I lost my son 5 weeks ago

Ah that sounds nice . We are going to Daniels garden to put flowers and balloons and I am going to attempt not go for Sunday lunch with families and his friends . Feeling anxious about it but I made a decision if it’s to overwhelming I will just come home . Xx

Sorry to go

Hi jenna I lost my daughter 5 weeks ago and that’s exactly how I am feeling.I have my grandson living with me.He has no one else she was separated. But now it looks like her ex who she has not seen for years is entitled to her pension.Qhich is adding more heartache.We thought it would go to the children.

Hi Kath , sorry for your loss . That’s awful what’s happening now and as if your not enough pain . Could I afk how old is your grandchild ? My thoughts and prayers are with you x

Kath it is only five weeks it is a horrible time for you and the family . I can see that the issue about the pension can feel as if you are loosing more of her and it sounds really unfair. I am sure the CAB could help with this at some point. I feel for you and the loss of your little because they are our children whatever their age. And u are looking after her little boy .Take comfort in each other. You need time to grieve your loss . 5 weeks is no time at all . Take it slow and steady and take care jx

Hi Teddy my grandson is 19 and he is autistic and is unable to look after himself without support.The worse thing is she was getting divorced but he refused to sign .Then covid hit and courts closed.Then she died without it being sorted.I feel like losing her all over again.

So , so sad , this must just be departmental to you all . Please take Jenna’s advice and maybe contact cab they may be able to put you in the right direction . But I’m sure your not mental or emotionally in a good headspace to be dealing with this .

I feel heartbroken for my Grandson it would have been for his future.My daughter worked and provided for him. If I was stronger I would fight this. Its just so unfair…But the law states he is my daughters widower and everything she owns is his.pity he dont want to own his son

So I take it your not on good terms with him ? I honestly get you I’d imagine it’s difficult for you even get out of the bed in the morning then having to try and deal with more crap . Hope you don’t mind me asking how old was your daughter ? X

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She was 44 She had no contact with her ex for years didn’t want know his son.But he brings me comfort and it his loss. I think its gard to feel any joy at the moment .But I am sure intime he will do just that.

God Kath I feel b-----’ angry now. If he does not voluntarily make some arrangement for his son then he is not worthy and he has no integrity and will have no great pleasure with any of the money. Though that doesn’t really help you . Take care keep in touch. Xj

You know what they say money is the root of all evil , he obviously has no shame or respect as if he did he wouldn’t be behaving so badly . But you must try and look after yourself and your family . Xxx

Morning ladies ,

Good morning to you too

How you doing this morning? I’m quiet proud of myself I went to the shop for the first time in three months. If I’m being honest I was very anxious and had to talk to myself but hey I did it . Xxx

Good morning to you Teddy. And well done.

Thank you ,

Yes that is great news. I watched the new comedy on Bbc2 - the Witchfinder and caught myself laughing it is very funny . Xx

That’s good .

My daughter had a great sense of humour .Even when We cleared her house which was soul destroying.We found post it notes on some of her clothes .On one was stuck on a swimming costume. It said note to self don’t wear this until you lost 6 stone then it won’t rub my boots.It made me amongst the tears.