I lost my son 5 weeks ago

I think it gets harder . But then the ladys on here are so raw thats like me for my daughter and grandchildren sam was like a dad to them . I also have to step children .lifes just cruel x

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Sending big hugs xxxxx


Evening ladies , hope you all had some sort of peaceful day xxx

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Thank you Teddyā€¦I hope you and everyone else have also had a few peaceful moments today.:yellow_heart:
I visited my 91 year old mother, managed to smile my way through a couple of hours. We sat in the sun and listened to a blackbird singing.
Iā€™ve cried my eyes out since coming home ā€¦nothing new there .
So many triggersā€¦Andrew was so lovely, I miss him so much. My beautiful son, my best friend.:disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::broken_heart: xxx

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You know what sue I honestly think we will never stop crying !! Xxx


I went out with all my grandsons and daughters yesterday it was hard just wanted to get home . But we have no choice we have to do these things !! I have my sons , son every second weekend and he sets of lots of emotions . But Iā€™m so, so lucky to have him he also is autistic. But we do have a special bond thank god . Sad thing g is he isnā€™t even going to remember his dad . Xxx

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He looks so much like his daddy xxxx

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Hi Teddy,
Andrew wasnā€™t married or even in a relationship. He said to me just a couple of weeks before he died that he didnā€™t think he would ever meet anyone, get married and have children. I said to not be sillyā€¦ā€œYouā€™re only 38ā€¦youā€™ve got lots of timeā€.
He was perfectly happy single. He had a girl ā€œfriendā€ who he saw occasionally, they should have been going to the beach with Ash, the dog, the Wednesday after he died
Heā€™d been made redundant at end of February and decided to use some of his savings to enjoy a couple of months off work. He already had a new job lined up so he could just relax and spend time with Ash and going metal detecting with me.
Itā€™s so unfair!! The weather has been beautiful since he died and everyday it breaks my heart just thinking that he would have been hereā€¦enjoying his holiday :sob::sob::sob::broken_heart::broken_heart:

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Hi my three grandchildren talk about sam everyday Evie was nearly three when sam passed. She come out of nursery and said sam was watching me play nanny . Teddy you will always keep Daniels memory alive . The weather is beautiful it makes me sad too .this time last year i was sat every day for nearly 3 weeks in the chapel of rest .sams funeral wasnt till 25 th may . Its crazy everything has a date . We will miss our babys everyday .we will have to live beside this terrible grieve. We have to try for them . Xxxbig hugs to you all xx


Sue sam never had a girlfriend .he never went out with friends just family he was at home all the time .or round jesses .he was my best friend the one who made me belly laugh.he was a very calm beautiful soul xx

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Oh ladies we all have so much in common ! Our lifeā€™s will never ever be the same . Everywhere is memories ! Oh I donā€™t know another crapy day ! Xx big hugs to all xxxx you just never in a million years think think your going to go before your children just not natural . And so cruel beyond words . Xxx


No one understands unless you have been through it . Iā€™m so grateful for this platform and all the support you get from it . Xxxx

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It definitely is a life saver !!

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Yesā€¦itā€™s so wrong and cruel that weā€™ve lost our children.
It really is a life saver talking to you lovely ladies and hearing about your sons and daughters.
I know the reason we all struggling so much is that we were all so very, very close to our children and loved them so much. It seems we all had that wonderful bond of not only being their mother but also their best friend too.
Andrew made me laugh too Zoeā€¦weā€™d just burst into laughter at the slightest thing. On a detecting rally once, in the cold and wet he asked if I had a spare tissue. I gave him one and we both stood blowing our noses, looked at each other and laughed so much. It looked like I was teaching him to blow his nose. Whenever we stood talking to someone heā€™d look down at me from his 6ft 2.5 ins and say " I hope he didnā€™t think youā€™re my girlfriend"ā€¦then we used to laugh our heads off.
We just got on so well and I miss him so much.
I donā€™t have any grandchildrenā€¦my other son has a lovely girlfriend but Iā€™ve only seen him twice since Andrew died as heā€™s struggling to cope with it all. Iā€™d love to see him for a hug but I wonā€™t push him to do anything that upsets him.
I keep wanting to post a photo of Andrew but not sure how to do it??
Love and hugs Sue xxxx

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Andrew and Ash earlier this year and a couple of years ago when he was best man at his friends wedding.
Sue xxxxxx


What a handsome boy.You must be so proud.Its yearning and missing them thatā€™s the hardest.But you are keeping his memories alive. My daughter stayed with me for a while because she couldnā€™t climb her stairs we live in a bungalow.And my Grandaughter whoā€™s 12 says everything she goes into the bedroom she says I keep expecting Auntie Louise to be in there.We all miss her. But to all you ladies we do have to keep trying to keep their memory alive .Zoe that must have been a wonderful moment when your granddaughter told you that.Lets all cry happy tears and be thankful we had them eve for a short while


So right kath we will all keep there memory alive there all around us .they better be . Im going to dorset with my friend again . I told you about the owner texting saying you left your david Attenborough book .it was mental when we walked in it wasnt in his book case it was on the side sams fav book. He said he had never seen it before and no one had been except us .it blew me away .the tv wouldnt work and we said come on sam help us we put that book under tv .boom it worked . And then the chalet had been shut and out flew a beautiful butterfly . Madness xx


Lovely photos sue .treasure them xxx