Had the most amazing sign

Hmm think I’ll have to disagree to some extent, I believe if there is an afterlife they’ll be bad spirts to cause there’s some real evil in this world and as for going to hell I think these will be the people who haven’t learnt from their sins. No hate though! It’s just an opinion but I really do seem to believe my mum is still very much alive even if I can’t see her

There is nothing wrong with that Jess. Many people feel the same. Its not that a genuine medium knows anything. A departed loved one that wants to communicate or give you a message will channel their communication via and through the medium. This is more common with non believers who would not generally be receptive to receiving a message or realising the signs that a loved one is trying to communicate with them. A medium is in a sense rather like someone answering a phone call and handing the phone to you for the communication to be relayed directly if that makes sense xx


It went well, he had everything he wanted and lots of people came. I cried before we left the house then cried as soon as the cars came, for me the hardest part was seeing the car with his coffin in and getting in our car. That was rough. Obviously the service was very emotional but after the service the tears stopped and at the wake we had a few drinks and spoke about him a lot. This morning I woke up and it feels like we’ve done everything we can for him now and we somehow have to live our lives without him. I feel like there just isn’t any point to anything any more. We plod on day by day because we have to but I can’t see any joy in life anymore. I just miss him so much :broken_heart:

Exactly, there’s a lot of us who have had no signs, I’m pretty sure our partners would be just as able and willing to give us a sign as anybody elses. I’d love to think we have a soul but I do think everything we are is just down to our brain :disappointed:


Yes it does, would just love to hear from my mum that she’s okay and watching over me through a medium but I’d need proof by them mentioning something that only I would know without them getting it out of me without me knowing x


I have noticed a few of these things but always seem to dismis them as a coincidence for some reason. The one i can relate to the most is feeling them being with you but i always put that to my brain trying to comfort me. sigh

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If you feel your loved one with you, then they are with you. It’s so easy to think its coincidence because we want to feel their presence, are we imagining it? No, we are not. When you feel the presence, speak to your mum the way you always did. Not every spirit returns. Sometimes its days, or years. When they pass, their soul has to adjust to change and no longer being with us just as those of us left behind do. Im fortunate that I can speak from experience but I appreciate and respect that not everyone believes. My husband didnt believe when we met but there were things I told him that he said nobody else but him knew and he started to believe in ‘something’ and started listening to me, heeding warnings that kept him safe on a few occassions when potentially, he would not have been safe. He has visited me twice in the 7 weeks since he passed although he has sent me signs that he is around. He always had loose change and I always said to him, if you go before me, leave me a coin to let me know you’re with me. Today, there was a 20p coin on the front room floor that wasnt there when I left our home this morning. I thanked him and felt his presence again. It really is the small things that let you know. They might appear to you in a dream but they are still communicating with you the best way they can without causing you fear or doubt xx


The coincidence thing you just described does make sense as I guess that we are programed that way. I have a bad thing for doubting myself as well so that certainly doesn’t help.

How come some spirits decide not to make themselves known, that’s something I wonder about also.

When I sense that I am not alone it usually feels like when someone has been sitting next to you a while and they get up and walk off without you noticing but in your mind they’re still there cause you can still feel their presence as if they’ve left a sort of essence behind for a short period is the feeling I get from time to time. I’m not sure how to describe what exactly I mean but I hope that it makes some sense.

Did the police or press ever mention that her murder was predicted before it happened? Is there any mention of you online anywhere? x

I dont knock people for there gifts and beliefs .i know this week has been a rough one for me as it was sues birthday and the first one where sue wasn’t there but there where signs that sue was here like smelling her favourite perfumes and rubbing my shoulders and neck when i felt really down and other signs sue was there and hearing sue saying come on stop the tears i,m always here for you as you are for me

I like to think that I don’t knock people with the gift, I’m more curious than anything.

When my grandad died I was only around 11 and he sat on the end of my bed, I will always remember that. I was dreaming quite a lot about my grandad before losing my mum and now I wonder if there was any reason to this.

I tell you something that I find odd about me is that I often get sleep paralysis attacks, most of time time I lie there and ride it out, or fight to gain consciousness cause it just freaks me out so much but sometimes I’ve been able to lucid dream or leave my body. But they say it’s hallucinating cause you’re asleep and awake at the same time but I think it’s more than that. Ive been doing it since I was a child!

