How to live alone after loosing my partner of 13 years

Thankyou I like reading your different comments . We all have are different paths .and how we deal with it . I’m wide awake .seems like there no change .talk later

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I’m definitely lucky to have my two girls - seeing my eldest daughter and her family next month in Canada which I’m looking forward to!

My sister is priceless too so have them too plus some lovely friends so I’m lucky that way

It’s just Elissa’s sister that’s the problem so just avoiding her :rofl::joy: just can’t stand her entitled behaviour - I had to tolerate before but I don’t have to now !


Yes it’s not a home anymore just somewhere to stay I live on my own been 3yrs 2 months got my self a rescue cat keeps me company always on my lap when I get home from work and comes to bed when I go sometimes he’s in the bed before me keeps me company looking after him he is called Dave kept his name because he was used to it


I’m so sorry for your loss.
I lost my husband of 48 years, 8 months ago. I can’t believe it’s so long ago, in my mind it was only yesterday.
Have you talked to anyone about how you’re feeling, it’s only a short time for both of us, but I feel so much better for sharing my feelings with a counsellor. Like other people I find having the radio or TV helps and also my dog. He’s the reason I go out every day and get to talk to people and not feel quite so lonely.


oh I hear that I lost mark last year only 3 months ago my sister keeps saying come on you should be over it by now move on ! it is like people get bored of listening it is very hard.


hi I have been to the martlets but the councilor said i was there to early and needed to come back in three months so jumped on here which is nice as we are all in the same situation


Knowing others feel very similar things even though we all have unique relationships and stories , can help to soothe us. :heart:


It’s not nice cellia life different now for sure if this is life or just living each day as it comes empty an lost


I spent her birthday on my own as well.
I didn’t want to not acknowledge her birthday, I didn’t know what to do.
I could one of our favourite meals and sat at the dinner table for a change, with her photo and her ashes and chatted to her. I also raised a beer and thanked her for being the best, she was so damned good to me, maybe too good even. But I was so grateful for her choosing me, being with me, travelling and living with me, and all my irritating habits that she never once mentioned.
I will raise a glass this evening (Valentines), but unfortunately I have 2 hours of work to do as well, so I won’t be doing anything constructive this evening. Just watching mindless drivel on TV, escapism, but not stuff we would have watched.

Wishing you all the best, be strong and courageous, think of the lovely memories that make you smile.


Thank you.
You look after yourself as well. Life can be so cruel. I wonder why sometimes why we put ourselves through things that we know could end up hurting us.

I will raise my glass to my hubby this evening.
I will remember the things we would do. He use to take me to the coast, just so I could walk along the beach. He didn’t like it as much as I did.

I asked him, why do you do it. He said because it put a smile on my face.
Enjoy today the best you can.
Sending hugs :people_hugging:


You know the saying better to have loved and lost than to never love at all . As painful as grief is we are meant to love and be loved . :heart::smiling_face_with_tear:


You’re right. Yet it just feels so wrong. Think I’m just hurting today. Having a bad day

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It is wrong :broken_heart:

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Today and yesterday was hard for me my 30th birthday yesterday and Chris should have been here with me to celebrate and today of course I raised a glass yesterday to me and him and I hope he is looking down and seen how my day went and how much I have missed him in the past 4 months


He is with you all the time. He knows how you’re feeling


I just cant begin to get my head around that - that losing someone so young,
I was 60 last year and my wife was 62 in October just a month before she passed away. We were so happy together and lucky to have had some good years together and I am thankful for those. I retired early (31/12/23) to spend time with her and she was so excited about that but sadly passed away unexpectedly in November with complications .

Thinking of you


That was exactly the thought that went through my mind this week ! And yes it’s very true, my life has been so much better with her in it …… she was my wife, my lover, my best friend :two_hearts:


To all that has lost loved ones and to all those reading this to you tina my one and only xx I raise my glass always and forever babes heavenly drink loves you xx


Absolutely yes !

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Think youre being hard on yourself. We fidnt know they were gonna pass away so young ? When you get married in your 20’s like i did , last thing you think about is your husband passing away xx