@nicky1961 can you explain to your work about the buses and having to look after your mum after work. Surely you should have the option to drive to work and not have to use unpredictable public transport.

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I have done. I have appealed but it has fallen on deaf ears. They don’t seem to care. Out with the old and in with new.

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Disgusting ! Our ever useless NHS at it again ! I used to work in it but i got no faith in it anymore im afraid ! Go to your MP … its amazing what can happen when your MP is behind you ! x

With everything else that has happened, i can’t handle this as well. I wish Colin was here, God how i wish he was. I can’t bear any more of life’s bloody shit.


Its a disgusting way to treat an employee.

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Yeh ok but its not fair is it :frowning: and would only take quick email to MP you know ! In my experience they are very good !!! And carry a lot of weight. But take care - that’s your first priority :slight_smile: xxxx


It’s 8 weeks for me Jan chocked at her fathers wake I struggle to get out of bed it was 1pm today life seems so pointless went to the pub earlier sat on my own watching everyone enjoying themselves it’s so hard as for M&S that’s a no no to painful reading your post helped me in fact it’s heart warming to know I am not on my own the community helps me you take care x


No you are not selfish. My day changed on 19 of July 2020 when my mum was dying in front of me. My life is so empty now.


I am unable to cope with my sons grief . The tv broke tonight and I said I will get one . He is crying because he said my dad made me feel safe . It breaks my heart I am trying so hard but he makes me feel inadequate


Aw … i know how he feels ! I feel like that now … so exposed ! At my daughters ready to get up and go to airport … im wondering now if it such a good idea this ? Feel so insecure without my husband here to hold my hand ;( x


@Deb5 you might be at the airport now. Safe flight and enjoy as best you can.
Your family will give you much support, and vice versa.

Give my love to Tenerife.

As I said we should have arrived yesterday.


I have arrived @Paddy53 … encountered a lot of turbulence on airplane ! That was bit scary. lovely and warm. Lovely hotel. So far so good though - given my love to tenerife for you :slight_smile: xxx


Well done coping with the travelling!

I really hope you manage to enjoy some of your time away.

Best wishes to you.

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Glad you have arrived and hotel is good @debs enjoy my love xxxx

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Deb5 enjoy your holiday. Don’t let grief spoil it. Much as we don’t want it and didn’t choose it we are all having to create new lives and new memories so relax, enjoy and come home in a better place x

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Enjoy your holiday. We both loved Tenerife.
I am planning my first holiday on my own next year. Mixed feelings as not the same on your own without loved ones.
Still something i feel i must do now
Lynne x


@Deb5 thank you…


Another challenge surmounted. Norman used to clean the shower trap. The shower water wasn’t running away properly which reminded me. It probably hasn’t been cleared in a year. With the help of friend Caroline and google we have cleared it. It was disgusting and smelly. Not a task I am going to relish but won’t leave it as long.


Will try … had a few tears though :frowning: x


@Deb5 enjoy your holiday relax an come home stronger.

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