I miss a kiss and saying good night

I miss you so much mom. My heart is breaking over and over again. :broken_heart: night god bless xxx

It hard some days to say it but moght god bless xxx

Struggling at the moment night god bless xxx


Night god bless xxx

@Lolla49 Would you ever like to talk about things? About your loss?

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Night god bless mom xxx

Night night sleep tight xxxnight god bless

Night mom love you xxx night god bless

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Night god bless xxx

Night god bless mom xxx

Night god bless mom xxx

Happy birthday mom night god bless xxx

Night god bless mom I could do with a hug xxx

Night god bless xxx

Night god bless mom xxx

Night god bless mom xxx


Nigjt god bless xxx

Night god bless mom xxx

Night god bless mom xxx

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Night night sleep thight don’t let the bed bugs bite. Night god bless xxx