Grief is so exhausting

I feel sad that we have all connected on here because we have lost someone we love very much. But also grateful that we can talk about how we feel.

All I know is I am changed forever :broken_heart::cry:


I’m with you there Becca I literally don’t know who I am meant to be anymore I look back now and wish I could turn back time, I can’t remember when the last time was that I actually laughed at something my patience is wafer thin everything annoys me now because I just can’t be bothered I just feel empty inside I’m not whole a part of me is missing x


I was thinking the same, earlier. That when I talk to my line manager about returning to work I’ll likely tell her that I’m forever changed. I was comfortable, sheltered and lucky, before this.


Nothing is ever going to fill the void that my mom has left.

I feel very heavy with it all today

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We are in this club that we don’t want to be part of. You can only understand the grief if you have experienced it.


Hi Becca. I don’t have any great words of wisdom as its been about 8 months since I lost my dad and I’m sitting here typing this response crying my head off. All I know is its very hard. I feel lonely and I am having physical symptoms like continous heart palpitations and am unsure if its related to the stress of grief ( I am having things checked out). I don’t know what to do with myself.


Hi @Scully1 i am so sorry to hear about your loss. It is so hard. Grief has many physical and mental symptoms. I am glad you are getting checked out. We’re here to help and support each other. We don’t always have wise words, but we know how difficult this journey is. :heart:



That struck a chord with me today as I got the moving on-speech from someone this morning, because apparently I otherwise risk ending up with pathological grief. :face_with_raised_eyebrow::angry:


Hi. I’m sorry for your loss. I too miss my dad so much I don’t know what to do with myself. I have weird physical symptoms, I think that’s part of the stress, as you say, but it’s good to check it out to be sure. Sending hugs. :heart:

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How can someone put a time limit on a persons grief everyone is different, it takes as long as it takes xx

That’s awful, no one should tell you to ‘move on’ with your grief. You grieve however long you want and how you want.

We are all different. Sending love :heart:


I would have told them where to stick it. How dear someone tell you how long you can grief for your wonderful dad.

People really are insensative.


I think its because they have never lost someone so close to them. They have never had the experience. My husband’s daughter was stillborn 25 years ago and when I met him 10 years ago he was still very much grieving her. I’ve noticed his grief seems to have lessened the past few years ( this is just my opinion from me observing my husband each year close to her month of death), so he was/ is grieving a long time😔. He told me once last summer after my father passed thats he’s been grieving for his daughter for that long, whom he only met for a matter of minutes and for all the dreams and possibilities he had for her, while he said I’m greiving for the 50 years of memories with my dad. His statement really stuck with me and he’s right. But if you have never lost a parent, child, sibling , anyone close, well then you have no right to say how long you should or shouldnt grieve . And being there when my father passed…well i would not have wanted it any other way but that image has stayed with me and has played over in my mind a million times. I think it does get better but its on each individuals timeline.


Whaaat how can people say these things, like you have a choice about how youre feeling right now? How do people honestly think youre going to respond when they say things like that - do they think you’ll say “oh thanks for pointing that out, i better pull my socks up and get over it then!” and suddenly stop feeling this way?




We might look ‘normal’ but behind the smiles or the getting up and going to work is deep heartache.


I know, right? People are weird. :exploding_head:


It’s so true, we put a brave face on as sometimes it’s easier than having to explain all the time how your feeling x

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