I lost my son 5 weeks ago

Hi ladies had a tuff day in work today just couldn’t cope . Too bloody hard I have asked them if I can go part time bet the bastards will say No xxxx

I had a tough day too.You never know they might let you go part time I do hope they do .Trouble is they don’t understand how tough it is.I was going through some things and came across my daughters unopened Chritmas presents.We weren’t allowed a visit or allowed to leave presents because of covid.It was so overwhelming it nearly broke me.xxxx

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Could you go sick for a while? X

Wow Kath that must have been so painful ! Hit you like a knife in the heart xxxx Font know what the hell im doing up and down like a yo,yo too much pressure really thinking about this and that . When all I really want to do is be at home in my own little life .

Hi Nell I have just returned this week been off sick since December . Honestly don’t know if I can do it ! Always had to be strong very private person . I’m financially not in a good place do really feel I have no choice . Would you believe my manager had not even said hello to me . Not a very nice ladies . So I don’t know if they will even consider letting me go part time for a while until I’m able to cope a bit better . Xxxx

Kath and Teddy, so sorry, you can do without these extra stresses and setbacks.
Helen posted on one of the other threads (lost son at 27) a poem about not losing your child once but over and over again when you keep being reminded.
Love and hugs 🫂 to you, Ann xx

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That’s really tough for you. There isn’t an easy answer is there. Hang on and see if they will consider part time or giving you a longer time on the phased return. That’s a reasonable request. Not all employers are as decent as they should be. You don’t deserve this.

Hi Teddy sorry to hear about work issues. I think if you want to work part time for a while you should ask your Gp to give you a ‘fit note,’ stating that you are fit to work but only a certain number of hours a week with hours to be increased decided by you and your Gp. If you have asked your Gp to say you are ok to work now and will sort it out with your employer then they have all the power . I do not think your boss has the power to just say no to be honest . I know you say that you have always had to be strong but you are only human and are grieving for your boy. Not sure about the ins and outs of what you have arranged with your work but if it was me I would be having meetings \phone calls with Gp and then tell your work what you can do. It’s so frustrating when you have to do hard things because of money. Hope things improve soon Xxxx

Thank you ladies , yes I might do that Jenna speak to GP just disgusting .My manager is going to have a chat with me on Tuesday but not being negative don’t think my manager will have it not a very nice ladies but then hey she might surprise me . Or another option is I could just go sick again . Xxx

Teddy - talk it through with your GP - but only you know what you can manage - important you look after your mental health - oops do I sound bossy?

No you don’t sound bossy , your right with your advice xxx

Very much appreciated xxx

Hi ladys .these up and down days .grief is so unpredictable .a rollercoaster .
Teddy no one should say you have to go back .hope you have a nice doctor . Just tell the truth you cant do it and your in a state panic .bloody life all about money . Your health is top priority . Feel very empty with life its all so hard thinking of you all sending lots of hugs x

Teddy you say you work in london do you have to travel far .where do you live x

Hiya , I do live in London , my job is literally five minutes away .

Oh bless you .i was thinking about transport … i live in belvedere do you know that way

I used to work beginning new oxford st . Nationwide . But when i had my kids . I just did cleanning xx

No I don’t know that area .

I done many cleaning jobs when my kids were young .

I have woke up this morning feeling what the hell am I I going to do ! Such an awful situation I don’t want to go to work but then if I don’t work how do I survive . Don’t know , hard to think about yourself when you have so much responsibility.