I lost my son 5 weeks ago

Hi Kath think our bodies have been through so much with our grief my body is literally like a rock . So I’d imagine your symptoms could well be related to grief . I actually had a vitamin 12 jab yesterday which is supposed to help with stress and anxiety . Xxx

Wishing everyone a peaceful GOod Friday xxxx

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Here, here xxxx

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Hi all- I am having a pure grief day. When everything is very dark and the only thought that I have going on in my head is ‘I want my boys back’ I want my boys back’. It is reality raising its head and I do not want it

Hi Jenna, big hugs xxxx

Just somehow get through today, you are coping by simply breathing. It’s overwhelming and shows your love. I hope you get some sleep tonight and that tomorrow is at least a bit more gentle for you. X

Morning ladies , how we all doing ? Xxxx

Hi all - in the middle of a tough time at moment - will be okatx

My prayers and thoughts are with you . Big hugs xxxxx

Offload on here Jenna sometimes talking with people that get you is like medicine . Xxxx

Jenna be kind to yourself.The pain is sometimes hard to come to terms with.Get through today.Warm hugs.

You got thru yesterday, despite how dark it was. You are getting thu today. It’s enough for now. Be as gentle as you can with yourself. Sending you support in thought x

Thank you all . Feels like too much to bear . Miss them so much .

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Hi ladys its hard very hard and wicked .its such early days for you all .your still in shock .dont be hard on yourself . My sams been gone coming up to a year .its like yesterday sendi g you all big hugs .talk out loud to your boys there all around you kove zoe xx

I’m not sure if I’m typing this in the right place but here goes. My lovely, caring, kind, handsome son of 38 died on 20th March. We were so close…he had struggled in the past with an addiction but just under 4 years ago booked himself into a rehab centre and came out clean and so happy with life.
He’d always managed to keep working even when he was struggling the most and had his own flat 5 minutes away from me. So these past 4 years had been wonderful for him and all the family…so happy to see him happy at last. Just over 2 years ago he was installing central heating for a couple who had a lovely black and white lurcher who took a liking to Andrew. Turned out they were hoping to rehome him and Andrew jumped at the chance to have him.
So now Andrew had Ash…he was so very, very happy with life . We both shared a love of metal detecting which we did every weekend. I went round to let Ash out every day at lunchtime while Andrew was at work. We spoke every day, I often cooked extra for tea and shared it with him. We were so, so close for a mother and an adult son but we laughed at everything, enjoyed being out in the beautiful Norfolk countryside as often as we could.
Then Sunday 20th March. I called round to pick him up for our detecting. Thought it was strange that Ash didn’t come bounding down the stairs, went up…looked in bedroom and thought Andrew was asleep.
No…he wasn’t. I knew I was too late…dialled 999…pulled him off the bed onto the floor…started chest compressions. It seemed like forever until the paramedics arrived and took over. But…after a while they told me to sit down, it was too late…
My lovely son…my best friend… gone!!
So now…in 2 days time it will be his funeral. 40 or more of his old friends, plumbers, heating engineers have arranged to follow behind the hearse in their vans, waving flags with his photo on them, playing his music. Detectorist friends from our group are coming, we’re all wearing our detecting gear. Family, friends from school days, fishing days, party days will all be there…but he won’t be there. I’ll never see him again!!
How will I survive…how can I ever enjoy anything again knowing he’s missing it all??

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Hi Sue you have come to the right place.Its such early days and you are still in shock.It is something we can’t prepare ourselves for to lose a child.It speaks volumes about how wonderful you son was with amount of love from his friends.I too lost my daughter in January and posting on here has helped enormously .Do keep posting.Warm regards.Xx

Dear Sue

I’m so sorry for the loss of your lovely son. Especially finding him and having to cope with that immediate shock. Being so close makes it even harder to bear. :broken_heart:

I understand the strain that addiction brings to a relationship and to think your son had recovered and has now tragically passed on is unbelievable

I’m using that word as I lost my 30 year old son in 2019 and I still struggle to believe I’ll never see him here on earth again.

I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t leave the house. Or drive or sleep…I had a complete breakdown as I was so close to Henry.

You will find a way to accommodate your loss and grief but it’s an ongoing journey. Don’t despair as it is possible to cope but it takes time, support from people here and people around you.

It’s such early days, the funeral yet to come. You may well still be in shock…focus on getting through the next hour, that’s all you need to do for now.

My heart aches for you. I’m sending love and a warm hug.

Keep posting, we understand like no one else does.


Hi suedav, I have just read your post I’m literally heartbroken for you and completely understand your pain . I lost my beautiful son of 35 in December like you say how close you were that was my relationship with my son . You have definitely came to the right place all the ladies are lovely and supportive and can relate to you and your pain . It is the hardest road to go down and as I often say to all the ladies what a cruel world we live in . Xxxx please keep posting it does help and can give you a bit of comfort xxxx big hugs xxx

Your messages are always so lovely purple xxx

Thank you for your messages.
I’ve just woken up to another beautiful sunny day. Andrew hated winter, the short days and long dark nights. He lived for Spring, Summer and Autumn…when we could get out in the fields detecting or maybe going for long walks with his dog Ash. He’ll never see this blue sky again and I’m so heartbroken for him.
This year my partner and I had booked a dog friendly house on the north Norfolk coast and Andrew and Ash were joining us for the week. It was going to be the first time all four of us had been on holiday together and we were so looking forward to it.
How can this be real??? How can I face every sunny day without him? X