I lost my son 5 weeks ago

Dear Kath
I so agree with you.
You didn’t have Louise and I didn’t have Katherine anything like long enough, but we did have them in our lives, as all the other mums and dads had their daughters and sons, so I try, however hard it is, to be thankful for what I have.
My Kath was a great one for getting on with things, and I just know she wants me to do that.
Love to all of you, Ann xx


Oh ladies beautiful reading your posts , sue what a handsome man ! Yes our children were so special to all off us and we do love them dearly always and forever xxx


So sorry for your loss i lost my 19 year old suddenly 4 weeks ago. I do not know how to carry on without him. He was my first born child. He has 3 siblings and i know i need to be there for them but it just seems impossible at the minute. Reading the posts on here has made me realise that im not alone and others are going through the same x


Dear Cawkey
So sorry you’ve had to join us on here, but know that you are with friends who all understand about experiencing the worst that can possibly happen to a parent. We are with you, sending our support and love :heart: and hugs 🫂 You will be strong for your other children I am sure.
Ann xx

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I am so very sorry for your loss, keep posting we are all here to help each other. It is something we never planned for.
Sending a warm hug.


I’m so sorry for your loss , my son was also my first born ! But yes do definitely come on here there is always someone whom you can talk too and can relate to you . This platform has been so supportive ! As I always say we all know your pain better then anyone . Big hugs xxx


Hello Hawkey - so so sorry about the loss of your son. At nineteen he was still a child and it must be so hard for you all. It will be hard for you to give all you can to support your children at this stage, you can only do what you can do at this early stage. Yes the forum will be really good for you and we are here to respond and support. Sending you love


I’m so sorry for your loss and we are all here for you, and each other. Sending you kind thoughts and respect as you journey x

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Nell - I wanted to thank you for your response to my post several days ago. The last few days I have had a severe headache something I rarely or never had. Your post really resonated with me and I want to thank you for that. Lovely to read all the gratitude posts today for the time we had with our children and the memories we will always retain. Lovely picture Sue of Andrew, he looks like a good and kind soul .love to all on herexx


Morning ladies , woke up this morning just thinking I can’t do this just thinking about my other children and if they mind if I go ! Then my youngest son came into my room asking if I was ok . He is the one that found my son in my bed and has been traumatised since which we can also understand . Feel very panicky in myself bad headaches. Another day at war . Xxx


Oh Teddy,
It’s so difficult isn’t it…facing another day without our lovely children?
I wake up every morning with such strong palpitations that I think my heart will burst.
Today I’m meeting Andrew’s dad, my ex husband, at Andrew’s flat to sort through a few things.
I still haven’t informed the bank etc but so what? He’s got money in his account and all the bills are being paid so it doesn’t hurt anyone. At least we have time…if nothing else. It’s absolutely heartbreaking going to the flat, even driving down his road I find myself sobbing. Andrew was so happy there…
Love Sue xxxxxxx


Yes that’s me sue , extremely difficult . But I have been out with my daughter and grandchildren breaks the day up a bit . Hope today isn’t to painful for you xxxxx

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Today has been very painful Teddy.
Andrew’s dad and me sorted out a lot of books and each took home one of Andrew’s book cases that he really liked. We just do a little bit at a time as eventually we will have to sell the flat.
The saddest thing was hearing from Andrew’s close friend who used to work with him but went elsewhere a few months ago. Andrew was having a couple of months off work after the original firm went bust but he had a job lined up with another company. Now his friend has told me he’s considering going to work with the same company. Andrew would have been SO happy to be working with him again and it’s just ripped my heart open all over again :sob::sob::sob::sob:.
Everything is so, so unfair and horrible…he shouldn’t be dead, it’s just not right.:weary::weary::weary::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:

So heartbreaking , this awful journey we have been put in all the memories are so hard and sadly that’s all we have got . Daniel was living with me every thing he owned is here . Xxxx well done for today it must have been so difficult for the both of you . Xxx

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As they say life is a rollercoaster and we are definitely on one xxx

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Was having a sort of ok morning then i went to my sons flat to pick up the rest of his things. Of all the things that had to go past while i was parking was a funeral procession, was frozen to my seat couldnt move and had to wait for it to go past. Sort of went downhill after that feel greatful that my mother in law was with me,

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Hi ladys .Another warm day without our children .the pain is overpowering .but it will ease.

Jenna your having headaches through stress .take it easy…baby steps .nothing is important except for getting out of bed when you want to.xx

Teddy dont want you to say you dont want to be here . Your poor son who found Daniel needs you more niw than ever .your daughters and grandchildren .your all in this terrible place together . Give yourself time xxx

Sue its so hard to sort things its heart breaking.my sam lived at home .his room is how he left it .except when he got poorly i took the bed out and bought him a recliner so he could play xbox .the sad thing is he had tablet. Iphone computer i cant bring my self to get them open .they was personal such a wierd feelin .i have all his trainers lined up .i put my feet in them .my grandson wore his hat all weekend .i spray his aftershave so i can smell him…im sorry your going through this pain .im sorry for all of us . You have to do what makes you feel close to them .i have had a ring made of sams ashes .made red coz sam loved arsenal. This time last year i was in funeral parlour for hours talking playing songs this crazy world sending you all strengh and love always here zoe :heart:

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Cawkey so very sorry for your loss your in great shock and trauma right now sending you a hug xxx


Thank you Zoe - yes headache probably stress as it has gone now. I have touched the boys stuff I have not the heart to do it. They lived at the top of the house so this is manageable. A left a tin of paint outside the bathroom and I have not moved that . I had gone into rooms to empty bins and had found a half eaten bourbon isc
Biscuit and that was it for me. I Will try again in a month . teddy is your son going to have counselling. Young Minds could refer him if he wanted this.Hawkey- love to you and to all of us on here. J

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Ive even got the last bottle of water sam drank from grief makes you do funny things xx