How to ger through a day

I am actually considering going out socially. It is a challenge as I no longer drive and have mobility issues in a rural community. It will be to a lunch with music at the local community centre. It runs every Tuesday and transport is provided by a community bus. It means one day at least with a decent meal and company. Can’t be next week as I have gardener Monday, window cleaner tuesday, chiropodist Wednesday and friend coming Thursday but fully intend to go the week after. If I manage that they have a group on a Friday which get together for lunch and board games that I may give a try. No transport provided but I may be able to book another local scheme called a slinky bus otherwise looks like taxi but it is just about a mile so can’t cost too much. I know I need to do this for my mental health and I no longer seem to cry every minute of the day. I am glad you consider me a friend frankie2

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@Pudding. Great that you are thinking so positively, and I hope your future social events are successful. I am lucky as I still drive and meet friends for coffee or lunch, etc.
It’s good to have something to look forward to.
Sending hugs x


Thanks. I really need those hugs.

Yes. I have now succeeded in burning toast. I really think I could burn water

The days seem so long. When my husband went into hospital I had to arrange carers very quickly. The only time I could get is 7a.m. So I am normally awake at 5 and up at 6. Even with the alarm set for after 6 I still seem to wake at 5. I sometimes go back to bed mid afternoon as in am so tired. Reminds me of when I was working and getting up at 4a.m to get to the airport for first flight on Monday morning. I was lucky I was only without care for 2 days. Adult social care were a waste of space, time and energy. Worse as he fell ill over the bank holiday. Can’t believe it is only 1p.m.

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The day does seem long i agree and just looked on tv and absolutely nothing on i fancy watching at all .xxx

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Not into tennis. Trying to watch the golf except I used to watch with my husband. We used to love watching countdown and compete against each other. I can’t enjoy it anymore.

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Does anyone else find themselves ordering weird combinations on Amazon? Being delivered today I have a suction grip handle for the shower and an electric corkscrew. Went for a bottle of wine the other evening to discover just about all of them have corks which I am not strong enough to remove with normal corkscrew. Whilst i am willing to ask neighbour for practical help such as fixing my wobbly toilet seat it seems wrong to ask him to open a bottle of wine for me.

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@Pudding, I cannot watch programmes we watched together, either, or listen to music. We always watched tennis, so no Wimbledon and I won’t to be able watch the Proms. It’s just not worth the pain.
Sending hugs x

I would ask your neighbour, I’m sure he won’t mind. Don’t deny yourself a glass if wine.
I struggled opening a new jar of coffee yesterday, I ended up with it all over the floor. The mess was unbelievable, at least it gave something to do. I could have asked my neighbour but sometimes we are too proud or independent!

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He definitely wouldn’t mind but I need to become independent as far as I can. I have already figured out how to get my recycling and rubbish to bins but still rely on neighbours to get them to the kerb.

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I keep buying clothes get them home and think well dont go anywhere now hes not here so why buy them .Suppose its a distraction crazy isnt it xxx


I don’t think many new clothes will be bought. My husband used to like to buy them for me. I have never really been interested. Our credit card bill will be severely reduced. He was a spender. What am I going to do with 10 tubes of garlic purée and about 2 kegs of herbs and 5 jars if cinnamon?

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Well Hope5 I seem to have become addicted to buying dresses etc off the internet. They are lovely but I don’t wear dresses that often and where would I wear them anyway. There were four of us friends who use to lunch, one is to ill to go out any more and the other two moved. There’s no where to go where I live and any way no one to go with. I see my son at the weekend but he lives forty five mins to an hour away and I cant take all his spare time. I find the day times drag but I try and do a little gardening each day and that helps pass time.


If you get in touch with your local council and explain the situation you are in. They will arrange for them to put them up and down the drive. Arranged it for my mum when she had issues. And dad had gone.

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I can get assisted collection but in order for me to put the rubbish in the bins they need to be down the side of my house where you can’t see them from the road. In my area they will pick them up with assisted collection if they can see them. I am working on the problem. My job used to be problem solving so I will figure out something. Just working on one problem at a time.


Hi Frankie 2 im the same .We loved our holidays and days out.I hope in the future to maybe go on a coach trip.for single people Confidence has gone since i lost my partner i have positive days sometimes but carnt see the lonliness getting better its

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I haven’t been away for many years, we use to go all over and we had lovely days out as well. All our plans died when he got ill. I do out with my lovely son to some great places but the weekdays are long. I mean where do you go on your own, no fun in that. You cant walk in the woods on your own any more, we loved doing that. Your confidence will come back in fact I think I’m a little more confident due to doing most things by myself now. The loneliness will get better I’ve learnt to live with myself for the first time in my life. I think there will always be hard times but they will get less.


Where is my brain. Put something in oven. Forgot to put on timer. I will over estimate to be safe

Hi @Rome18

I’m so sorry for your loss

I thought that was just me. I can’t watch any of the TV programmes we watched together.

It’s been 7 weeks and I can’t even cook the same food we eat together either
