Had the most amazing sign

Is your husband buried or cremated?

Yeah I get your point actually, I think I’ll give it a try once I’m ready x

After reading earlier posts about contacting a medium and being told to wait 6/12 months I had a thought of all the people who have just passed stood at the pearly gates being handed a temporary pass allowed in then told you can’t contact your loved ones until you get your full spirit pass after 6/12 months it made me laugh Thought I would share that one with you


Lol this is the sort of thing that makes me disbelieve as funny as it sounds, why can’t it be simple and we all think the same :woman_shrugging:

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Exactly. Some with signs, some people say they recieve them immediately and others say that it takes a few months. Grr no wonder our minds are all frazzled.

LostLil My point is I’m not religious i sit on the fence with that I have had my signs not from god it’s my wife and i choose to believe it ,The choice is my own I don’t search for it it just happens we are all here for the same reason ,we have Lost a Loved one we each have to Live through this Hell hole called Grief we are here to support each other But we cannot tell you what you should or should not believe in thats for you and only you to decide ,we all have a choice which path we take as hard as it is
steve xx


It’s an awful thing to live with, don’t think I’ll ever get over losing my beautiful mum :frowning: I’m so unbelievably heartbroken it’s unreal, just don’t know what to do anymore x

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Jess1 I lost my wife in july we were married for 20 yrs I miss her every day ,I don’t mind admitting I have alot of bad days and many times I just burst into tears I just try to live with it one day at a time there is no easy fix


@Jess1 I lost my husband who was 53 years old. I was married for 25 years and miss him so much and feel so lonely without him. All our future plans and dreams have gone.
It is awful and so unfair to lose a mum at a young age. I know as my son who is 22 is struggling so much. I do hope that he meet someone nice and have the love that my husband and I had. Take care and big hugs xx

I thought that the crying had stopped at least but tonight I’m just a complete and utter mess, I just want a hug from my mum so badly it hurts so much :frowning: kind of wish I could have gone with her at times.

I think we all have days when we just want to be there ( wherever “there” is) with them. But we wouldn’t want to inflict pain on others and it seems to go against the way things should be to take matters into our own hands. Maybe we will come out the other side of this painful process stronger people who can help others or at least be able to help ourselves. We can do this - together. ( don’t quote me later in the week if I crumble lol) xx


I just wish I could believe I’d see her again don’t think I’ll ever find the comfort I seek and that makes me feel so sad :pensive:



I relate my lovely. I kiss my Micks photo every day and it comforts. A lady used to sit at the end of my bed from the age of 2 for in hindsight was for several months. I wasnt afraid. She was real to me and I used to giggle because I found her accent funny! I didnt know she had passed before I was born. I was taken to Newcastle for the first time when I was 8 years old to meet my uncle and his wife for the first time. I was fascinated with the accent and it resonnated with me. A tin of photographs came out, id been plonked in a huge deck chair in his garden, the adults were looking at photo’s, not sharing them with me. Suddenly, I climbed off the chair, picked a random photo out of the tin and there was a black and white photo of the lady that sat at the end of my bed. I recognised the lady id never met in this life time straight and remember saying to them, that was the lady that sat at the end of my bed, whose funny voice made me giggle. They told me it was my great grandmother and were astonished :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hi Sheila
Sorry these posts are moving so fast but going back a bit I have actually seen my husband in our dining room one evening. I heard a sound and went in to see what it was and there was my husband kneeling on the floor going through some of his things. I simply said. “Oh it’s you” and he said “Yes and your not alone”. The moment lasted only seconds and the next minute I was sitting back in my living room again. I wasn’t frightened and this moment will remain with me forever. I have also heard him call out to me and I have had experiences of banging on the door and only the fact that my one dog doesn’t bark makes me realise that only I can hear it. I have never been afraid except when the radio in the kitchen would come on in the middle of the night and I could hear voices and when one of my husbands paintings fell off the bedroom wall in the middle of the night. No reason why it should have done this but I did wonder if Brian was trying to give me a heart attack.


Hi Sheila
Amazing stories and it is all new to me unlike your experiences. Before Brian died he did say “I will always be loking after you” and I do believe he’s somewhere around. Too many incidents have happened for me to not believe. Too numerous to mention but one was two plates on stands on top of kitchen cupboard and one morning two of them had turned in the total opposite direction. I need a ladder to get up to them so don’t think it was me having one of my senior moments…

I have had that banging on the door and my name being called. Happened in the middle of the night but when I woke in the morning I assumed it was a dream


It is so pleasant, now, for us to share these stories, in a quiet , peaceful manner, without feeling we are being judged xx


I get the footsteps from bedroom to bathroom and and back .plus smelling sues perfumes she wore and the stereo started playing he stopped loving her today by Alan Jackson


Yesterday I had a “few words” :woozy_face: with my son (over his in-laws) and asked " but it’s ok that I’m on my own every night"? . What could he say?
Later lying in bed, and speaking to hubby I asked whether I was right or wrong in what I’d said –
the light downstairs went off then back on (it’s on a timer,) and TV in bedroom switched on!
A bit freaky but I believe I was right and hubby agreeing with me.

G. X