I lost my son 5 weeks ago

Couldn’t agree more Kath. Plus the sooner you say no, the less time you spend wishing you’d said no. When I do go to social events I try and go hoping for the best but with a plan in place if it’s too much. Headache coming on or expecting a delivery. White lies, but who cares. Any big events like weddings would be sending my anxiety up. So like you if I decide it’s too much I don’t go. I might not feel like that in 6 months who knows. But for know I’m not rushing towards anything unnecessary if it makes me anxious. Best wishes xxx


Thank you Kath, hearing that makes me feel like I am not the only one. That’s me I get panicky and anxious. Let me ask you Kath is it because you don’t want to break down in front of everyone? Or it’s just to soon?

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In november my daughter did me a surprise 60th party there was many tears i couldnt believe it but jess said mum sams around and this is what we planned . We cried we laughed .we had a lovely night .i hope sam was with us xxxx


Hi Racy I think it might be seeing people for the first time since my daughter died.And it might be that I might lose it. But as nell says its better to say no straight away then you not overthinking and making your anxiety worse.I never suffered from anxiety before.So it’s definitely the grief taking over again.But hopefully one day we might take over the grief.Big hugs .


Thank you I never suffered from anxiety either I would go anywhere with no problem, but right now my anxiety goes up when I even think about it. I can’t wait until that day. I keep telling myself patience is a virtue. Hugs to you also :heartpulse:

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Zoe your Sam is with you wherever you go.How can they not be our children are all around us.We will carry them in our heart and mind forever.

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Neil that is very good advice I just need to follow it🙂

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Hi Teddy - miss you here, hope you ok. Love to you and your lovely family. Thinking of you​:heart::heart:

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Hi jenna hope your ok my lovely .i wonder whats happened to teddy bless her . Sending you hugs x

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The worse thing about seeing people they dont know what to say. They try to avoid you . Friends who you thought was your friends seem to disappear . Grief is very lonely xx


Hi lovely ladies , feeling pretty low in myself like all off us on here . Oh I don’t know every day just gets harder! Just want to lock myself away from the world ! Hard to do when you have other children and grandchildren . My anxiety has been so bad I ended up getting tablets of my gp . What do we do? Wish I had a magic wand or just wake up and it’s been a bad nightmare. Xxxx big hugs to all xxxx


I’m glad to hear from you Teddy, I was thinking of you. You might as well give the tablets a try. Sending you love and care. It’s a bloody heavy load I know. Xx

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Hi Teddy,
It’s good that you’re still here talking to us all. Maybe the tablets will eventually kick in and ease things a little bit for you. I’ve considered asking my gp for some help but it’s probably too soon at only 10 weeks…although I’ll be phoning soon to get an extension on my sick certificate.
How I wish I could wake up in a hospital and be told I’d been in a coma and it was all a nightmare. …but I know that’s not going to happen. Instead I’m just living the nightmare…as we all are.
I find I’m getting less and less motivated to do anything. At least I’m able to sleep…it’s the waking up that I hate. The palpitations and reality of the day ahead without Andrew.
It’s still good to hear from you again Teddy…people were worried about you.
Love and warm hugs…Sue xxxx

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Thank you ladies xxx yes I think I held out as long as I could before taking medication but got to the point where I needed it to help me get through the days . Xxx just honestly don’t know how we all get through this nightmare . Xxxx


Taking the medication is a sign of strength so don’t feel bad about it. If it’s anti depressants it does take a few weeks, sometimes GPs forget to say that. Whatever you are taking it’s worth a try. I’m so glad to hear from you today. Xx


Hopefully the medication helps you, know it wtakes a but before you so notice. It’s been just over 6 weeks I think but I still find myself looking at photos all the time and I don’t feel like going anywhere. I know I’m not OK for work yet but I hate being stuck at home. I don’t know how long it’ll be like this, I want to be able to be normal but it won’t feel right without ben


I totally understand where your coming from I tried to go back to work due to lots of pressure but if I’m being totally honest worst thing I ever done anxiety Levels awful. Just couldn’t cope with it . Xxxx


Thanks Nell xxx nice to be back

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Hi teddy glad your back on was worrid about you . I had tablets straight away .and sleeping tablets keep coming on lovely .its hard i know thinking of you sending you love xx


Never feel bad for taking a tablet .ive took antidepressants for many years . Upped them when sam passed i had sleeping tablets for a few months and diazapan to calm me . Its ok your going through trauma . Xxx love and hugs zoe