Had the most amazing sign

I am aware of that but how would the medium feel it, I find it a bit off and that they are making it up to be honest. I am trying my hardest to be open but it all seems too good to be true to me. I hate the way I think, I’m the sort of person who needs hard evidence unfortunately x


Hi lovely. I dont class myself as a medium. Im just someone who has been communicating with spirit since i was 2. Im an intuitive psychic that can pass on messages when spirit communicates with me and asks me to do so. I have never attempted to communicate with spirit first and never would. I have never asked for or charged money. Helping others find peace is the reward. There are definately fakes out there who will pray on the vulnerable. I’ve witnessed it and been on the receiving end too. Ive been disgusted by religious people recently who tell me that communicating with spirit is a sin, that me reading tarot is evil, trying to get me to go to church to 'heal me and rescue me from the devil, that i should communicate with god instead. Im sorry, but god didnt heal my beautiful husband and I refuse to believe in an entity that allows such suffering. I’ll stick with the blessing I was born with, communicating with gentle souls when they choose to make their presence known xx


Where are you based? I have a few books I could let you have . If interested x

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Well said !

I’m from Burnley love, there’s just so many arguments whether the soul exists or not. There’s not one person who has come back to tell the tale, which I totally wish there was.

@Annalisa I am not sure what to say about God, I got brought up to believe in him but like you have said he makes us suffer but why I wonder. Do you believe we have souls and there’s no heaven?


I was taught that it wasn’t God who made us suffer but Man. I did tend to blame God for letting my husband suffer so much in the early days of my loss as I never prayed for him to be cured as that wasn’t God’s job but I did pray that he wouldn’t suffer. Its a mindfield of opinions I’m afraid and we have to go with what we feel.

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Been there myself when myself and my first wife divorced .they were trying to say why didn’t we go to them for counselling. My answer was dont try to advise me on my marriage when some of you are on your 4-5th marriages .yet the lady who did sues service is our club chaplain but she doesn’t push religion down your throat. So i agree with you

I don’t think it would make any difference if our OH’s believed or not tbh. Even if he didn’t believe whilst he was here IF there is an afterlife and he got there then he’d have to believe in it then wouldn’t he :rofl: Whatever they believed in life would be pretty irrelevant then I think.

It’s been just over five weeks since my OH passed and neither me or his family have had any signs whatsoever. I do struggle to believe that other people are having signs yet we haven’t had anything.

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I believe in both or either. I have a very open mind in the subject x

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It very much depends on the person and situation. It was more than 3 months before I got my first contact . The spirit has to evolve first .,


I refuse to accept that we no longer exist once we die on earth, me refusing to believe we disappear completely should be enough for me to believe there is something. I mean how can what makes us, us just vanish into thin air :woman_shrugging:

But I ruin it by constantly digging for information, I often swing from believing then not believing it’s a constant battle in my head.

If only they were a way we could find out the truth it would certainly help during the grieving progress.

Also @Annalisa why would it be a sin to communicate when you got this gift, if it was wrong why would god give it to you if he does exist that is x


Other people say they have had signs the day they lost a loved one or in the days immediately following their death so I can’t really believe that we just have to wait a while. I hope I’m wrong and there is something better after but I struggle to believe in any of it right now.

Also I think why can some people’s loved ones do some crazy things as signs but my partner can’t do anything at all?


See this is another thing I’m confused about, at the beginning I contacted a medium on tik tok and she said I have to wait 2 weeks after they pass to be able to make a connection.

The person who recommended seeing a medium told me that she’s sorry but she refuses to believe that cause a medium she knew made a connection on the day her partner passed.

I’ve seen mediums saying you need to wait at least a year or others say 6 months, so what is it :woman_facepalming:


Exactly. They all say different things.
I struggle to believe in any of it tbh.
I read something online about a women who was on her way to a medium for a reading and on her way there she had a call to say her mam had died. She went to the reading anyway and told the medium about her mother and her mam “came through” during the reading just a few hours after she died.

Are we meant to believe our loved ones all have different capabilities on the other side? Some can come back days after death and do crazy things yet others can’t do anything at all? It just sounds so silly lol.

Lol I’ve come across the same article as well, what have we become searching for answers :woman_facepalming:

Hi LostLil
I believe I had a sign the day my husband died.
He died during the night and the next day I had to take the dogs out. I was distraught but had known his end was coming. I also found myself thinking about a local woman who had lost her daughter suddenly and I felt she would know how I was feeling at that moment. While out I walked into a small local shop and a song came on called “I’m talking to an Angel” this set me off and as I rushed out of the shop there was the woman that I had been thinking about and I hadn’t seen her for months. A family member that visited me and is a believer told me that she felt my husbands presence in his chair and one of my dogs wouldn’t leave the chair and never did for over a year. A bit far fetched for some but to me at that moment I felt they were signs from Brian. And from then on they came regularly for around a year.
However I never search for any information and have got rid of all the books I had on the subject. I just go with what I feel and know.


just after my wife passed in july I thought about contacting a medium for some reason i changed my mind ,and decided to wait until my wife tells me the time is right “and she will” I’m the same as [Pattidot] I go with what I feel and know , most of us are in a very vulnerable state of mind and all to easy to make a rash decision ,I think it’s important to keep talking to people who are going through this very bad and for some a lonely time
steve xx

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We are desperate to believe we’ll see our loved ones again, I do sometimes think mediums are just people who try to take advantage of our grief, preying on us when we are at our most vulnerable :disappointed:


Hi Jess. I believe in souls. And I believe there is a better place. I went there when I had a near death experience. It was so beautiful, peacefula and loving, I seriously didnt want to come back. I dont believe in hell. If there is a god who is all forgiving, why would he punish people and send them to hell? I believe that every single soul goes to a better place. Ive had untold proof of it over the last 52 years xx


I agree with you. As you know, I’ve had nothing either.
How are you? Did yesterday go well? X