I lost my son 5 weeks ago

Teddy so sorry you feeling so down. I Know that empty feeling it is awful. I do not have any answers just that this too will pass for a while at least I think it is a really good idea to
see a councillor. I started counselling three weeks ago a d it working for me. Did you see GP in the end . It might be useful to talk it through with him or her . It could be helpful to have a few sources of support that are not family. I wish we all had a magic wand to get away from this pain. I send you much love and some peace xxx



Sorry you feel that way Teddy. I just have that feeling of longing all the time.Do try that losing a son at 27 as Zoe suggest.I have just posted once on there but get comfort from reading all the very helpful posts. It makes you understand different stages of grieve.

Hi jenna and kath we all on this awful new road where we dont want to be. Nothing any one says can make it better . But this site makes you feel your not so alone . Friends dont really understand there not in our shoes . This is all so wrong sending all my love xx zoe xx

Kath its really early days for you too. How is your grandson x

Hi ladies thank you for lovely messages . Itā€™s been three and a half months . Iā€™m just fucked please excuse my language ! Tried to get some support but there is a three month waiting list xxx

Dear Teddy2

I lost my son in October 2019.

I completely understand how desperate and empty youā€™re feeling. You will find a way to cope with this but it takes time and we all deal with our grief differently. The timescale is different for all of us too.

Professional help may help. I found this site so groundingā€¦it gave me hope that somehow Iā€™d find a way to carry on with my lifeā€¦but differently.

I am a different person since Henry died and I view life so differently. Iā€™m not stuck here foreverā€¦Henry is waiting and we will be reunited.

Meditation via the Headspace app has been invaluable to me.

Iā€™m still not on top of it every dayā€¦Motherā€™s Day was difficultā€¦my third with only one son. But itā€™s not on top of me all the time now. Donā€™t give up. Just focus on the next hour.

Keep posting and know we all walk with you.

Love and hugs to you.

Thank you purple , beautiful kind words . Yes I totally agree Iā€™m not the same person and donā€™t think I ever will . I

Yes I do work but have been of since December , my work are wanting me to return not sure if I can cope with being around lots of people xxx

Good morning everyone.Zoe my Grandson is doing OK but I feel sad both my Grandsons not having their Mum around.But Mack who lives with me has asbergers syndrome and a housing association has offered him a one bedroom flat around the corner from me.We can better support him. I was so worried for him because me and my husband are in our 70s and we all know you canā€™t take life for granted.He canā€™t rely on his dad who walked out of them years ago.It gives me peace of mind knowing he has a roof over his head.And on another positive note my daughters pensions and insurance has been paid rightly to her boys and not to her husband because of the pandemic the divorce was not finalised.At least they have a bit of financial security.Thanks for the advice of going to the CAB They sorted it.

Now thatā€™s a great hit of news!! Having financial security is so important. Iā€™m going to attempt to meet my friends today for a coffee donā€™t want to but feel I need to force myself to do something . Iā€™m just sitting in my flat isolated . Not feeling very well got a really bad b CV old and canā€™t shift it . Iā€™m obviously really run down .

Teddy you might feel better meeting friends.I meet with my friends most Saturdays. I Look forward to it.Although I have known them 50 years and they have been a great support. Do go see your GP if you can.

Yes I will , tbh Iā€™m getting rather stressed out just thinking about it . But have to push myself and I know I will feel better seeing g someone . I have gone from a busy bee to a stay at home person . Really trying to hold it together xxxxx

Hi Teddy

I dont we will ever get over the loss, its unbearable.
I was going to scatter Neils ashes on my mums grave on her anniversary so they can be together but cant bear to part with him at the moment, dont think i ever will. Its just so hard without him. xxx

Hi Jenna
My first was neils 39th birthday in November,then christmas, then mothers day. I did put up the card he sent me last year which was a bit of a comfort but the day was still heartbreaking. My other children (2) came over but with one missing is awful. Take care xx

I feel you I lost my son in December then it was Christmas his bday then MD so hard .

Just awful still doesnā€™t feel real . But as I have said before I try not to think to much as I feel I will crack up . I just find no one really understands xxx Iā€™m most definitely not the same person I was before and donā€™t think I ever will be the same person xxx

Good morning Ladies.
Welshie I scatterd my daughters ashes straight away.I put them next to my mum and sisters.She passed 7 weeks ago. I Know each one of us is different but I wonā€™t go to that place because I donā€™t think they are there. I carry my daughter around with me in my heart.I wake up every morning and I can smell her perfume no one else can smell it .If itā€™s in my imagination I donā€™t care it seems sheā€™s close to me.Whatever gets you through.Take care.

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Hi ladys i have my sam in the frontroom .he never hardly went out only to his sisters so i feel he belongs here . Everyone us different . .in there thoughts and feelings you have to do whats best for you ā€¦i hope your all ok . Remember baby steps .your all amazing love zoe :heart:


Hi ladies , lovely messages as usual . Not feeling great today think I may have flu !! I honestly think Iā€™m run down Iā€™d imagine all that dress and trauma on your body takes itā€™s toll .
Omg how cold is it today ? Love and hugs ladies xxxx

Teddy did you meet your friends for coffee?I think our immune systems compromised.I certainly have my fair share of headaches and a really painful neck.which I never used to have before my Louise passed.We have to realise what a big shock to the system it is.Its a miracle we survive it.Hugs