Grief is so exhausting

That’s Meg’s bed that the cat’s have taken over xx



Bonnie :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Ooh what a bonnie cat :heart_eyes:

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Bonnie has definitely claimed that bed and woe betide anyone that tries to move her!

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Yeah awake again couldn’t get back to sleep x

I am so tired today. Couldn’t sleep last night. Done have the patience for work.

We’re looking after my brothers dog for 3 weeks :heart:


I dont have any fur babies so this is the nearest i could get - ive suddenly started knitting to distract me when im upset and made this chap.


You made that? Amazing work! :+1::sparkling_heart:

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That’s amazing :star_struck:

Being creative has always been my therapy. But it was something me and my mom did together. I find it so hard now to get inspired, it makes me sad.

I did make this card last week…


That’s amazing I can’t knit my mum tried to teach my growing up but she used to laugh cos I knit back to front, used to love cooking before life got hectic, used to bake all the kids birthday cakes havnt done that last 2 years, used to make all the kids art projects when they where at primary school miss those days now they are at seniors x

We have some talented people in this thread :heart_eyes:. Well done!


Beautiful! I hope you’ll be able to get back to it, but of course it’s emotionally difficult when you did it with your mum. I can’t do stuff I did with dad either now. :heart:

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Some of the school projects


Some of the cakes


How creative you are too! Wonderful, both the projects and the cakes. Thanks for sharing. :two_hearts:

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They look amazing!

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:star_struck: Astounding!

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Thanks everyone used to love doing them havnt had the patience since COVID happened x


Hi Everyone, how are you today?

I just feel so depressed. I am just bumbling through life now. I just can’t get my head around everything that happened. It’s been nearly 6 months since my mom passed away. I can’t imagine the rest of my life without my mom.

I am off out for lunch with my son’s girlfriend. Some Japanese meal voucher I had for my Birthday. I am on a train on my own right now and that is a huge thing for me.

I find I just don’t want to be anywhere right now as it all reminds me of my mom.