I lost my son 5 weeks ago

Thank you ladies xxx I did speak to my daughter today , we are a very close families. Think it’s better to talk rather then pondering . As she said to me mum don’t you think that thought had crossed all our minds . She was so right . My youngest son does get weakly therapy from a fantastic organisation ( thank god) yes I just don’t know I do know I’m in pain ! And finding everything so difficult like all off us . Xxxx

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I am gathering every photo of my daughter an putting them in frames all over the house.I get this panic that I won’t remember what she looks like.I know it’s irrational but I can’t help it.


Love to all you dear ladies.
Not a good day for me, two months to the day since Kath left us, but it’s even harder for her poor husband who works from home and was with her 24/7.
Hold tight to the good bits, hey?
Love Ann x


I bought a chain today with the initial D , I know it sounds weird but I felt closer to my son xx I am unable to look at photos even though there’s pictures off him all around my flat but I just can’t look at them . Sure I will in time xx


We do these things all the time, it’s not weird at all.
I bought a heart with Kath’s April birthstone. It means something to me, and that’s all that matters.
Love to you Teddy
Ann xx

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Hi ladys we will have our ways and you have to do whatever gives you comfort big hugs xxx


So true , whatever gives us a bit of comfort . I’m actually going to buy the same for my daughter and son . Our way of showing how much he was loved !! Xxx


Thats lovely xx


Michael Katherine’s husband bought her a hand carved wooden robin. She loved robins. It was the last thing he bought for her, and it came too late. He was really upset. But then he bought me, her sister and her brother one each. They are hand made and so not identical. I have mine with the photo I say good night and good morning to, and speak to during the day, with some other little mementos. It’s my little shrine.

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Thats lovely Anne .i love robins. I really believe . I say come on sam where are you .and there appears the robin we need these things to help us xx


Think we need to find different ways to connect with our babies and what ever gives us a bit of comfort helps . Xxx


Hi ladies , hope you all had some kind of a peaceful day . Xxxx


Hi lovely .i was packing going dorset with my friend . I hope my sam is with me…
My jess is going to see anne marie in concert tomorrow night so have to look after my grandchildren .they are hard work .and i have bad feet and knees . They say your old nanny .i suppose i am to them . Thinking of you . I have to take photos and sams cuddly dog and his aftershave crazy but i do …thinking of you all sending much :heart:


Morning Zoe, I’m sure your grandchildren will keep you busy! I think children are like medicine they take you to a calm place . As you have to be switched on to care for them . We all do what we have to just to get through our days so whatever gives you comfort we have to do . Xxxx when I put my initial chain on I felt as mad as it sounds closer to Daniel xxx


Hi Ladies,
So nice to read all your posts today …I really missed you all yesterday.
Hope you have a lovely time in Dorset Zoe9…apart from Norfolk, where I live, Dorset is my favourite place to go on holiday. I especially love Swanage and taking photos of Corfe Castle.
I hope you’re getting your work situation sorted Teddy. I know you’ve had all that to contend with on top of this awful, relentless grief. It’s good that your chain is helping you feel closer to Daniel. I have the big, cosy throw that Andrew always used to snuggle under when watching tv and I sit with that in the evenings.
I love Robin’s too Ann…there’s usually one singing in the top of one of my trees when I sit in the garden. I keep hoping he’ll fly down to sit on my shoulder or just beside me but he hasn’t…yet.
Kath4…I’d find it too hard to have lots of photos around of Andrew…for now at least. But I do have hundreds on my phone and at least 250 that I had printed out for his photo boards. I dip my hand into the pile of photos and pull one out each day…then sit and cry while I remember where it was and what he was doing.
Cawkey…are you still reading the posts? I hope it’s helping you through these awful days…even just a little bit. You know everyone is here for you and it’s true it does feel like a family. Any comfort that we get from talking to each other is a help.
Jim…your posts are always so positive…you help all of us so much…and Pete your photos of Simon are beautiful.
I’m useless at remembering names…I wanted you all to know that reading all your posts is such a help to me.
Love and hugs Sue xxxxxxx

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I’m hoping I’ve got another sign. It’s just occurred to me. Blackbirds are usually jittery birds who fly off chattering at the slightest disturbance. We have several living nearby, but in the last couple of months one male has become so tame, he doesn’t fly away, he lets you walk inches away from him, he comes down when we open the back door, asking to be fed many times each day. He even comes into the back porch eating spilled bird food off the doormat.
I have never ever known a blackbird be so relaxed and friendly. And Katherine did wear a lot of black!
I don’t know if this is fanciful, but they do say to look out for anything that might be a sign. Why not?
Love to you all Ann :heart:

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I think I posted this before. Most mornings when I am laid in bed just thinking I can smell my Louise her perfume is so strong it usually lasts about 10 minutes I get so sad when it fades away. no one else smells it only me but perhaps it is just wishful thinking, but it seems so real. My mother used to say robins are the soul of the dead .


That’s lovely Kath. Maybe I’ll start getting signs from Andrew in time…I miss him so much.
Sue xxxxx


I love blackbirds too. You’re right…they’re not usually so brave. We need little signs like this to lift our spirits don’t we Ann?
Just to feel close to our babies for a moment.
Sue xxxxx


Kath, it’s Louise.
‘They’ say our loved ones want us to believe the signs they send. They are with us, it’s us who can’t see them so they try to help us sense them.
Love :heart: Ann

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