I agree too with ALL of the above. My hubby was such a joker. We had the best of times. He would talk to anyone and we were inseparable. The pain of watching him suffer and the pain now that I have without him is unbearable. I don’t feel safe, happy or have anything to look forward to. To me he knew everything. He always knew what to do and cd fix anything. Always knew the right thing to say and he had some great ideas. Many people looked to him for advice on numerous matters. He was just the best. I just long to be with him asap.
@Deb5 that saying is so true but it’s not so much behind every great man or woman it’s because of them. They are the unsung heroes of so many partnerships and unlike the very false thanks given out at award events it’s the couples who support each other who deserve the awards. But then most of us will always say that we have the most precious award stood next to us or In our cases in our hearts🥹
Just returned from my weekly grief meeting. Todays was rather small, 5 people. We detoured from the usual format, and because of the small group, I suggested we all talk about how we met our beloved spouses. It was so nice. I still cannot talk about my precious man without crying, but I feel safe with these folks, just as I do here. Like I have mentioned they “get it”. Which is so refreshing as opposed to listening to stupid ridiculous cliques.
Peace and love, Karen
Yes youre right … people should thank their partners more cos its cos of them we are who we are xxx i wish i had thanked my partner more just for being him ;( x
I can appreciate how everyone feels. It’s been 6 months and several days since I lost my love.
Today and tbh, everyday seems to be getting harder! I did think at one point, I was starting to see a tiny glimmer of light? How wrong was I!
Nothing seems right, everyday is just a heap of nothing, no matter what I do or say, nothing is right.
I miss my Martin so so much, this massive gap, cannot be filled. Must days I spend alone, I WFH so do have contact with other people, but my world has gotten so small…
I am holding onto the hope that this, at some point will become easier? That’s all I have…
Aw dottie … its do not fair is it ? I know that empty feeling ?,i wonder why god did this to us ? Why give us someone to love and then take them away so cruelly that it ruins your life ? I dont get it ? I hope things get better too for us all ? Ive no idea where my life gonna take me now … its like some sort of scary journey we are on … where we don’t know where the destinatiin is gonna be ? X
@Dottie72 we are the same in our grief journey. My beloved husband dies 6 mos and 13 days ago. And the same for me, things are getting harder. I feel like the reality of his death is really setting in. I spend most of my time alone, we had no children and all family are out of the state where we live. After 52 yrs of marriage, I have no clue of how to live a life without him. We were the center of each others world. Nothing really matters anymore, just existing not living. Will that change? Well, I wish I knew how. He was such a wonderful, loving, caring man. Our hearts are shattered. I wish you peace on this long dark difficult journey.
I’m glad I’m not the only one still awake. I’ve had a difficult day. I don’t know what to say or do. I just want to be with my husband. My 3 adult children are the best and so supportive but they have their partners and children and jobs. They have a myriad of distractions. My husband and I were retired so were together most of the time. I’ll never settle to this new life. Never.
So sorry that you are all struggling and I can’t say it will get easier. It’s 14 months since my partner died and I stll get bad dsys and nights when the anxiety and tears take over. I do try to keep busy and have made some good links through the local widows group but that doesn’t replace the closeness of having someone there to share your days and nights with. I too have a supportive family but hide the pain I’m feeling from them. Here’s hoping today isba better dat and we all sleep tonight xx
l am with you dottie72, same years of marriage, no family, and yesterday a complete meltdown and only 12 weeks in. as lm housebound l cant even leave the house to break the day. the TV and radio is no distraction but then that only leaves me with thoughts of him, which breaks my heart all over again. what can l do? l dont want to feel this pain.
Least you got a supportive family ! Mine are crap since fineral ! Dont wanna see how hard it is for me cos theyre selfish people and it doesnt fit into their nice neat box does it ! Huh !!! Doibg my mum her tea today do that’s a distraction ftom the misery of being alone
Ah @ I’m sorry you’ve got a crap family. They say you can choose your friends but not your family. I’ve very lucky with mine. Have you got some good friends around to support you? I’m saddened by the amount of people on here who have no family or rubbish family. I can honestly say if it wasn’t for mine I’d have been long gone! Hope you have a stable day.
So today im going for a meeting with my 2 money grabbing step children and my evil Brother in law who just likes to poke his nose in. My Husband hated him and hadnt spoken to him in years. Its to talk about my Husbands estate and who gets what. He didnt make a will and they want me to walk away with the house and nothing else. I have had 3 months of nasty txts and even threats from the day after my Husband died. Please wish me luck as im shaking and only managed 2 hours sleep.
Dont be bullied into anything. Stand your ground. If they’re not entitled to anything legally they have no right. My thoughts and prayers are with you. l will pray for your strength in this situation that no-one needs at this time.
I think you need a solicitor ?? !!! How dare people think they are entitled to anything when they done bugger all ! Im having similar problem with my own children ! Wanting a cut in their fathers pension cos he allegedly promised it ! Ha i not even done paperwork yet but it keeps coming up !!! So sad - when i would swap all the money in the world for my husband back !!!