I lost my son 5 weeks ago

Should read smile

Ah bless her , thatā€™s a lovely memory . What do you do with yourself during the day ?

This a question to all the ladies

Hi teddy . I had breast cancer in 2017 and i havent worked since my mum was very poorly i be came her carer .its four years today since she passed . I dont do alot spend my days with my daughter i so worry about her . Started to go out for coffee again. And been dorset with my friend looking at sea was lovely . My worse time is at night ā€¦jess lost little bay in 3017 i find great peace at the cemetry . But i had sam cremated and ha e his ashes with me xx

At the moment I am clearing my daughters house which is an ordeal.But usually me and hubby like to go for a long walk.Its surprising how much it helps.We live in gods own county Yorks surrounded by lovely countryside.Great now weather picking up.

I work Iā€™m the Francis crick institute in London . I have obviously been off work for sometime . The thing is I know I need to go back to work as I am a single parent . But the thought of it terrifies me . Glad you ladies have something to occupy you ! God knows we all need it . Xx

Hello all - I retired at 55 and sometimes these days I wish I hadnā€™t. IM not doing that much really although I speak to lots of people on phone. My sister who retired to Northern Spain has asked me to go over for a few weeks. I said I would think a about it . I thought I was okay today but then my Gp rang which she does every 2 weeks . I have asthma and itā€™s been a bit worse recently. As soon as i picked up the phone i started sobbing - it was there but i didnt know it. I had woken up in a ok space . The sun was shining through and it felt nice .Five hours later Iā€™m wailing at my poor Gp that my son will not see the sun this year and on and on. I think for me that my grief comes out when Iā€™m talking to someone I feel safe with . Sorry to go here but I do feel better. I think its adrian bday coming up . Having said all this I am feeling much better and am planning to organise a herb garden for jonny he was a great cook and would only use fresh herbs so something simple in his memory ā€¦ I am also today looking through Adrian wood carvings so that I can put one or two with his picture . I AM also looking forward to watching part two of ā€œOur Houseā€ on TV as my desire to watch thrillers is slowly coming back .

Bless you , tbh I just canā€™t speak to anyone only my families members . From my own experience itā€™s comes in waves . But my god it is hard . Not feeling sorry for myself here I have had a hard life but this is horrendous . All we can do is take one day at a time. Would be nice if you could get to Spain would be nice from what you said about the sun coming through your window xx

Yeah it would be nice Iā€™ll think about it . I Got a feeling I. Right go to wales for a bit . I have a brother who never left who still lives there . I am also thinking about having the boys ashes buried there with my brother who died when he was very young. SO lots to think about but not certain about any of it yet.HOPE your day continues to be good. Xx

That sounds like a good idea at least they would be with your brother . Would be good to see your brother as well . I lost my brother he was very young 23 . The mad thing is my son Daniel died on the same day and date , how mad is that. Xx

HEY - it is strange or maybe a nice thing - A reminder that you have been in grief before although this is harder. FUNNY thing is I have dreamt a couple of times about my brother probably because I have been asking him to look after the boys wherever they may be . Dates become very significant when you loose someone.x

I come from a family of 7.And within 2 years I lost 4 of my sisters and 1 brother.But the loss of a child is harder to bare. I had a moment when I was sorting through my daughters belongings that I definitely smelt her perfume.I donā€™t know if itā€™s grief that makes my imagination run riot.But hey.even if it was it was a lovely moment and I hope I experience it again.

It sounds like mixed feelings gs goi ng through your daughters things . It must be nice to smell her perfume a memory of her and to be reminded of her sense of humour. Yes u are right loss of a child is the one that devastated as they are our babies and itā€™s not right at allx

Totally agree ladies ! We all stories to tell and sharing with people who know exactly what your are going through is like medicine xxx

YEP - you are right Teddy.x

Morning ladies , having a really bad morning just canā€™t stop crying . Honestly donā€™t know how Iā€™m going to get through this unnatural pain and suffering . The waves are bad this morning . Xx

Teddy I really feel for you.I know nothing I say will ease your pain.Take it easy be kind to yourself.

Thank you ,

HI Teddy - for me carrying the grief feels like something heavy that I am carrying around. When I cry it brings me closer to the reality of my loss and it is horrible. I always feel a bit better after a good cry so I think of it as something good and not a sign that you are not coping itā€™s just part of it . This is just what I think Teddy. X

Yes I agree you do feel very heavy , but honestly so hard . I cant even really think about what has happened I just put things in boxes in my body . When I do start to think about things I count bad a distraction . I honestly canā€™t even put into words how I feel . Xx