Grief is so exhausting

Im just waiting for a date for the counselling Lisa, i think thats why my subconscious is screaming “i need help NOW!” The support group im going to is very limited in that youve got multiple people all trying to get stuff off their chest , and when im in pain i find it hard to speak up. So often im going away still carrying what i needed to offload.


My friend has been over helping me to go through my mom’s medical notes. She has advised me to speak to a solicitor as there is so much to go through and need to know what my complaint is. There are just so many discrepancies in the notes and actual lies! It said that she gets out of bed to sit in the chair when visitors come. That is an out and out lie. She couldn’t get out of bed as she kept passing out.

I am just so angry at what happened and why didn’t they see she was dying? My mom should be here. I can believe this happened.


Let me know how you get on, Becca. The first firm I approached didn’t get back to me, but I’ll persevere. Feel free to message directly.

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I just have to talk to my dad and brother. But I really need to do this to get closure.

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You will feel the benefit of one to one it’s more personal to you xx

They lied to me at the hospital a couple of times. How is that even a thing?! Hospital personnel lying? It makes me seethe with anger, for both of us. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

It sounds good to talk to a solicitor. Sending you strength and hugs. :heart::purple_heart:


@ulma same to you. It’s just so maddening. They said that she sits out in the chair when visitors come. She couldn’t get out of bed ever as her blood pressure kept dropping. That’s just one thing. I feel so angry that my mom wasn’t treated with dignity in her final days.

I just keep seeing her in my head on the day she died, it feels like it was yesterday.


I’m the same Becca I relive the same thing every day it’s just engraved in my head for ever x

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That’s one of the things that plagues me the most. The loss of dignity and how my dad (and your mum) was worth so much better than that. Deserved so much better than that. I don’t think I’ll ever stop hating them for that. :rage:

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It will never bring my mom back. But I want the NHS to know they failed and the impact it has had on us. We are reliving the trauma everyday. I had times where I thought I might have to give up work because I was letting them down.

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I think I am just going to be forever sad :pensive:


I think PART of us will be forever sad, because no one can ever replace our parents. But hopefullly other parts of us will learn to smile again and find some peace at least - im not going to say joy/happiness because its a stretch too far for my imagination right now. :heart:


Ps i appreciate for those who’ve seen their loved one badly treated the thought of finding peace must feel a LONG way off. But its what i wish for all of us and im sure our loved ones would want it for us too - theyd hate to see us in such pain :heart:


From “Loss” - Donna Ashworth

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I love that I’ll bookmark it. Thank you :heart:

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She has a great book of poems “wild hope” which is aimed at " healing words to find light on dark days". A friend bought for me shortly after my mum passed and actually its one of the most thoughtful gestures.

Thank you I’ll look for that, what a good friend that is :heart:

It’s been almost 6 months since my mom died. The grief feels so heavy at the moment. I am relieving it all as though it were only yesterday.

I am pretty much on my own today as my husband and son are out all day. My daughter is at home, but she keeps herself to herself. I have to go and help with our church meal later. Not in the mood really. It maybe it will do me good.

I hope you feel a little easier soon, sending you love you hugs :people_hugging: :heart:

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Hiya I’ve just downloaded “Wild Hope” for audio after listening to a sample, I think it’s going to be a good companion, thanks so much for the recommendation, any thing that that gives me just a bit of peace is so needed. Thanks again and hope you are well today :heart: