Grief is so exhausting

Sorry about your friend cancelling have you rearranged your cake looks lovely bet it tastes nice too try and relax and when you get home from school rest up if you can. I didn’t get much sleep after my daughter woke me at 11.30 last night banging around so that was me awake then x

She wanted to meet on Friday evening, but I am going out.

I have to dip something over to her before Wednesday so may see her briefly.

We were supposed to meet last Saturday, but I messed up and we had to cancel.

I am so tired. My son was banging around last night too. I keep having weird dreams.

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I’ve just woken up went back to sleep when kids left for school at 8 so just waking up and I’ll go get ready and go my dad’s he’s been by himself most of the weekend not that he’s bothered but I feel guilty as normally able to have a coffee with him and I just havnt had the time too hope your day goes ok and your cake goes down well x

You must have needed that. I hope it has helped.

I wish I could spend more time with my dad, but I am too exhausted when I have finished work.

Breaktime now, then a few kids to see. But teachers make my job so hard. It’s frustrating.

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Let’s hope your afternoon goes quickly I’m off to my dad’s got a message from my sister to say she’s coming down, havnt spoken to her for nearly 3 weeks don’t really have anything to say to hear because when I see her just brings back the incident at the hospital and I can feel the anger inside which is horrible as it shouldn’t be like that but since mum I just don’t have that connection with her anymore and it’s sad really but my sister did that to us an maybe in the future we might become close again but mum’s death tore our family apart x


It’s sad that this has happened with your sister. You would like to hope that death brings people together. But it can have the opposite affect.

Try to not get too angry as that will make you exhausted. I hope it goes ok for you.

I know what you mean, it doesn’t feel real and it’s so hard to understand that it happened and how someone can be gone, just like that. :cry:

Ok. Good that you aren’t all alone in the afternoon, at least. You’re doing well being back to work, but it does sound like it’s too much for you and that worries me. :heart:

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It must have been heartbreaking to read all that, so sorry. :broken_heart::heart:

And how could they even make that kind of mistake? :angry: What a nightmare for you to get that call and then oops we had it wrong. You should complain, if you have the energy for it.

I just have to do what I can with work. I have to be back to my full hours. I wasn’t for the last term and they weren’t understanding. I should have been off completely but they didn’t care.

I am hoping that I hear about my proposal soon so I can alter my job role a bit.

I am just so tired, not sleeping and having weird dreams :disappointed:

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We are going through all her medical records with a view to filing a complaint. I just want to get everything in order. I have times when I can look at the notes and then times when I can’t.

Just in a real low at the moment. When I saw my GP a couple of weeks ago I felt in control and was feeling more positive. Now this new reality is just hitting hard. I want to get an appointment this week, but there isn’t anything he can do. I just have to work through these feelings.

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Fingers crossed they’ll accept your proposal. :crossed_fingers:

I know, I’m not sleeping well either and haven’t found a way to solve that problem. :heart:

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How’s everyone doing, so I’ve had a really weird few days since I started a new medication on Friday, Saturday didn’t go too well wanted to pack my bag and go I just wanted to be on my own, Sunday and Monday just numb, just don’t feel anything like nothing inside of me havnt been able to eat or sleep, was so exhausted this morning goes to my counselling session was ok for about 1/2 an hour didn’t feel anything just emptiness then wham something hit me and I just sobbed my heart out it’s just all so exhausting and raw, then to top it all a memory just popped up on my phone of my mum 3 years ago ringing the bell at clatterbridge hosp when she finished her radiotherapy x why does life have to be so cruel


Raw is the best way to describe it. But you are doing well with your counselling and letting the emotion out. I hope that you have managed to rest today.

I am exhausted. Want to phone up to get GP appointment today but bottled it as I don’t want to be a nuisance and waste their time. What can anyone do. Work was so full
On. I just seem to be having back to back meetings all the time. Just can’t be bothered with anything.

But my husband took me out tonight for a meal. I was already on my pj’s!

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Yeah really really exhausted today like I’m going down and I’m just going to fall flat been on autopilot for last 6 months and it’s been full on now I just don’t have the energy, session was full on but got a lot out what I was feeling So feeling really sick now I’m going to shut my eyes and try switch off for the night x make the appointment Becca you need to speak to your doctor again they are there to talk too x

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Sleep well. Counselling is very draining, rest up. I will call my GP. Just need to talk to him about stuff.

Be kind to yourself tomorrow .

I’m curious, Becca, do you actually get to see a GP? Where I live, it’s nurses, pharmacists or clinical practitioners. GPs are as rare as rocking horse poop, even for people aged 75 like my dad :disappointed:.

Yes, my GP surgery is excellent and I see the same GP that I have seen for the last 51/2 years. The GP surgery my mom
Was at was appalling and she never got to see the same GP which was part of the issue. Not continuity. I know we are fortunate to have a good GP practise, it is possibly because we are in a village and not a big town or city.

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I feel exactly the same, this is 8 months after loosing my dad unexpectedly to cancer, he never even got the chance to start chemo which now we are blessed because he would of hated it and I know watching him go through that, my dad wouldn’t of wanted us to see him like that and that would of killed my mum. It’s completely exhausting, trying to get on with life that will never be normal again.
And you’re right, I can’t remember what I was like before he was gone. Now I panic about my own health, it’s scary.

So sorry for your loss @Annie2023. It is hard to navigate through everyday.

I struggle a lot. I still can’t believe this is my new reality :smiling_face_with_tear::broken_heart:

Ours is a market town, which is expanding at an unsustainable rate. New houses are being built everywhere and there are still only 2 GP surgeries. I hate what’s happened to this country.