Had the most amazing sign

@LostLil not religious. We both identified as agnostic. First one was a band we liked posting on instagram for the first time in 5 years the day after he died. It was a video of a song that reminded us of how we were together.

The next was a song I was considering for his funeral being played in a bar I was in last week. I have never heard it anywhere out. It was not in keeping with the rest of the music being played. We loved going to see that band and the song strangely is about loss and hearing from someone after theyve gone. It proper floored me. 5 mins after that one of my best friends called me and told me she was pregnant. Her due date is my boyfriends birthday. All could be coincidence but all of them just seem very specific to us


I honestly don’t know what I believe but I do wonder to myself that someone must have created this world and all of us, I mean how would we just pop up out of thin air. It’s a mystery that no one can solve.

I actually refuse to accept that my mum doesn’t exist anymore cause to me that doesn’t make any sense to me. Or my mind just can’t get over the fact that she’s gone for good.


Grief sadly throws up all sorts of emotions where you think you are going crazy. If I lose my car keys, the automatic thought process is where are they? and I frantically search for them. This is logic saying they must be somewhere?. We cannot apply logic to what happens after death because none of us knows what happens, so belief is what sustains us. Part of that belief is when we receive signs where logic absolutely does not apply. For as long as time has existed people all over the world have experienced signs from loved one’s. I also had signs when my dad passed 5 years ago but I didn’t receive anything until 12 mths after he passed. Once I stopped thinking about it, they came out of the blue. All I can say is continue to stay open, talk to your mum continue your connection to her and just know she loved you very much and you her. Love never dies, it’s always in the heart x


Hi LostLil
Re: my earlier post about feeling my husband was in an ambulance as it passed. It was a feeling that came to me as the ambulance passed me. I was on my way home from a shift at work and continued home as I thought it was my imagination but I stood at the front window and saw the police car come into my road.

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I’ll always be open for my Mum, and I’ll never stop talking to her cause you just never know, I have a photo of her that I often chat to and even give it a kiss and cuddle every night before I go bed.

Surely me holding onto the hope is enough for me to believe that there is something and I’ll be reunited with my loved ones again.

I keep thinking back to when my Grandad passed how he sat on the end of my bed on the night he passed, I was only around 11 years old and it felt very real and I’ve never forgot.

He believed in life after death and often told my Gran things and she never disbelieved in anything he told her. I do try and get more stories out of her but she seems very reserved lol maybe cause she feels it’s private between her and him :woman_shrugging:


I can honestly say that I had no feelings one way or the other about this subject and wasn’t expecting anything after my husband died. However there have been so many signs.
Some people don’t believe in the siting of bee’s, robins, butterflies or feathers. Three days after my husband died I was visiting our allotments and feeling pretty rubbish and doubting that I could continue with them then a bee landed by the side of me and just stayed there as I was crying. A few days later I was visiting an elderly friend who was very upset at the loss of my husband and while in his house a bee flew around my head three times. It was December and honey bees are fast asleep at this time. My husband worked with the bee’s and it is believed that if the hive is told of a death the bee’s will carry their sole with them.
I then heard of the death of a beloved Aunt of my husbands (none of his family had told me) I visited her grave and placed a rose. On the way out of the gated area a white feather floated down and as I bent to pick it up a Robin landed on the ground by my side. I like to think it was the pair of them acknowledging my presence. I don’t think I have that much of a vivid imagination!!!


Forgive me for questioning and having doubts but icy cold? The curtains rolling up? And a bellowing sound?

I always thought when you experience someone visiting you it is meant to be a pleasurable and peaceful experience, to me that sounds kind of freaky but ive never had such things happen to me so I could be wrong.

Please dont mistake this comment as me disbelieving what you’ve told us though just curious more than anything.

@Lonely you replied to @Sarlyn but you started the comment with dear lostlil so I wasn’t sure if you were talking to me or not.

I just really need to experience something for myself to believe. I’m sceptical and have trouble believing other people who say they have had signs, I struggle to even believe the people I’ve known for years who have lost loved ones who say they have had signs because I know they could be just saying things to make me feel better. I do desperately, desperately want to believe, of course I do. He was the love of my life, the best thing to ever happen to me and the only person in the world I want to be reunited with. I want nothing more than to believe but I just need something to make me believe.

