I miss a kiss and saying good night

Love you mom night god bless xxx

Night god bless mom xxx

The night is coming the stars are out. I miss you so much. I wish you were here to help me though my problems. Night god bless xxx

Night god bless mom xxx

Night god bless xxx

Love you so much mom xxx night god bless

Love you mom I miss you so much. I find it hard to get up in the morning. I find it hard to go through each day. Then I face the evening of being so alone and then I face it all over again. I miss you xxx night god bless

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Bless you. Tears well up in my eyes when I read your posts every night. I lost my mum in May this year. Seems like a moment ago, and yet at some points, such a long time. Still canā€™t believe she has gone. Miss her so much. Big hugs to you. I am sure your mom knows how much love you send her every day. xx

Thank you for your kind words. Iā€™m sorry for your loss. I feel your pain and I hear you. Sending much love.

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Love you mom night god bless xxx Death changes everything, time changes nothing. I still miss the sound of your voice, the wisdom in your advice, the stories of your presence. So no, time changes nothing. I miss you as much today as I did the day you died. I just miss you xxx

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Night god bless mom xxx

Night night sleep tight donā€™t let the bed bugs bite night god bless xxx mom :kissing_heart:

Night night mom love you xxx

Night god bless mom xxx now I know why you akeays told me tobe strong because you knew that one day I would need the strength to bear your loss.

It was 2.30 when Igot home mom so night night xxx

Night night mom xxx

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I love you mom. I wish you could help me sort out this mess. I could really do with your advice right now I keep saying what would mom do.

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I feel like I havenā€™t said night god bless for ages. I havenā€™t been sleeping very well so night god bless mom love you miss you xxx

Night god bless mom xxx

Not been in a good place sorry mom night god bless xxx hugs miss you so much