I lost my son 5 weeks ago

Yes am getting through ok Glad u Teddy and Zoe . Adrian girlfriend had a party for him .I did not go to this though .I am sure they would have had more interesting stories to tell if I was absent . I know I have felt a bit angry thinking 'WASNT ONE enough to whomever. But I feel a lot better now the evening is setting in. Love to u allxx

Wouldnā€™t blame you for dealing angry, god knows how you keep going . Thank you all ladies for your lovely messages . Xxxx

Hi ladies ive cried non stop all day my head spinning this sick wicked world we live in .its so wrong x

I totally agree Zoe , xxxx

Zoe I was like that yesterday.It started when I went to see my Grandson in his new house.His mum would have been so proud.Sometimes itā€™s good to cry yourself out.Its exhausting and unfair.But itā€™s better than bottling it up. Big hugs.

Thank you kath .feel so angry got councilling in 10 mins cant be bothered would rather speak on here xx little steps kath this crazy new life we been given x

Hi kath just read through your posts so sorry about your daughter .must be so hard for you with your beautiful grandson .my thoughts are with you .look after yourself much love zoe xx

I donā€™t think councilings for everybody. I donā€™t know how anybody whoā€™s not walked in our shoes can help. Mostly itā€™s just text book stuff.

So true how can people understand if they havenā€™t been through it . The truth is I donā€™t even know nothing no more . Just canā€™t even think about nothing no more . Xx

Iā€™ve just been to take the donations from my daughters funeral. She would have wanted it it to go to a Recovery college Itā€™s a place that deals with mental health.She used there services in the past.They are going to get a bench for the lovely garden that the service users have created.I have been told I can go whenever I want .I thought it was a nice gesture.she would have loved that.

Ah thatā€™s lovely . Xx

Thats such a lovely thing to do kath you will be able to go when you want xxx

Teddy such early days nothing makes sense .day at a time lovely big hugs xx

Dear Jenna

Iā€™m so desperately sorry youā€™ve lost two sonsā€¦and in such close succession :broken_heart:

You are so brave speaking about your losses. Iā€™ve lost one son and Iā€™m only just feeling like meā€¦nearly 30 months since Henry died.

Keep postingā€¦people here are beyond amazing. I meditate- it stopped me going completely madā€¦I had a complete breakdown and my emotions were uncontrollable.

Henry is always with me - I will carry him forever. :heart:

Much love and hugs

Thank you Purple I appreciate your post and I am sorry for your loss Yes it is an overwhelming loss and I have a feeling that I have not quite taken in the enormity of it all .
I keep wanting to wake up and find out itā€™s all a dream a big awful mistake, but of course it isiā€™nt and this reality is very hard. I have one other son and in a way we keep other going withe basic every day tasks but he is suffering too . I try not to look to far into the future or even tomorrow, that is when I feel the worst. It was Aid bday yesterday so have felt worse recently. I do empathise with other peopleā€™s pain. My partner died a few years ago, my brother died when he was 25 and of course my parents. Thank you again for your
Compassionate post.

Morning ladies , feel like crap today , honestly canā€™t cope with this pain . I feel so numb and lost and the thing is I canā€™t even think about what has happened as I feel I will crack up . How are you meant to go on when your so lost inside and really do t want to be here anymore . I know people try and help but itā€™s too hard . X I know I have other children who I love dearly and they do give me strength . I hate it when people say your doing well . What does that mean ?? Xxxx

Iā€™m thinking about speaking to my GP and maybe get some anti depression medicine. Xxx

Teddy do go to see your GP .They will be able to help. I get through it because my daughter suffered for 6 months in the end all she could move was her head. What I canā€™t get my head round is how? Can someone so healthy within 2 days of having the covid vaccine go downhill so fast.Please think about your other children .They will be missing their loved one too.Its hard but we have to get through each day as it comes.

Thank you Kath , I am trying to be strong

Its so hard ladys ladys im 10 months on and this week is awful .i cant stop crying reliving this time last year .its so wicked. Go doctors i take tablets and sleeping tabs in the beginning.its just not right just keep coming on .its the only thing that helps me xx

Thanks Zoe , canā€™t talk to doctor until next Thursday !! I just donā€™t know nothing no more just trying to battle each day to get through . I honestly think there can be nothing worse then what we are all going through as mothers . Cruel world and the thought of not having them in just frightening xxx