought the meeting was.

I mean I would rather be at home instead of work anyway. But I have to keep going.


Iv just sat down so hopefully that’s me for the night now x

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I am sat filling in a form, have been doing it for a couple of hours. Blooming hard.

Basically it is my referral to get my autism diagnosis, I know at 48 I need this. My daughter has autism, I see so much of myself in her.

Struggling today. Feeling a bit lost.