My brain is absolutely fried with it all. I wish I could just have the attitude that I’ll never know so I’ll find out when it’s my time but my brain won’t let me leave it go. It’s on my mind all day and I just can’t cope with it.

I just wish there was someone who could prove to me or a medium who could do a reading and convince me without a doubt there’s something more but I don’t think that’s going to happen :broken_heart:

Grief has changed me and I hate the person I’m becoming. Before I would just think everyone has their own beliefs and if I’d visited a dodgy medium I wouldn’t be that bothered but if I do go and see a medium and they try winging it with nonsense like a lot of dodgy ones do then I think I’m going to hit the roof.

I hope I don’t feel this desperate forever :sob:

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Sorry for the misunderstanding, and I never said I didn’t believe i was more curious than anything.

In my opinion there’s people out there who don’t believe there’s evil spirts but why wouldn’t they be if there is a spirt realm out there, not all of us are good are we.

Like @LostLil stated I wish I could get the proof I’m after to fully confirm everything.

But I am pretty much an open book and I am ready to see signs from my Mum and hope that I do!

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I have them too Jess. Have had astral projections since I was a teenager so completely relate xx

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I’d like to think that any person / soul born into the world was not evil when they were born and that either life events or chemicals in their brain made them become the way they are and that when we die any evil or hateful thoughts are left behind. Who knows though :rofl:

Do you think it’s real or hallucinating with being half asleep and half awake that’s what I wonder lol

@Lonely I don’t think anyone in my family has the gift cause I’d have known about it.

I did go to the spirtulist church in my area and left disappointed as I wasn’t chosen and she kept getting things wrong and blaming it on her sat nav and saying everyone was trying to connect all at once.

When she got it wrong there were people raising their hand and saying it sounds more like the message was for them but in my eyes the medium could have picked a subject that would relate to anyone in the room and knew someone would claim the ‘message’

I would absolutely love to see my OH standing in the living room preferably with a smile on his face so that I knew he was OK, I’dprobablyjustsay I love you and cry :rofl:
I wouldn’t want to see anyone else as a ghost though, even seeing my mam or grandparents would scare me now tbh.

Things like I have a young male who passed before his time, I feel he had chest issues and passed very suddenly. He has a J name etc etc :rofl::see_no_evil:

What I really need is a medium on a one to one basis who tells me things that only me and my mother would know :thinking:

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Me too but specific things. I was getting quite obsessed with Matt Fraser but after seeing people commenting on his posts saying “I’ve got tickets for your online group reading Matt” then looking at these people’s Facebook profiles and seeing literally everything that a medium would need to know to give a reading is there publicly for all to see I just couldn’t believe it! Like seriously, what is wrong with these people? In my mind you go to a medium and try and keep as much as you can from them, it’s up to them to tell you things that they couldn’t possibly find out from social media or online. To put all the information there for anyone to find just defeats the object if you ask me :rofl::see_no_evil:

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But would he have the time to look up everyone’s profiles whilst doing the live show lol

His team would and also people comment on his posts that they have tickets days before the event so if he wanted to he could easily look them up and chose them for a reading during the event if he was indeed that way inclined. I don’t think time to look up people’s profiles would be an issue.
Maybe he doesn’t and is actually genuine, who knows but seriously if and when I go for a reading I won’t be daft enough to let them take the information from my Facebook and just read it back to me. I’ll tell them as little as possible and if they are genuine they will be able to tell me what I need to hear x

Fair enough, I wouldn’t have mentioned having a ticket either lol I don’t really put much on my facebook to be honest,

I was going to book a medium who comes highly recommended but they no longer do face to face and only do appointments by phone or video call.

I would much rather be there in person. She charges 50 pound for 50 mins but said she can go over, it’s quite a lot of money for me to part with if I left feeling disappointed :disappointed:

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It’s quite hard to find a medium around here tbh. Fifty minutes seems like a rather long time. If she is bringing lots of things that she couldn’t possibly have found out off your social media and had no way of knowing during that time though it probably wouldn’t feel long enough. I guess it just depends on the vibe you get from her at the time. If it all felt a bit guessy and generic then 10 minutes would probably be enough.