The other week I found myself with an attack and decided I’d go looking for my mum, I was shouting for her, but felt like I kind of went too far as something stopped me and said I can’t go that far then I snapped out of it.

On another occasion not long after I tried to do it again but this time I so dark shadows and they were ridiculing me and trying to stop me from going further it was really strange and quite upsetting to say the least.

That is partly why I believe if we do turn into a spirit when we die they’re not all good.

People think I’m mad when I tell them about me possibly being able to astral walk, but at the time when I’m doing it, it feels very real x

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Fair play .i did it once years ago with my first wife.never happened again .but i believe people who can do it

I just can’t decide if it’s real or not lol but it is such a odd experience :thinking:

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Jess1 you are not going mad ,you are dealing with Grief , just keep talking and let your feelings out we are here to listen and support each other


I meant in general lol I’ve told people about me having our of body experiences and they look at me like I’ve 2 heads but who knows it could be hallucinations with being half asleep and half awake x

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If it gives you comfort then so be it

I don’t think it does, was just something I was wondering, I’m trying to grasp onto things that can prove that there’s actually an after life :thinking:

Hi All
Firstly, thankyou Sheila for posting ‘10 ways your deceased loved one is visiting you’ I don’t usually bother with this sort of thing now but I did read it and was delighted to see that the electrics playing up is a sign. Just after Brian died all the electrics in the bedroom stopped working even the main wall switch. I sat on the floor crying in the dark and then asked my husband to help me. I’m not quite sure how but a couple of hours later I had it all working again. Even the wall switch was fine. I just seemed to be following his instructions. Radio and alarms have started working when switched off. I have asked my husband to give me signs and twice out of the three time he delivered.
Now the matter of being able to see events that are going to happen before they do has also happened to me some years ago and I have never known why… . I had an awful feeling that something was going to happen to my father but obviously I couldn’t talk to anyone about it. Three months on and late one evening the phone went and I automatically said “Dad’s dead” and it was my brother to tell me he had suddenly passed away. He was 49 so a shock to everyone. A few weeks later I was coming home from work and an ambulance passed me about 8 miles from home and immediately I knew my husband was in that ambulance. The police came to my house and informed me he had been in a road accident. I saw their car come into my road and walked to the end of the drive and the policeman said “How did you know we was coming to your house”. Just how did I know???
I have held my husbands photo and felt myself floating away and he has appeared and held me and told me he loved me. All gone in a second but very real. This has happened a few times and I am never afraid. I have heard his voice call me from downstairs and I have smelt tea passing me. I don’t drink tea and don’t even have it in the house now. I am not prone to having a vivid imagination.
Pat xx

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That’s interesting. When you passed the ambulance and felt that your husband was in it was it literally as soon as you saw the ambulance you had the feeling or after it had passed? What made you return home instead of following the ambulance?

Do you believe everything in life is predetermined?

I had this connection with my son, years ago. Me and his dad went away for our anniversary abroad and I knew something was wrong, to the point I got him to check reception for messages and they didn’t have any, then flying home I saw a vision of my son with a dressing on his face. When we arrived home he wasn’t there to greet us, he has impaled his face on a tree branch and had surgery, the day after we left on the trip, I wasn’t told as my parents didn’t want to spoil our first time away.

Then I had a feeling he was in trouble after school, so went to get him and he was crying, a cyclist had rode into him at speed.

The next time, my parents came to visit and I was walking around with the phone, I told them something was wrong and I was waiting for a the phone to ring . As soon as it rang I knew it was my son, letting me know there had been an accident and his friend was hurt.

After these it never happened again but I’ll always remember that connection and as a family we often talk about it.

My partner however, I’ve had nothing and have no connection at all from him.

Why these things happen, I’ve no idea!

Hi @Jess1
Your signs sound very significant to me. There are too many to be a coincidence. Our loved ones can easily learn to influence electrical devices and the behaviour of small animals if they choose to. Take comfort from them. There’s no harm in believing in an afterlife and there is overwhelming evidence for our consciousness continuing.