I lost my son 5 weeks ago

Hi Jenna , yes they are offering me staggered return . Tbh I haven’t really been out of the house and have just been around people I wanted to be around . The thought of seeing other people frightens me . Xxx I have an assessment with a counsellor on the 26th of this month . I’m not dealing with things just putting things in boxes in my body if that makes sense xxx

Oh yes that makes sense.Be brave and go you will at least have a feel for things , Good the counselling coming up for you .I think it does do what you described so well, looking back though I know it is helping Good luck for tomorrow let us
Know how u get onxx

Thank you jenna for your kind words …go Teddy but dont let them convince you if your not ready .such early days .take care xx

Will do Zoe , wish me luck ladies xxx big hugs xxx

Big hugs right back at u xxx

Good luck - will be thinking of you Teddyxx

I did it ladies was very anxious but to be honest it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be . As I said before I am a single parent and need to work to keep the roof over our head , so today was a very big step I saw some of my work colleagues just gave them a little wave didn’t speak to no one . Xxx

Well done you! It’s a good step in the right direction. Be proud of yourself.

Well done brave lady🌷

Thanks ladies , my daughters were crying on the phone saying how proud they are off me . Xxx big, big step xxxx

So great that the family are all in there with you today. Treat yourself to something nice you deserve it.xxx

Well done.But do things in your own time there’s no rush.xx

I know exactly what your saying Kath but I can’t survive not working and no income coming in . But the hood thing is there giving me a staggered return which I think will help . And if things get to much I will speak to them xx

Which will help , they have also informed people not to be asking me any questions and if they do they will be sent straight to HR

Only a few people in my team know what has happened as I didn’t want people to know my situation . Xxx

Well all the very best with it all .It sounds like you have understanding employees.xx

Thank you xxx

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Well done darling really proud of you .just take your time .you know your own mind and body thats just great .when will you start back well done xx

Does anybody else always feels stressed.I feel like a coiled spring.and have horrendous headaches. Is this part of grieving process?

Thanks Zoe , my sick note runs out on the 24th so maybe return 25th with a staggered return and if I find it to difficult I’ll speak to my supervisor. You know what I feel I have to try my life is so isolated to the point of not leaving my house. Don’t think that’s good for anyone !! All I can do is try . Xxxx