I lost my son 5 weeks ago

I hope that is the case. I think we miss them so much that anything seems like a crumb o comfort.


So true Kath xxx

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Hi lovely ladys .i really believe in these signs . The robin came and sat on our little elsies grave i was crying at the sky talking to sam and ot sat beside me on the bench …the lloyds advert with the black horse sam loved the first one he said he was the horse on beach and the new one blew me away his song i am a giant . Plays …you couldnt write it. When it was his birthday his picture fell of the wall as if yo say im here …been really sad today bad anxiety .think its coz im going away tomorrow its a strange feeling xx


We have to do anything to make it a little easier on us . Love to you all x


Hi Zoe - have a lovely break away xxxx

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Thank you my lovely had a lot of anxiety today and been very tearful . Its a strange feeling .i will be ok when i get there . Ive felt angry with life . Taking my boy .24 and fourmonths later he was gone .so many unanswered questions .just miss him . You feel you need to be close to home i dont know why his not coming back .its a year now . You ladys are quite amazing remember baby steps everyones grief is different and we all cope different. The big hole will get smaller. And the ache and the shock and trauma has to get better . You cant think straight coz your in shock . Nothing makes sense . And you find out who your true friends are .big hugs to you all .thank god for this site .i would be so lost without it much love zoe :heart:



Thank you Zoe. Says it all. X


Morning ladies , here we go again another day of war ! Zoe your words were so straight to the point and in some way extremely helpful . I painted my kitchen yesterday and to be honest I was very proud of myself , they say painting is therapeutic ! Ladies hope your day ok and you get some peace . Yes this site is definitely a hod send . Xxx


Omg my back and hips are killing me ! Do you think it’s stress ? Xxx

It might be stress or it might be you did a lot of stretching and reaching when you painted the kitchen. I have done some painting too, and pleased with the result. It’s actually starting doing something that seems to be the biggest hurdle. The fact that you started is a good sign and painting shows a result when you’ve finished. If you look back could you have found the energy or interest to do that a month ago? It’s a good sign that you are taking back a bit of control of your life and home. Well done Teddy. X


Zoe enjoy your time away.We are having a few days away next week.Just to Lytham St Anne’s. I am hoping to get a few spa treatments while I am there to relieve the stress.Teddy might be stress or might be stiff because you have painted your kitchen
Wherever we are or go we will always take our loved ones with us and carry them in our heart forever.


Sounds silly but when I did my painting (I did a table and chairs) the fact that something looked different and I made it happen, all by myself was comforting. Only a baby step, but that’s still something to be proud of. Something we did for ourselves and something visible of change is definitely therapeutic. Anything that boosts our mood even slightly is a step in the right direction. My daughter gave me some table mats for Xmas and I avoided putting them out cos I thought it would be painful, and it was. I’m glad I did though - they look fab. The icing in the cake for the furniture! Bless you and be proud of your painting x


Nell your so right. Putting the table matts out is a step in the right direction.A friend gave me a pkt of forget Mr not seeds to plant .At the time I thought what good are these so Opened them and just threw them in withhout a thought.Went out in the garden yesterday ad they had started to grow do around them I have put solar lights ad a few mementos of my daughter.It was so comforting and I know they will flower around her birthday…


Teddy and Nell, I think it’s wonderful that you’ve done that painting. I wouldn’t have that motivation, I think it’s a huge step forward, your children are proud of you.
Kath, so pleased you threw the forget me nots in the garden, now growing, a lovely sign of Louise.
I hope you and Zoe get much needed pleasure from your holidays.
Love to you all, Ann :heart:


Thank you ladies xxx

Well done Nell xxxx

I am so sorry for your loss. I lost an adult daughter she was 30 in 2015. She was mentally ill so my grief was different because I was relieved she was out of pain. On October 2nd 2021 I lost my son in a car accident. He was only 22 years old. For the first 4 months I was in Denial. I was going to work, going out, and going on with my normal task. On February 20 my brother had heart attack, he is okay, but that triggered my grief. I have been crying, anxious, not socializing and fearful. I still go to work and actually that uplifts my mood, but the weekend is a hard time for me. People don’t understand the pain your going through they think because the funeral or memorial is over you should be back to normal. This grief is different than my first encounter with grief he was just beginning his life and now he is gone. He was my best friend and he told me I was his. I am trying reading grief books, taking baby steps to get out a bit and trying to find uplifting stories on how people dealt with there grief , but you still take the pain with you. There are times I feel like my body is carrying a thousand pounds It’s a difficult road especially if you aren’t use to dealing with horrendous negative feelings. I send you a big :hugs: and hope as the days go by the grief will lessen for everyone.


Hello Racy I am so sorry for the loss of your children. I lost my daughter Louise in January.sometimes it’s too hard to comprehend .It’s the yearning and forever longing for them that’s hard. We have to take each day at a time.I wish you peace and lovexx

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Thanks for the response and I know it must be difficult for you. My heart goes out to you. I go from one emotion to another at a snap of the fingers sometimes. How are you getting along?