@Juliebobs . You got out of bed. That is a big step forward. I didn’t find that alcohol helped. I am a depressed drunk. Only now at 5 months am I getting back to the odd glass of wine. All I can say is if you fancy something to eat. Eat it. But try and eat something even if it is only toast. Good luck in M&S. thinking of you.


Thankyou. Xxx

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Aw …not an easy day for you :(,get thst cup of coffee down you :frowning: xxxx

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Jjuliebobs it is very early days for you and to be honest it’s impossible to tell you how long this will take. We all grieve in different ways and we all cope in different ways. It’s coming up to 16 weeks for me come next Saturday and some days are better than others. I think overall I am beginning to accept my loss, I’m still very lonely but am adjusting to my life without my soul mate. I know he won’t be coming back, and writing that starts the tears again but I feel that I am slowly moving forward. I will never stop loving him but I know that he would not want to see me stop living my life so I am making an effort to to make a new normality without him.
We have to take each day as it comes, and I try to be grateful for the years we had together and not dwell on the ones that lay ahead of me without him


Peppermint tea. Can’t drink coffee when I am stressed. Xx

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Thankyou for your wise words. Xx


@Deb5. Think of the size of box of tissues we would need if we did all manage to get together. Maybe we should approach Kleenex. There goes my sense of humour again.


Thank you Sandra, you’ve made me smile for the first time, in what has been an awful day. I had actually just opened a new box of Kleenex.


Great sense of humour. Thanks
Keep up the good work.
Nice to hear on a horrible rainy say in Scotland.
Take care

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Don’t like to rub it in but blue skies and sun in West Country. Not supposed to like this tomorrow.

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Now home from dentist just going to lock myself in watch TV feeling a bit down ut hopefully will pass.
Last night resorted to taking sleeping tablet after my broken sleep the last few weeks and my back was hurting still is today. Book club today at 7pm but not in the mood and back hurts.
Take care
Ly ne x

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@Galaxy75. Sorry you’re feeling down, we have these bad days. I signed my new Will today which upset me, and a woman nearly threw herself into my car and so it went on. Really trying, but these days of missing our loved ones is torture. I feel I have missed him more than ever today, Hope you can have a peaceful evening, Sending hugs x

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Hi @Juliebobs
Hope your feeling a bit better now.
Unfortunately mornings like you mention happen to each of us i remember the first 6 weeks trying to sort things out and bad experience at local bank branch when i was in tears.
I have beeñ nearly 6 months in this life. I still get upset cry but i move on guess i have to do idi t like it and wont get used to being on my own.
So quiet and very lonely when no one around to share.
Hopefully tomorrow is a better day
Look.after yourself
Lynne x


Thanks @Rome18
I have cotacted lawyer as my husband wanted to change something in his will and didnt get round to doing it. I have emailed but no response will phone to make appointment.
I am hoping this evening is better TV on just for background noise not been able to watch anything yet.
Hope you have a nice evening too
Lynne x

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I can’t watch tv properly either, sick of old quiz shows. I joined a craft class yesterday and they are knitting blankets for charity, so I volunteered and have a bag full of wool to start knitting some squares. At least it will make me feel useful.


I find I can watch some tv but it is very erratic. I watched a film call Retribution with Liam Neeson and a currently working my way recording of The Long Shadow about Peter Sutcliffe. But normally it is total drivel I watch or is on in the background.

It’s supposed to be really cold tomorrow so I think the heating will be ramped up and I will spend a lot of time under a blanket. Plus my knee and hip are really playing up this evening as it gets cold.


I haven’t managed a film yet.
It’s gone colder here so turned c/h up. I hope your knee and hip improve. Xx

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Just had some paracetamol and put some deep heat on so it should be better soon. Really is getting colder. Maybe I’ll have soup for lunch tomorrow.

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@Juliebobs I hear you. Sorry I can’t offer you much help but please know you’re not alone. We all have bad days and we truly understand. Keep chatting on here it helps.


Get shares in kleenex you mean ? :frowning: picked my granddaughter up today after school so took my mind off things today, my daughter doesn’t live that near to me so have to travel about 3/4 hour to get there but made a change Xx

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