I lost my son 5 weeks ago

Hello Ladies.I wake up every morning with the most awful headache.I gave up on doctors because I had a telephone appointment and got mixed up with the time.I thought he was late ringing.I rang to ask if they had forgotten only to be tore a strip off by the receptionist and her telling me to be patient.I know I was wrong and got wrong time but it really upset me because I am super sensitive at the moment.It should be her made to feel bad not me she doesn’t know what’s going on in people’s life.So suffer in silence.Big hugs.

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Hello all - sorry to hear that you are all unwell. I have had all sorts but ok now. Grief and loss affects immune system so they say . Hope you get well soon. My son christian birthday today so it feels very different for him bless him. Take care jx

Dont know who receptionists think they are .make you feel your commiting a crime xx

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Happy birthday to your son Christian Our other children do get overshadowed by our grief because we can’t think of anything else.Anyway I hope he has the best of days under the circumstances. Xxx

Yes happy birthday Christian xxx

Happy birthday Christian xxxxx

Doctor gave me antibiotics I have a chest infection

Hopefully they will get to work and you’ll start to feel better soon.

Hopefully, tbh I haven’t been well for over a week and a half , coleslaws on my lips and a horrible mark on my face fighting my war xxxx

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Teddy - what is the mark on your face like? Have u got any pain in your face. I Had cold sores and a mark on my face that spread over a couple of days. I had shingles keep an eye on any more Mark’s on face xxxx.

Oh , not to sure if I’m being honest , I will have a proper look at it tomorrow I have just been putting sudo cream on it . Never really get cold sores . Feel a little bit better tonight I’d imagine antibiotics are helping . I told you I ordered tgst book Jenna . Looking forward to reading it . Xxxxxxx

Morning - I think you were talking the other day about Megan Devine. For info she has lots of informative little videos on YouTube. There’s also someone called Catherine McNulty who is a grief specialist and she also offers quite a lot of info about coping with grief. Best wishes and hope your day is at least bearable.

Morning Nell and ladies , thanks for tip . I will have a look at her videos . Big hugs to all xxxxx

I have been watching and listening to Marion Devine , found it comforting xxxx thanks again

Hi ladies , hope all had a alright day xxxxx

Hello all, Teddy hope the antibiotics have kicked in. Yesterday and today I have had the most acute longing for jonnie it’s as if I suddenly realised he had gone and the pain has been horrible. I fear the intensity of it all. I feel as if the reality of the loss of both my boys is hitting me again but in a more fierce way. I dont know whether the shock and numbness has finally lifted and I am confronted with the cold light of day and the pain is leaving me breathless. Sorry a bit of a downer post but hoping it might help to write it down j

Dear Jenna

Honestly you’re being so brave…losing two children and so close together…no time to process anything. It’s amazing you can string two words together.

I do think reality kicks in but it goes away again m…almost as though we can only cope with so much pain.

Please do try meditation. I use the Headspace app…just listening to the coach and breathing takes those awful panics away. When it was recommended to me I was so sceptical but desperation got the better of me….I’m so grateful to have it as a safety net.

I’m sending you love and a warm hug.

Keep posting and know we are here for you.


Hello Jenna sometimes we put our grief in a little pocket only for it to escape and hit you with such intensity.I would recommend as purple said meditation I am new to it.But when I am feeling anxious and get feelings of longing I find it helps. Hope things improve.Xxx

Hi Jenna sorry your having such an awful day , think what the other Ladies suggested may help and give you some relief from your pain xxxxx big hugs to all xxxx

Hi Jenna - you have had two losses to try and come to live with. It’s sounding like it’s excruciating and there probably isn’t even a word for what you are feeling. That you are actually managing to carry on as best you can, is in itself an achievement. I send you respect and admiration. It won’t make you feel any better today but it’s still true. I hope today has at least the odd glimmer for you. I hope you get some rest too. Sending all best thoughts. X

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