Had the most amazing sign

I was at my Grans again today watching that blooming robin again and my gran has an angel statue and I keep saying “if you’re here make the robin perch on the angel statue” :woman_facepalming: but today I told her to bring it closer to me so i could see it, next thing you know it sat on the angel statue, but I think it’s just a coincidence to be honest. Although I really wish I could believe she is giving me signs :pensive:


Keep an open mind and don’t be too sceptical, or she’ll give up trying to make contact. Wouldn’t you? You can’t expect her to materialise in front of you.


I’ve been giving an open mind as much as possible just wish i could believe it’s actually her and not a coincidence :confused: x

I think you’re like me and want an undeniable sign rather than just trying to work out if a robin is your sign or just a robin that happens to visit the garden. To be fair some people on here say they have received some really bizarre undeniable signs so I don’t think you are being too sceptical by wanting a proper sign rather than one that leaves you guessing.


People who are sceptical are always going to look for the “logical” answer, communication from the spirit world is non logical, it’s spiritual. Why would someone who has passed over send a sign to someone who questions it? Try being less obsessed about it and hopefully when you least expect it may happen. At the end of the day there are no answers because until we die nobody knows what’s out there. You either believe or you don’t. Good luck


I had 2 unmistakable signs but I believed I would receive them anyway without questioning it or doubting it

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I definitely think I’ve had a few signs and believe he’s come to me in a dream.

Most of the things I’ve had have been music based but music was a big part of our lives.

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I’m definitely open to it, would you mind sharing what these signs were? Just hard to believe sometimes due to all different opinions, I’m easily persuaded by both opinions and sway from believing and then disbelieving but I know one thing for certain is that I think my mum is still around even if I can’t see her, just a hunch

Or it’s just my brain refusing that she’s really gone

I started this topic so scroll to the top and you will see.
Have you ever had a night out where you were really looking forward to it and said tonight is going to be brilliant and it turned out crap, yet a time when you had no expectations it was brilliant?
The key is to take away any expectation and let spontaneity happen


Oh sorry!! I read from the beginning when I found this thread, didn’t remember the name, I do apologise! I mean me wanting to believe must mean something surely lol its like deep down I know the answer really x

When my dad was in hospital the man in the next bed to him asked me to help him put his slippers on, I wanted to help him but worried in case he would fall over and the nurse said to him you don’t need your slippers Cyril you are in hospital and not going anywhere, he replied yes I am and the nurse trying to humour him said where are you going Cyril? He replied to a funeral, nurse said who’s funeral? He replied “mine” the next day visiting dad there was an empty bed next to him, I asked the nurse w youhere is Cyril, she replied he died in the night and we have searched everywhere for his slippers and can’t find them anywhere…


I relate to the robins. I personally believe they are just birds in the garden as we’ve always had them in the garden before my husband passed 8 weeks ago today. But i was watching the birds feeding from my kitchen window last week and a robin literally flew up in front of the window, looked at me and hovered in mid air for a few seconds before flying away. Ive never seen a robin do that. Im in two minds whether it was sign from my husband as one of the framed pictures he bought for our front room was of a Robin which I placed on the wall 2 weeks ago. I want to believe that robin was a sign.

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Hi Annalisa, i was never sure about that but when my husband passed away suddenly Dec 2021i had to do something about his car as we had two. I got in touch with the dealership about exchanging 2 cars for another one. The night before i was due to go and see them i never slept as i wasnt sure i was doing the right thing and felt really guilty. Next morning i took the dog out and she stopped on the grass at the bottom of our road, while i was standing there waiting for her to finish (obviously with bag in hand) a robin flew down on to the sign, he just stood there looking directly at me for a good few minutes then flew away. To this day im sure it was my husband sending me a sign to say what i was doing was ok


The thing I think is if you believe in God you have to believe in an afterlife too, I don’t really believe in God and I’ve seen nothing that makes me believe in God or an afterlife. People who believe in God usually want other people to believe in God so try and convince others that there is something and come around knocking our doors to try and convince us he exists when they have no proof. I really wish I could believe in it all but there’s absolutely nothing to suggest anything else after death for me. It’s sad to think that all we are is just our brains, I would love nothing more than to believe we have souls that live on but just believing for the sake of believing isn’t me :broken_heart:

4 years ago my wifes stepdad neville passed away we only had one robin visit the garden my wife use to say good morning nev to it every day ,since my wife passed away in july I now see two ,I’ve had numerous things happen not just physical but in thoughts I was a sceptic But now I will hold both my arms out and grasp every sign I get I don’t look for it they just happen and it brings me great comfort knowing she is around me
steve xx


We are all individual and unique and our beliefs are our own not other people’s. You have kind of answered your own questions now, so looking for proof won’t help you any further as like you say for you there is no proof and an afterlife doesn’t exist. Hopefully you now have some closure on it

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You are right, it’s all down to our own experiences and like you, I don’t go looking for signs but have received them and feel blessed knowing he’s here with me and yes they do bring amazing comfort


@LostLil I’m the same as you in that I find it hard to think oh look a robin that must be him or a white feather. It all just seems too generic. There’s been a few things happen since Stu passed nearly 4weeks ago that have knocked the wind out of me though. Coincidence or not I’m not sure but for me it was spooky and I couldn’t help thinking they were signs, they were personal though rather than generic


Do you mind me asking what the signs were? Also are you religious? Do you believe in God?