Thanks. My husband loved going away … he will miss it … its not fair is it ? Only 60 years old - never thought i would lose him so young ;( bloody crap life it is ! More emotional today as its 11 months to the day i lost that lovely man x


Fair enough :slight_smile: xx

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Hope everone had a nice day.
Weather not too bad in Scotland managed to get out for some shopping.
Tomorrow planning on night out at a concert in Edinburgh called Swing into Christmas. Dont think i want to think about it but booked before so going with my aunty who is in her late 70’s
Anyway back home to the quiet home i now need to call home. Life is tough.
Take care
Lynne x


Hi Lynne.
Waiting for a delivery sometime before 9p.m. Weather dreadful this morning. Floods from heavy rain. Dried up a bit as day gone on. Chocs bought as Christmas gifts for neighbours arrived this a.m and postman kindly brought them in for me. Also box to return some equipment to Sky. All in all a good day.
Good night.
Xx. Sandra

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Hi Sandra
Hope your delivery turns up before 9pm.
I also hope the rain stops. We had 2 days of rain earlier but just cold and frosty now.
Someone mentioned snow next week i hope not
Take care
Lynne xmas

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I hope no snow too … cos im flying on wednesday xxx


One advantage of West Country is we rarely get snow but I to saw that report.

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Well my delivery arrived. One of those drivers who drops the package, rings the bell and is off in his van before you get there. It was a big heavy box which I then had to struggle to pick up ( bending difficult with my arthritis) and carry inside on one arm as I had my stick in my other hand. Makes you really appreciate the postman this morning who insisted on bringing the box in.


Sorry Sandra you had to struggle in with package. Nowadays they just ring the bell and run sure this was a game we played when young !!
I too had a package today delivered that was heavy now sitting in hall cant be bothered to unpack maybe tomorrow
Take care
Lynne x

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I don’t think I have any urgency to unpack the washing pods. Some of our local couriers know who needs help. One for evri will always wait and bring it in for you.

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Oh how charming of him ! X

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I think it must be a day for it. Just got back from an optician appointment where I had been told that I now have a cataract in both eyes, the worst one is in my left eye where I also have macular degeneration and that I would need an operation to remove it. possibly before Christmas to find an enormous box on my doormat. Too heavy for me to lift, I had to sort of shuffle it in with my arthritic knees. I got it in to the hallway and had to empty it there. Chris where are you when I need you :cry:


@Annde . What a day you have had. It would help if they inserted a brain in delivery drivers. Cataract operations are very standard these days but wouldn’t want to go through any op in my own. Only op I ever had was a d&c when they saw some abnormal cells. Never developed luckily.

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Hi @ Annde
Sorry you have to go through operation on your own at this time.
I have my 3 month hospital appointment to check cells and bloods had ovarian cancer treatment 2 years ago and ongoing monitoring and bloods for 10 years rare type having to do appointment on my own next week so unfair but i will be positive that everything is fine.
Doing things on our own is a new normal now.
Lynne x

Yeh … knock a door - run … xxx

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Thanks Lynne and Sandra
I have had so many ops over the last few years, knee replacement, appendix, ovaries removed, bladder repositioning, shoulder it’s getting quite a common occurrence. To be honest Chris was pretty useless as far as the hospital side of it was concerned, he suffered with bad anxiety and a total aversion to hospitals but he was always here for me once I came home
Lynne you have done well to come through the cancer treatment and I hope you continue to remain cancer free. My eldest daughter had breast cancer 11 years ago and the chemo was awful but thankfully she was cleared and remains healthy.
Ann xx

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My brother’s wife has terminal ovarian cancer. Her first load of chemo just made her feel normal and she looked good. That stopped working so she is on different chemo. Not so good on this one. I try not to lean on him too much as his sins 20 year marriage is also breaking down.

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Oh Sandra, Such a sad time for your brother and his wife, I can see why you are reluctant to call on him too much.
Life can be so cruel sometimes xx. Ann

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You are not selfish you are hurting so much and you are unable to control it. This is a heartbreaking path we have to walk down and it is hard. It doesn’t get better but in time you get use to this heartbreak. I know how you feel but please take one day at a time and find comfort in whatever makes you feel better. I wore my husband’s housecoat which was a great comfort. Take care of yourself xx

I done know what i would do without my car. I know Colin would drive most of the time but i do enjoy driving. I drive to work but they have decided to take my parking permit away, they say i don’t live far enough away from work but two buses to get to work and two back is going to be difficult to get to work on time. I also care for mum who i go to after work and who lives passed the hospital grounds and furthur from my house. I have no idea how i am going to get to mum’s after work. Any suggestions?

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