I miss a kiss and saying good night

it’s 7 weeks this friday for me and i feel just like you do.i don’t think i can carry on much longer,i know what you mean about friends going back to there normal lives,life will never be normal for us,will it.i shall pray again tonight that i do not wake up tomorrow so i can be with my husband

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Hi roma2, I see and feel your pain. We are not alone when we are on here. Have you spoken to your doctor about how you feel. Talking on here has helped me a lot. Im always here if you want to talk. Sending hugs. Keep reaching out on here together we can support each other through the dark days and share the good days.

Night god bless xxx

Night god bless xxx

Night night mom night god bless xxx

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Night god bless xxx

Night night sleep tight don’t let the bed bugs bite. Night god bless xxx

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My headache is really bad can’t look at screen’s night god bless xxx


My head hurts my heart hurts the pain I miss you so much. Night god bless xxx

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Night god bless xxx

Miss you so much mom night god bless xxx

Night god bless xxx

I love you with every heartbeat and miss you with every breath. Night god bless xxx

Night god bless mom xxx

Night god bless mom xxx

Night god bless xxx

Night god bless mom xxx

Night night sleep tight don’t let the bed bugs bite. Night god bless mom xxx

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Mom it’s one of those night I find myself wide awake thinking where has the time gone. I miss you so much night god bless xxx

Night god bless xxx