I feel so vulnerable

i dont know i often voice that i cant understand why it wasnt a bad person instead of Chip. But then maybe it is right they are taken for a reason. Yes Chip was lovely caring generous and always ready to help someone in need x

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how old was your wife?

Cheryl was 57. I am 55, she would joke that I was her toy boy. I can’t imagine a future without her in my life. How old was Chip, and where does his name come from? X

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You look about 27 in your photo. X

chip had just turned 60 the week he passed. thank you for the compliment its just a good pic im 47

something to do with trumpton town

Sixty thats no age. Was Chip an ex serviceman? Often servicemen have nicknames that they keep.
I’m not telling what mine was.
It is a very good photo, and 47 you’re still a kitten too young to be dealing with all this grieving shit. Did Chip die from Covid?

no he wasn’t in the service as much as he wanted to. you are going to have to tell me now. no chip had been on and off poorly for the last 12 months he was on the road to recovery then on the 9th February he had a cardiac arrest he put up one hell of a fight bless him but there was too many things wrong to save him his lungs were filling his heart was only working 34% and his kidneys were giving up. I am so proud of him for the fight he gave. I am young but there are younger then me dealing with this kind of sadness however i do feel cheated and dont know what my future holds now. tell me about your wife?

i have just read through the posts a picnic sounds lovely. We are big on family and we often had get together s chip was the funny man the karaoke singer the one to be at a party with. I would love to celebrate his life but at the moment i cant bring myself to think of any kind of gathering with out chip. I would feel like im leaving him out does that make sense. I found the 1st few weeks easier to cope with i was like how come im not grieving i loved that man so much. Time is meant to heal. im not sure about that the further along i get the more im grieving im caring a massive heavy weight of sorrow around with me constantly. i was positive at the beginning dishing out advice and now i wish i could take my own advice. truly there is no way to help anyone through this all we can do is listen and do the best we can for each other. Alex i hope you are ok we dont seem to be chatting as much as we were havent heard from Mrs colt either xx

Hello i too have lost my partner of 22 years I feel very much alone so any chat would be lovely…

Hi Janet I lost my husband 21st March not been well since Dec had tests etc started losing weight rapidly in March sent for CT scan revealed cancer of bowel which had spread within a day his bowel ruptured and passed away 3 days later. 2 months on I feel worst than ever I think it’s just sinking in his gone. Lock down 2 days later did not help how are you coping x

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I’m will chat tomorrow nite nite.

My husband died suddenly in hospital just over 2 weeks ago and the lockdown just makes things so much worse, only 15 people allowed at graveside. Like you we will be holding a celebration of my husband’s life when the time is right, which I think is a lovely thing to do. Stay strong

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Hi Jools it’s a bad time to be greeving, I’m trying to be strong but sometimes the pain inside is terrable, it’s not a pain you can describe, its like there is a big hole inside me, I don’t like being on my own…stay safe x

Hi Janet we have my husband’s funeral tomorrow which is going to be hard but also putting my husband to rest helps to know that he will be at peace

O yes I agree…stay strong will you have your family and friends with you x

I am very lucky to have our daughters and great family support which definitely helps. Hope you have good support too

My daughter is a great comfort to me, where abouts do you live ? x

We were only allowed 6 at Micks funeral our village lined the streets and the hurst stopped outside his local for 5 minutes the conductor walked and led the hurst through the village everyone clapped. Social distancing was maintained but you always get one person who phone the police they were great they stood and appalled my husband I will celebrate Mick when we can xx

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That’s good Janet, we live in Scotland. What about yourself?