I lost my son 5 weeks ago

Yes your right , had a really crap day again ! Many off them to come ! Yes I’ll speak to doctor tomorrow and see what they say and hopefully they will give me a sick note xxx thanks again ladies for all your help and support . This platform is such a life saver xxxx

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Morning ladies , just spoke to gp , didn’t find her that great I explained my situation and that i had tried to go back to work but just couldn’t cope . She then suggested doing me a sick note where I can go back reduced hours ! So she obviously wasn’t listening to me .

Sorry about that experience Teddy.
Do you have Ask My GP? You can message them. I think you need to hammer home the fact that you are not coping. I know you’re not in the mood for it, but keep banging on to them that you CAN’T COPE and need their help. Try not to be fobbed off. Tell her what she suggested won’t do. Have you anyone who can support you in tackling the GP? So disappointing when they are no help, I’m really sorry it’s another battle you can do without.
Love and hugs

You know what she didn’t even look at my notes . Now I’m anxious if they try and force me back to work !!!

No teddy your feeling weak and not thinking straight .you talk again sob and say your to depressed to even think about going back .say i need your help its no time atall x

Hi Teddy - your GP doesn’t sound helpful. You could ring the surgery and ask for your GP to phone you, and make a few notes beforehand about what you would like her to do to help you. I guess what you want is for her to sign you off work for the time being as you aren’t well enough to go back yet. Make it clear thats what you are asking for. If you decide that you would like to try anti depressants you could ask for a couple of weeks or a month at least till you start to feel the benefits, then an appt with your GP to talk about returning to work. If you really don’t want to talk to your GP directly, after todays experience you could send an email, explaining how you feel and that you don’t feel well enough even for a phased return right now. Tell her what you’d like her to do so she doesn’t assume that you are happy with a phased return…

You could do without all this worry and stress and deserve some peace. Sending you more hugs xxx

Thank you ladies xxxx I have made a appointment to speak to a different GP in three weeks when my sick not runs out . I know this is going to sound weird but sometimes professional women can be so cold . I have had two bad experiences talking to female doctors and the male doctors just seem to have more empathy .xx thanks again ladies xxx


Well done Teddy!

Well done you! I never thought of that common sense thing of seeing someone else. X

Yes sod that bloody doctor xxx

That’s good Teddy,
Hopefully speaking to a different doctor will help and they will be more understanding.
It’s so hard to deal with all the everyday problems on top of this devastating grief that we’re all struggling with.
I’ve made the first step after losing Andrew 6 weeks ago and finally rung up to cancel his Sky. I get as far as saying “Unfortunately my son has…”…then I sob until I’m finally able to say the word “died”.
I’ve rung the vets to tell them and cancelled his Healthy Pet Plan that he had for his dog Ash.
So if I can hold it together for a little longer I’ll cancel his pet insurance. That’s more than I’ve achieved since the funeral . I haven’t even got dressed for the past 2 days.
It still all seems so unreal. I’m just grateful that at the moment I don’t also have the problems you are having Teddy…with work. I’m signed off until June and I will be almost certain to be signed off for a few more months. Ok…not with full pay but enough to survive on…I hope.
Love Sue xxxxxxx

You know what ladies in my personal opinion I think it just gets harder and harder xxxx

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It does Teddy :sob::sob::sob:

Sue I feel your pain.When my daughter died the local authority told us we had to clear her house within one month. In the end we paid extra rent to keep it a bit longer.Its empty now but it was horrendous so soon after.3 months on me and hubby are still dealing with things.Its so hard and the amount of time spent on the phone before anybody picks up is just soul destroying.You get sorry for you loss .No you not you’ve no idea.Teddy I hope you get the help you obviously deserve.Hugs Kath


T thanks Kath xxxx shame doctor was not very supportive

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Sometimes it’s just the little things. Yesterday my son bought me a strawberry fruit corner yogurt. Jon favourite snack. I was totally devastated and could not eat it. A million triggers yet to come. This missing of my boys is getting harder -

Sent that too soon. Sending lovexxxxx

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Yes…I know what you mean. Even though Andrew had his own flat 5 minutes away from me more often than not he’d say “What are you doing for tea tonight?”.
His favourite was my chicken curry followed closely by sausage casserole. So I’d make 2 of everything and deliver his…we laughed at my meals on wheels service but he always appreciated it and I loved for him to be happy. Now I don’t think I’ll ever make these meals again. I’ve eaten one or two things since his death that he liked and every mouthful has stuck in my throat.
Well…everything reminds me of him and devastates me that he’s gone, I’ll never share those things with him again. :sob::sob::sob:
Love and hugs Sue xxxx

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I get you ladies , me and Daniel used to live sticky toffee pudding . Just feel couldn’t eat one of them again . Xxx

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Hi all, does anyone have moments of thinking that they have’nt really taken on board that their child has died. Jonny died 5 months ago and adrian 6.5 months ago. I sometimes think I’m going to wake up,start screaming and go mad.This is just a thought I keep getting and frightens me.Anyone else had these sorts of feelings. I am having counselling and cry a lot but still feel as if I might be in shock.Perhaps because of two loses. I worry about this well the last few days. Hard to know. Love to allxxxx