Grief is so exhausting

Sending huge hugs to you all. :heart::heart::heart:


I am so tired this morning? I have such a busy day at work. Really don’t want to do this .

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I’ve woken up with a headache from hell must be all the stress I’m putting myself under. Really don’t want to move today but my dad has a doctor’s appointment, hope you don’t get too stressed at work x

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I hope you feel better soon.

I just feel so sad, so low that u could just walk away from everything and everyone.

My head feels so chaotic. When will this torture end? Work is hard this morning as I just sit in my own in my office. This afternoon I work in an office with other people. So there’s company.


See I’m the opposite at the moment I can’t be bothered with other people at the moment I just want to be by myself maybe it’s because my house is so hectic with him and the kids that I just want to lock myself away from everyone feel like putting a lock on my mum’s bedroom and just locking myself in there.x

Morning :yellow_heart:.

I logged on at 08:00 for my first half-day back in work. I work remotely. My 2 favourite work pals have/had (1 is on annual leave) sent me lovely kind messages that have made me cry. My work pals are all so kind. All I wish is that they didn’t need to be, because my heart was still whole, because the number 1 man in my life (past, present and future) was still physically here.

I don’t have to see anyone on video until 10:30, which gives me time to straighten myself up.


I lost my sister and grief is so exhausting… I too think how am I going to function again?! I guess we learn to but in a different way. Then you have to go to work and try to focus and I just have no enthusiasm for it…


So sorry for your loss I guess you have come to the right place we are all in the same position having lost someone, grief is so exhausting physically and mentally, I lost my mum 4 months ago and it’s been so tough I haven’t gone back to work yet as I havnt been able to function without her, I’m hoping to go back on a phased return soon.


Same, work is too noisy and its quiet so im not kept busy either!

I had a week of then went back in last week doing half days. I haven’t gone in today im exhausted. So i might have this week off. Struggling to know what to do for the best right now :sleepy:


Why do people say stay strong? If you want to fall apart maybe we should. Allow our emotions out so we can heal x


I am so sorry to hear about your sister. Sending you lots of love.

Were all here to support you. It’s been such a help to me just having people to listen who understand. :heart:

I totally agree. You don’t have to be strong, allow yourself to be how you want to be. I find I am more exhausted as I try and second guess how people think I should be.

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I went back after week after my mom died on reduced hours. On reflection it was not the right thing to do. Take the time you need. You can talk to your GP about being signed off if you need it.

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Hoping one day this might be how I feel about myself


I so agree I’ve saved this, hopefully it’ll give me the strength I need xxx

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Hi Becca hope your having an ok today. Im going to the doctors later, it’s the first face to face appointment I’ve had, the others have been on the phone, as I’m writing this my stomach is churning and I feel so shakey. Everything is so exhausting
Take care :heart:


Be honest and say what your feeling and if you need help don’t be afraid to ask them for it xx

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Thanks you’re absolutely right there’s no point understating how we really feel
Sending you a hug :hugs: xx

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Hi @Pixiecat i know how anxious you must feel. They are there to help you. You could write everything down to take with you and give it to your GP to read. I have done that before. Then they will take it from there to ask you the write questions.

Take care :heart: