I lost my son 5 weeks ago

Yes I’m sure they just want to make us smile for a moment in the midst of all the tears :orange_heart::yellow_heart:xxx

So true xxx

Most mornings when I wake I can smell my daughters perfume. It is so strong and it last for about 10 min.Nobody else can smell it.

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Thats amazing kath x

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I lost my beautiful daughter last July. & compassionate friends have been so wonderful. First meeting for me is next Saturday & am really looking forward to it as most days I go to bed & pray I don’t wake up . Praying these lovely people show me the way. Love & prayers to you all

Oh maggie dont say that . I really hope they help …always chat on here sending you a hug xxove zoe x

Hi Maggie if there is one thing I can promise you is the great support you will get from all the amazing wonderful ladies on this platform xxxx keep posting always someone on the other side xxxxx

Dear Maggie the very fact you are looking forward to it means its giving meaning to your life.Hope they give you the peace you are looking for.Keep posting

Warm Hugs KathX

Hi has everyone left this stream. Let me know I’m lonely here xxx

Hi Jenna,
I’m still here. I’m never sure if I post in the right place as I’m quite new to this site …I lost my lovely son Andrew on 20th March and am just so devastated and so sad beyond anything I ever thought possible. I keep reading all the posts just to feel close to others who understand how it feels. Nothing helps though does it? For the odd second I think it hasn’t happened, I’ve been dreaming, imagining it then the whole thing washes over me and I just can’t believe I’ll never see him again.:sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

Hi Lovely Jenna - I’m still here and thinking of you. You aren’t alone, we are here. Sending you all good wishes. Hang on in there, there will be, sooner or later some better days. X

Thanks for responding . I had woken up really early and felt strange. My body felt really light and I felt empty inside .It was so quiet about 5am and i felt wide awake . Then I just crumbled to the floor and it was like I would imagine all the muscles especially my stomach and lungs contracting and releasing and horrible noises and I was sobbing deeply and painfully for what seemed like ages. My poor son woke up and said he thought i was in physical pain and wa ted to call an ambulance,bless him.i did feel calmer afterwards but I also felt frightened as it was so intense and out of my control. It is all so sad these losses of ours. I miss my boys so much xx

Oh Jenna,
I’ve been reading through lots of your old posts. I feel your pain for the loss of your two lovely boys…this grief, pain, torment that we’re all feeling is just beyond explaining to the rest of the world. It’s only 4 days since Andrews cremation and I know all his lovely friends that came on friday will be feeling sad but their lives are going on as normal. How can our lives ever be normal again?
It’s sunny…again!! Andrew lived for days like this…he should be here enjoying it not just a pile of ashes in a wooden casket. That’s all my beautiful boy is now! Just gone!!
I don’t want to go out in the sun without him. I want it to rain hail be cold so I don’t keep thinking he should be here enjoying the sun. I loved him so much, we always had a big hug everytime I saw him…most days. I drove with my partner along the Norfolk lanes the other day and it was so beautiful, the big yellow fields of oilseed rape ,the blue sky and the trees all coming into leaf and I sobbed and sobbed as usually I’d be driving along with Andrew and we’d be saying how lucky we are and how beautiful everything is.
How can life ever feel good again without him?
Sorry…all about me again! I want to say something wise and helpful to you all…I can only say that I really, really do share all your pain and wish you all lots if love and a hope for joy to return to your hearts during your lives without your dear children
Love Sue

Oh Jenna it is so heartbreaking to hear how you are suffering.Its because we loved our children so much that we feel this way.SueDav Think of your beautiful Andrew he is all around you in the sunshine he will be there in your memories.Its such early days for all of us.

Big Hugs to each one of you.

Hi ladys been a bit quite flu like again .sams year anniversary tomorrow it still dont feel real .this life so cruel . I post on the other thread too .lost boy at 27 . I know a few of you do

Oh jenna it seems like you had a big panic attack hope youve calmed a bit now darling this wicked road we are on .is so wrong our children shouldnt go before us thinking of you all sending love xx zoexxx

Hi teddy did you go back to work x

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Sue never feel guilty for talking about you thats what its for your in trauma a terrible shock .just take one day at a time do what you feel and if you want to stay in thats fine .yes the suns shining but its gone out in your heart right now . Its a long road dont fight it just go with it . …im sitting in sams room with his trainers on my feet and hugging acuddly toy .which i put his fav aftershave on . He kept it since he was two LOVE TO YOU ALL ZOE XX


Hi Jenna - maybe you had a panic attack and not surprising with all you are going through. I find that the mornings are the worst. Just after my daughters funeral I woke one morning beyond myself with misery and grief and anger. I knocked (pounded really!) on two of my friends doors at 6 in the morning and I was hysterical. Eventually I calmed down but I’m still embarrassed as this was out of character for me. Grief can make anybody behave and feel in ways they would never normally do. It’s raw emotion and, on that particular morning I wasn’t in control. I regret it but I didn’t plan it. The pain was just too much. Having a meltdown is not surprising when you are enduring so much. You are crying out at the pain of loss. Be gentle with yourself and know that so many people on here will relate to your feelings. I certainly do and I’m sending you my thoughts x

Hi ladies, went back to work for a few hours today . It was ok went in today and did I struggle . Just don’t want to do it but I seriously have no choice . How bad is that ?? Zoe I will be thinking about you tomorrow. Just bloody awful that we are all here I mean how do we go on ? Suppose we don’t do we just go into auto pilot . I feel so empty it’s like my body is there but I’m dead inside and in so much pain 24/7! Big hugs to all the ladies xxx

Oh Teddy i totally understand that autopilot . No one knows but people on here .your going through the motions but we are waiting.we are waiting but there not coming .this new normal is just wrong …well done Teddy for going to work really proud of you .i cant imagine how hard that is …whatever happens we have to live with this …so its a life without our beautiful children .all i hope there safe at peace .my sam would say dont start crying mum . Its ok . My beautiful superhero .our giant . Take care ladys be kind to yourselfs . Xxlove and hugs zoe xx

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What beautiful words xx just so sad , I don’t want normal just want to hide away from this awful world xxx Do you have anything planned tomorrow for Sam ? Xxx