I lost my son 5 weeks ago

Glad your feeling a bit better xxxx

Hi there
I feel for you and identify with those feelings. I lost my youngest son Paul 11/12/20/
suddenly and it was a brutal shock. Hyperoroptic cardiomathy a heart condition. I am starting the 2nd year now and I have no idea how I got through a few days and got to 1yr and 3 months.
The pain is visceral and exhausting on many levels. I never stop thinking about him and I miss him so much fran

Hi fran .we all know that awful feeling . Its evil and shocking i lost sam he was just 25 . He passed april 27th after four short months finding out he had a rare sarcoma cancer was everywhere . No words .its just so hard im in bits today i just miss him every minute .we was such a close family .and now we all hurting . The ladys on here are lovely . Theres another post on here too lost son at 27 the lady been on here at all different stages of grief .always some one to talk to that understands . Take care love zoe xx

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Hi jenna glad your feeling better.
How are you teddy and kath hard weekend my love and thoughts with you all xx much love zoe xx

Hi fran Ilost my daughters weeks ago .Nothing prepares you losing a child take care .Do keep posting.

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Hi Jenna gladyou felling better.Its a hard weekend for all of us .My first MD.So will be thinking about each one of you.My Grandson bought me a really thoughtful gift a bracelet with a inscription which read forever loved.And it was taken from a sample of my daughter handwriting
I can cary a bit of her with me whenever I wear it. HUGS

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Hi Fran , afternoon ladies feel Iā€™m just not getting a break since I lost my son . Christmas , his bday and now MD I have told my other children that I donā€™t really want to do anything , I know thatmay sound a bit selfish but itā€™s how I feel . Feeling very run down at the moment and just want to curl up and wait for it to get dark . Xxx

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Same here Teddy. And Paul was the Christmas just passed. The missing presense is like a loud screaming inside of me.

Sorry to hear that Fran ! Yes I can honestly say I have never been so sad and lost in my life and believe me my life has been very tuff . Xx just canā€™t stop crying still canā€™t get my head around what happened .

Thatā€™s a beautiful and thoughtful present . Bless him xxx


Itā€™s a no words day for me. I Feel a bit numb. Sunday is my worse day anyway as it was busy and everyone was here including girlfriends and I never had to cook . I miss the boys so much itā€™s a terrible yearning but no tears which is worse. Christian is here so we will perhaps go out for lunch or dinner. Hope your day is as good as it can be. Lots of love to you all. Xxxx

Life is a bitch !!

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Hi Nell

I got the same from my Dr when I was in a bad place after my youngest son passed. It was about 2 months after and I was in a state. High levels of anxiety, wanting to die and be with him. He said I got a new AntiD for you. I said I do not think this is depression Dr. I am in a pit of grief. He insisted this will help tbh I do not think so. Like you I thought maybe be worse if I stopped. Who knows. We have to taper off anyways. Who knows waht the yare doing Nell x

Zoe thank you for the lovely poem xxx LOve To all today :heart::tulip:

Lovely poem . Xxxx

Hi ladies, my first md without my son Neil :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:

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Afternoon Welshie , bloody horrible isnā€™t it !! I am just totally depressed and feel so empty inside . My first MD without my son xxxx sending love to all the ladies xxx

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My first one too , got up hung around for a while. Lit a sunday candle by the boys pictures then just went back to bed. CHris bless bought me in some lovely flowers and choc, and then I felt guilty so I got up again. May or may not go out tonight . I just hate these firsts . Sorry misery me todayxx

First for me too.We have to try to look forward.I put flowers around my daughters picture.Lovely poem Zoe