Grief is so exhausting

Good luck with your bereavement group - despite a few hitches with mine i definitely found it useful to hear other’s experiences and feel less alone. Is your GP going to refer you for bereavement counselling? Can your current therapist not provide bereavement counselling if you already know and trust them? On the other hand, maybe having someone separate that you KNOW is just there to support you in your grief would mean other issues such as work wouldnt get in the way?

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Thanks. My GP has signposted me to a couple of places which I have to sort out. This is how I got offered this group session.

My counsellor can help me with my bereavement but there has been so much other stuff going on. But I am going to ask to focus on the bereavement stuff and not avoid it and see how that goes. There are waiting lists for bereavement counselling:

I need to get the ball rolling with as solicitor about a complaint with my moms care or lack of it.

I am going through so much trauma over what happened.

Mine specifically was one to one for bereavement and was amazing it helped me deal with the before during and after the councillor helped me unravel it all in my head I would never have been able to do it by myself I couldn’t have done it without her she gave me the tools to help me make sense of it all and was really the only person other than my GP and the girls I work who I found to talk too she made me feel as though I was in a safe place that I could freely talk about how I was feeling and validated everything I spoke about and although I will never get over the grief of losing mum I will learn to live along side it as that’s the only way I can carry on progressing x


Hope the bereavement group goes well :heart:

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Good luck with the group! A lot depends on the moderators, if they do a decent job of letting everyone get their turn to speak. But I only have positive experiences with bereavement groups.

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It went really well, over ran by an hour as we were all talking a lot. It was a one off and now just have to wait for one to one counselling


It was really good. But was a one off. Waiting for one to one but going to talk to my current counsellor about my grief.
I guess I avoid it

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So glad it went well, shame it’s just a one off though xx

One to one councilling so much more personal to you, just you and your councillor who are trained in bereavement therapy I wouldn’t have got where I am without it, it’s really helped me unravel my feelings inside my head , I’m glad your group session went well xx

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I think there is a 3 month wait for 1:1 counselling. I think I need to open up more to my counsellor and see how that goes while I wait.


Yeah unfortunately I had to wait 10 agonising weeks but was so worth it in the end, yeah I think having that discussion about your loss will really help, tackle it head on I know it’s painful to do but I think you need to do it Becca it’s like a release and gradually you will release more and that’s how you unravel everything xx


I am just sick of feeling so rubbish and having no energy. I am so tired of it all.

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I feel exactly the same, will it never end??
I’ve just read a post on here where unfortunately someone is experiencing a second wave of bad grief, 4 months on. Im not yet at 3 months so I’m terrified of getting worse.
I can only hope that it will get better for all of us on here :pray:
Take care @Becca_d it’s just :poop:

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@Pixiecat I have waves of deep grief and it is painful and exhausting. I get scared that I am never going to feel ok. My mental health has really plummeted: I hate the way I feel right now it scares me as they are familiar feelings from when I had my breakdowns. I have never fully recovered from them and have to work really hard to keep myself ok. But the grief I feel is intense

I know exactly where you’re coming from, my mental health is poor also and I’m so frightened of “losing it altogether” I wonder sometimes if I’m so exhausted because I’m trying so hard to keep it together.
It’s torture but hopefully one day becca
I’m glad you posted, I needed it today xx

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I don’t feel well today. Can’t put my finger on it. Have had a little sleep. Maybe it’s grief hangover from the session last night. I have so much that needs to be done at home and I have my brothers birthday cake to make but I am so tired. It’s getting me down :disappointed:

I suffered really badly with depression a few years ago , my wife pulled me out of it , now I can recognise the feelings but am hoping it’s the grief making me feel like I do , as if it’s depression then without my wife I seriously doubt I will get out of it .

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I too have battled depression and anxiety before and recognise the feelings. The dark hole is familiar, so to speak. I imagine it’s easier to pull out of it if you’ve never suffered from either depression or anxiety (though it must be scarier as it’s new). Like you @Dino13 I’m not entirely certain I will be able to get out this time. :pensive:


I just feel I won’t recover this time. I get scared about who is going to die next. I don’t think I could cope with any more grief :disappointed:


I have typed up a time line of all my mom’s appointments and her time in hospital. It was so painful to do as it just makes me angry. I want to scream. I have so much anger inside me with the doctors but I am angry with my mom as well because she left me. I know u have to tackle this now and talk openly to my counsellor about it all.

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