Had the most amazing sign

Sweetheart, im so happy for you. Im a believer. My beautiful Mick passed away 7 weeks ago. I burst into tears as I was walking back to work one lunchtime when i felt compelled to go into the cancer charity shop (cancer took him from me) to look at greetings card. Odd. The 1st and only card I looked at had a picture of a rainbow made of hearts and the words ‘Everything will all work out, always here for you’ As I was holding the card, Runaround Sue played, a song he always used to sing at Karaoke, he had a beautiful voice and that song always got the ladies up dancing. When i walked back into reception where i work, Sweet Caroline was playing, a song he knew I loathe and it he used to love winding me up with that song!!! That was my Mick with me right there and I felt so comforted, knowing he was at peace and able to finally communicate with me. Another sign has been sent through you as Mick and I used to duet singing Islands in the Stream together at karaoke. Amazing. Sending love and blessings to you and your beloved Jim xx


@Jess1 I wasn’t at home either when my husband died. My son was and it has left him with flash backs. I read that our love ones do not want you to see them go. Maybe it was meant to be that way though doesn’t make it easier. We had our report back after 4 days. I suppose it is what part of the country you live and how busy they are. Agree makes you anxious waiting for the results… hugs xx

Well they had her for a week before they started doing tests, first they took toxicology samples then did a ct scan couldn’t find anything and had to do a limited post mortem.
I’m glad they decided to leave it at that cause I really couldn’t stand them doing these tests on her and travelling her here there and everywhere, the whole thing didn’t sit right with me at all.
I am trying to stay positive by saying she’s somewhere better now but I’m quite skeptical and wish I wasn’t because it’s causing me so much anxiety thinking I’ll never see her again x


Hi there. My mum was sadly subjected to a full autopsy, even though she was 93 and in poor health. That was November and I still have no date for the inquest. It would have been her birthday tomorrow. I feel your sorrow x


Hey lovely. She will never leave you. Her body has departed but her soul and spirit will always be with you. She will send you signs that she is with you xx


Arh @janebee that’s awful, I thought they only did autopsies with people who were younger obviously not that must have been hard for you.

@Annalisa and @Lonely, I truly hope in my heart that this is the case. I do think she’s around deep down, with how much we love each other I’d like to believe it to be real and not pointless x

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Trust me , I am a regular at my local Spiritualist church and she has connected at least 5 times with me. I know people have their own thoughts abs ideas on this, but it brings me comfort to know, she hasn’t left me completely xx


I went to my spiritulist church about a month after my mum passed and I left feeling a bit ridiculous and heartbroken at the same time.

I wasn’t chosen but the medium kept getting things wrong and blaming it on her sat nav being off and people were saying they think the reading is actually for them.

Therefore I thought what she said would be claimed by someone else anyway and it made me think she made the whole thing up.

I’ll try again sometime though x

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There is no denying, it can be a bit hit and miss, it took a while before mum connected abd I have been told, well I have read to be more precise, that if you are in a bad way at the time, emotionally, it can become more difficult for our loved ones to connect, we all have to want to believe as well, it makes it easier for them, because if we are sad, it can interrupt the connection. However, after saying that, I now have my own little preferred list of mediums as they have a list that rotates. I also have around 3 local churches so I can be variable xxx


Interesting could I ask how you know for sure if was your mum coming through and it wasn’t the medium quessing things? It all seemed a bit far fetched for me but it was my first time going so maybe not the best to dismiss it after trying the once x

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The following list isn’t from one medium in one sitting , but are as follows, was told my mum could not put her own shoes on, true, told she had problems with hips, true, told me that I left her shortly before she died and thanked me for the time to transition, told me about the fact my mum always referred to a diary, true, told me that my words were being twisted by others , true, told me she could not eat at all before her passing, true, told me thank you so much for caring for her in her final months, true . I may have forgotten a couple of other things, but I held no connection with the church or any of the members beforehand . She also sees me crying abd says , she wants to see tears of happiness instead xxx I am a firm believer x


Thank you I’m really trying but know for certain I refuse to believe that she is no longer here. When my grandad passed, I was only like 11 at the time, he sat on the end of my bed and I still remember it to this day. Also I was dreaming about him a lot recently before I lost my mum which I find strange, I wasn’t even thinking about him makes me wonder that’s for sure x

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Also the fact I only pay a donation of £3 there’s not much incentive for them to lie xx

I hope it goes well for you.sue is all around me. Not sure if I could go to one x

:heart: Jess1. The body we loved to hug and kiss has gone but the soul is very much around. Ive been speaking with spirit since I was 2 years old. Im 54 now. Small signs will let you know your beloved mum is around. Usually, a scent to begin with. Talk to your lovely mum the way you always used to. In your head, out loud, even writing on paper or in a diary, whatever feels comfortable for you. But talk to her. You will have no doubt in knowing when she is near. Sending love and healing thoughts to you lovely xx


I keep smelling sues perfumes and if i,m really down i can feel sue rubbing the back of my neck and shoulders which is how sue used to give me a boost xx

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Actually my husband and I never talked about their being an afterlife so I have no idea what his thoughts were on the subject so I am surprised the number of times there has been an incidence where I know he has made some contact. I have also had the radio experiences. My husband loved radio’s and there was one in every room but his favourite was a digital one and this one came on at any time day or night when it was unplugged. It was a bit creepy when it happened in the middle of the night and it is now going to head for the nearest charitty shop as I have no idea how to work the thing. Alarms going off at all times when they wasn’t even in use or been set. Things being moved. Keys kept going missing. I now have four keys for every lockable door just to make sure.!!! I often wondered if my husband was having a good laugh at me. Things have quietened down now. I would love to see a medium and see what my husband might have to say but unfortunately there are none in my area.

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So are you classed as a medium then? Just curious! When I watch them on videos I think that it’s all just an act.

When they say oh I have pain in my chest, did they suffer a heart problem? I feel like they know full well that someone in someone’s family would have had a problem like that because it’s pretty common. And it doesn’t make sense that the medium can feel the physical pain either, I thought they were at peace on the other side?

I’m just curious, and not dismissing what you’re saying though x

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I think overall. When they discuss pain. It is meant to be before their passing

I had a friend who was a spiritualist but not a medium. She explained a lot to me about the spirit world and it helped. Unfortunately she has moved away now. I miss our chats. She did explain to me that my husband left this world in great pain but he was at peace now and was being well looked after and he would make contact when he was ready which he certainly did. She also told me that he would move away from me when I was ready and this did happen about a year after his death. I still get occasional signs though. As if he is still letting me know he’s near.

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