Hiya well it went OK I suppose, before I set off I could feel a wave coming and I had a good cry. I slipped into my job easier than I thought and didn’t get upset. I finished at 2pm and thought I’d feel the benefit of finishing early, but instead I had another good cry, couldn’t get motivated to take my dog out and thought I could of gone to mam’s for the afternoon if she was still here.
I just feel like an empty shell.
Having said all that it’s still only 3 months and one thing I’ve learned about grief is that if you don’t get over it fairly quickly (like my family) then its going to there for a long time.
Also if I can keep it together at work I’ll be ok, but its not the same as before. Sorry that all sounds a bit miserable but I’ve no enthusiasm
Hope everyone else has had a better day xx
Well done, you have got over a big hurdle you should be proud of yourself. Crying is ok, you have so many emotions swirling around. Rest up tonight
Well done for going you should be proud you’ve taken the first step, I was also at work today till 1pm near had a moment when a patient said where had I been she hadn’t seen for for ages I held it together and told her she patted the back of my hand and told me how sorry she was, I had a lump in my throat but held back the tears, I’ve got a councilling session tomorrow then another next week then think we are winding them down as she feels I’m in a great place now to when I first started I’m going to ask if I’m able to do one a month if I paid even as I don’t want to go back to that place I was before x
Thanks I feel better for a nap and something to eat, I think I thought that going back to work would solve everything and when it didn’t I just felt so flat. You’re right though it was a massive hurdle and I’m glad I’ve done it
Thanks xx
Me and my husband are away at the moment. Which is lovely and much needed.
I have been feeling sad this evening. We’re at a Warner hotel, so no kids here! But all I see are couples about my parents age. My mom & dad loved going to a Warner hotel. It makes me sad that they haven’t been able to carry on growing old together.
I am having to hold my emotions in.
So my counselling will be finishing on the 16th of April So I have a session next week then miss a week and then last session, my counsellor has decided that I’m strong enough for her to wind them down and carry on my journey at home and in a way I agree I asked was I able to reduce the sessions to once a month but she said it’s not possible as she works for an agency and it’s not up to her it’s not something they do it wasn’t really meant to be a long term thing for me I am a bit sad they are ending as my counsellor has been amazing she’s got me through the worst part,
@Lisa_L51 it’s hard that it has to end. You have come along way and I am so glad that it has helped you. We are all still here for you & your GP is there for support too.
I feel the same, had my last counselling session today, will miss speaking to her.
Hopefully you’ll have some happy times on your holiday. You’ll benefit from a break even if you don’t feel it now, it must do you good
Just try to relax and breathe
I know. I think I am just so mentally exhausted I could sleep
For England! At least it isn’t raining.
That’s the first thing that sprung into my head that I still have you here and I can allways be referred back if it becomes too much again xx
I just don’t feel great this morning been up up all night with a headache from hell and stomach pains really don’t need this today, I’m wondering if it has something to do with dropping back down to 1 anxiety tablets instead of the 2 I’ve been taking just don’t feel well at all and have to take my dad to his appointment at 11 think when I get back to his I’m going to climb into my mum’s bed and sleep it off hopefully I’ll be well enough to take the kids to a music concert tomorrow at the uni. X
Take care of yourself, changing dosage of a tablet can make you feel rubbish. Rest when you can, drink plenty.
Sounds like a plan, have a rest when you can, hope you feel better soon
From 2 to 1 just like that? Heavens, every time I’ve changed dosage I get loads of strange symptoms, so I’ve only ever done it gradually, say from 2 to 1 3/4 for a while, then 1 1/2 and so forth. So yes, it can definitely be the dropping back down. Take care of yourself and hopefully it will ease after some time.
Hi everyone so I don’t think it has anything to do with the tablets think the symptoms are a water infection so I’m taking myself to the walk in clinic today to see if I need antibiotics, I’ve been in the wars I’ve also broken my toe so yesterday wasn’t a great day for me when I got back from dad’s appointment I just climbed into my mum’s bed and went to sleep I could of stayed there all day got up and as I was opening the door kicked the corner of it so my toe is now swollen and purple and I feel like crap, supposed to be taking kids to a music concert tonight standing for 2 hours in pain but can’t let them down X hope everyone has a good weekend x
Oh no you poor thing! Bashing your toes is just the worst, im forever doing it, mum was always telling me to put my slippers on! And water infection on top - thats the last thing you need. I hope they can help you at the walk in clinic and that you dont have to wait too long. Strap your toes up firmly and make sure youve got some really comfy shoes for the concert tonight.
Hope you get better soon and take those pain killers regularly for your toe, that must be so painful. Is there any chance you could get extra strength from your doctors or walk in clinic?
My sister in law has just had a water infection and she said it was really painful. You really are in the wars.
Hopefully after the concert you can hav a good earned rest over Easter, you deserve it.
Take care today