I lost my son 5 weeks ago

There’s always someone to talk to on here, someone who is on the same awful journey so understands your desperate situation.
‘Loss of son at 27’ is another helpful thread full of lovely caring friends.
Love :heart: and hugs, Ann

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Morning Racy I’m so sorry for your loss , think this journey is different for everyone. I just take one minute at a time and just try and prepare myself to go to war everyday. It’s a bloody cruel world and as I have said many times “ what’s the point “ because your life is turned upside down and nothing really matters anymore try and be kind to yourself this is the advice I have been given by all the lovely ladies on here . Big hugs xxxxx


Hello Racy - I too go from one emotion to another. I lost my daughter tragically in January she was 39. I have been, and continue to be on a roller coaster. That’s grief and trauma. It’s heartbreaking and exhausting and sheer bloody painful misery. I am now getting some moments of reprieve when I can notice the things happening in the world outside of the loss. It’s a start. It’s easy to say but hard to do, but if you can, be kind to yourself. You have had a life changing experience and other losses before are making it even more painful. You are in the right place here. It’s dependable and everyone is grieving too. As someone said on here ‘it’s the club no one wants to join. But here we all are, propping each other up with love and kindness. Sending you hugs and kind thoughts. Keep on keeping on for now. That’s good enough for now x


Thank you for responding Teddy I really appreciate it and you are so right about each day being a battle and you don’t know which battle you’ll be fighting that day.

Thank you Neil I knew it would be bad , but I didn’t know it would be this bad. I also get moments of reprieve and I thank God for every little moment that I get. You never know what’s going to trigger you it can be anything and you feel like you’re going to bust out in tears. Physically sometimes my body feels like it’s caring about 500 lb weight on my shoulders. I do go to work and actually that is a great distraction.

Afternoon ladies , wishing you all a peaceful day . Xxxxx

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Thanks you too?

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I contacted Compassionate Friends a few weeks ago. They have been really kind and helpful. They run a Grief Companion Scheme. They are all people who have lost a son or daughter so, like here, they understand from experience. I have not spoken to her yet but she’s gone through a similar experience to mine but in 2017, so she’s further down the path than me. They support you for at least 12 months, via email, phone or, f they live close you can choose between yourselves if you want to meet in person. I just thought that it might help others too, in this painful journey. X


Afternoon ladies , Nell how do I make contact with that organisation ? I did contact a support group but never got no response . Hope your all having some sort of peaceful day . I am just numb again today it’s like I’m here but not !! I know you all know exactly what I mean . Xxx

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I got the date for my first counselling , it’s on the 1st of June feeling a little scared as j have said before I’m not able to deal with anything at the moment . But I can give it a try . My work are annoying me wanting to have meetings , I just want them to leave me alone !!

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I went on Compassionate Friends website. Then I think I sent them an email. They are understanding and don’t minimise the pain that we are suffering. They did respond to me within a couple of days and sent a lot of literature all about losing a son or daughter. They make a real effort to find someone who they feel you will get on with and with. Hope you find something of use there x

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Thank you xxx

Hi ladys thinking of you all im in dorset facing the sea . Very relaxing .but very sad sam will never see the sea .we have to do what makes us feel a bit better .i had counciling but didnt like it . Everyone different .i would rather be on here people who understand .but we do whatever helps . We have to learn this new way .very sad very wrong .changes our lives forever .all i know my sam would be sad if he thought i didnt try . Its wicked love to you all .im back on thursday big hugs xx


Hi Zoe, glad your there by the sea . They say water is very therapeutic good for calming the soul . So , so true all we have is memories I myself just can’t get my head around what has happened and I suppose I never will . I honestly think and feel numb that’s my new normal xxxxx

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I am away for a few days.I panicked a bit when we set off.But now I am here I find myself relaxing.I feel better than I have done for a while.I don’t know how I will feel when I get back to reality.Its my daughters birthday on the 26th its the first one without her.Like Zoe said we must all do what is best for yourself and be kind to ourselves and warm Hugs to each one of you


Try relax kath such early days .i still feel sam will be at home .when back . The new norm is so wrong xx

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Teddy same your in trauma .it takes time darling look after yourself xx

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I agree with you Zoe, actually think it gets harder as time goes on . My memory is shattered I literally could not remember how old I was I had to ask my sister , don’t know what day it is from one day to another ! Think I have fog brain . Xxxx Jenna haven’t heard from you in a while sending big hugs to all the ladies xxxxx

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Good evening everyone I just wanted to share I’m not sure how to start a new message but anyway. This morning wasn’t too good , but as the day went on things got somewhat better. I was supposed to go to the dentist but I canceled it because I wasn’t really up to having a root canal today. I work until 4:30 and about 4:15 one of my new coworkers had her son come in. When he walked in and I stood up he looked just like my son. I was kind of shocked, and triggered some. I know this sounds crazy but what I wanted to do to a total stranger is go up and give him a big hug. That’s how much he reminded me of my son Theo. I had a crazy thought at that moment like oh my goodness he is still here and in a way it gave me some comfort as crazy as that sounds.

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Hi Racy I would imagine that’s quiet normal there just in your mind 24:7 .My daughters have had similar experiences. Cruel world xxx