Grief is so exhausting

I’m that stressed out I’m having second thoughts about doing the phased return if I’m going to bring home less I may as well just go back when my note runs out.


Hi @Lisa_L51
When does your sick note run out? If you find out for definite that you’re going to lose money, you might as well wait until the end of your sick note
Good luck sorting it, take you’re time deciding xx

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Hi Lisa - i believe you should get SSP as a minimum unless your employer has a policy which states you should get more than this. You might want to refer them to this section of the ACAS website Phased returns - Returning to work after absence - Acas. Im assuming in order to qualify for SSP still youd need to have a fresh drs note stating you should be on a phased return. I dont think legally they could pay SSP without this?


All I want to do is sleep today. Went back to bed this afternoon. I know u have stuff to be grateful for and thankful. But I just can’t see beyond the cloud hanging over me.

I had a nap this afternoon because I was awake until 01:30 recounting with my ex-boyfriend the trauma of dad’s days in ICU and the constant battle against my horrible selfish sister. I wish she didn’t have to have been there. She was a month late with dad’s birthday present, and had been a horrible daughter to mum and dad.

Sleep is good for you, especially as these thoughts and feelings are so draining. Just stick to the necessary: keep yourself healthy and well, and get plenty of exercise. I had a 2-mile walk around a lake today, and a longer walk through some woods yesterday.

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I have been walking everyday as I am raising money for charity: I need to move sand prepare tea & we’re out tonight.

My head is in a dark place

My note does say phased return but apparently if I go back I’m not on sick leave so she said I wouldn’t get SSP if I went back for the 2 half days but if I went back for 1 full day I would it just doesn’t make sense had a headache since yesterday morning trying to sort this out, just wish my mum was here and I wasn’t going through all this just wish I could turn back time if only wishes came true xx

That doesn’t make sense. Going back for a full day would be a lot. I am not sure what to say. Things work a bit differently in education.

I hope you can get some rest before you go back

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That might be due to SSP rules - i suspect you can only pay whole days SSP, not half days. Ive got a friend who works in payroll - let me check with her :heart:

Not heard back from my friend yet but heres an extract from the government guidance on SSP and phased returns

Statutory Sick Pay: employee fitness to work - GOV.UK.

Note it says pay SSP for "any day the employee is sick ". I looked at the SSP rules and even if someone worked for a minute and then went home sick, they couldnt get SSP that day. So i think they are correct in that they cant pay you SSP for any day you have worked any hours, but if you renegotiated your phased return to have whole days off, they could.

Of course the above covers legal minimums and what can/cant be done in regards to SSP. There is nothing to stop a good employer using their discretion and paying you the financial EQUIVALENT of half day SSP for any day you partially work. Technically it wouldnt be SSP so theyre not breaking rules, it would be just classed as reduced pay. I’ll leave it to you to decide whether its worth suggesting this or not!

Ill let you know once i hear back from my friend.


Gosh Ally6
You are a wonderful person to have in this group advising people with your knowledge. Well done and thank you for helping others.
Deborah x


Hear hear :+1:t2:


Glad to be of help - i worked in HR for over 20 years before caring for mum - im a bit rusty but hopefully know the right places to look! :smiling_face:


You are worth your weight in gold as the saying goes. Am retired now so don’t need it myself but how lovely is it to have a network of people in here with wonderful skills. Worrying about things like employment issues on top of grief can make a person so ill and to get a little bit of knowledge before meetings etc and the right way to handle things can only be a good thing.
Love to all
Deborah x


You are all a wonderful bunch of people. I am grateful we can support each other xx


Thanks @Ally6 for your advice I had told them all that but they said I’m not entitled so it’s up to me if I go back or not so I’ll see how I feel on Monday and if it becomes too much then I won’t go in but thanks so much as I phoned ACAS, HMRC emailed HR and spoke to payroll, payroll said I was and HMRC and HR said I wasn’t so give up x

I’m grateful that I can come on her when I feel I’m getting a bit anxious I’ve been great this past week but I don’t need the thought of work or money setting my progress back which it’s felt like past 2 days the pressure in my head has made me feel sick x

My head is in such a bad place. I feel this sadness so deeply and my sad sadness too. I don’t know what to do.

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Sorry, Becca. It’s like a huge stone on our shoulders every day, weighing us down, and it really is exhausting. The solution escapes me too. :pensive::people_hugging:

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