I miss being us

You will feel you are on a different planet. Your life has been tipped upside down. Your loved one was here to support you. Your reason being here. We all ask the question what is the point. There are jobs to do and we have no enthusiasm. The pain feels unbearable. We feel we are walking in a fog and nothing seems real anymore. It’s a life we did not want it ask for and the last thing we expected. Take each day hour by hour and don’t punish yourself for feeling sad and bereft. We cannot wipe a lifetime of love away especially in six weeks. We are all heartbroken and coping each day the best that we can x


I can relate to what you are saying I’m having the looks etc as I’m still terribly upset my husband sadly passed in June 2021
I’ve reduced hours at work and feel so alone nobody seems to understand how we are feeling at all with this lonley journey
Sending love :heart:


People who haven’t gone through the loss of their husband/wife will never understand how painful it is,the grief just carries on,you can’t mend a broken heart,its the loss of our best friend,the one person who we can talk to and understood us
You take each day at your own pace I hope you find a little peace talking to people on here,we really do know what you are going through

Take care

Christine x


Sending you all a hug xx


Hi Nell
i often think that if only we were all close enough to meet up once a month or so to go for a coffe and chatand a good cry between us if neede as we are the only ones who know how we all feel



Thank you Christine, I’m new to here & just finding my way around, as my mind doesn’t seem to make sense of the simplest information & instructions, so trying to make all this site out how to post. Bless you for your kindness xxx


I know it would be good. I don’t know how to do virtual group chat but i could ask my nephew. If I got telephone numbers we could all get our coffee and try that. Much love x

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thats a thought worth thinking about


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Yes that would be good I find we get strength from each other the sun is out here so I should go out for a walk hope you all can manage to get some fresh air it would be good to be able to chat together no groups round here xx

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the suns out here too makes it a better day i will be out with my dog
and out the weekend to with 2of my daughters
and a dog walk



I too hate the word widower. I am a husband to a wife who has wings. My darling wife passed away 3 months ago and like you all l am so lonely without her. I still wear my wedding ring but l also wear my wife’s ring on the same finger. It makes me feel like there is still a physical connection to her. I still refer to we or us, l cannot cannot come to terms me or l.
I talk to her photographs every day and l send her a nite nite text message every night. It brings some little comfort but does not ease the grief and heartache.
As you all say those who have not lost their wife/husband have no conception of the grief, heartache and loneliness we suffer.
Take care all x


I hate the word widow, I will always be Mrs and still married to my husband. We never got divorced so we are still married as far as I am concerned. I message Neil a few times a day and say goodnight to. I also feel if you haven’t lost a wife , husban, partner dint know the pain we are going through. I lost both my parents and that was bad enough but this is a whole different level. Take care xx


Bless you all.
It does make me sad when folk seem to want you to get over your loss or gain some strength to move on in such a short time! Err no it ain’t gonna happen, the pain is too deep & it’s a process that could take a very long time.


Yes I have been told it is time i moved on, i will never move on. Almost 4 months could be 40 years and I will never move on or “get over it” . Yes it will take a long time xx


i fulyl agree people that havent gone through this sort of thing dont understand i am 4 months gone now i can never imagine moving on i have known some people that have moved on in short times and even moved in with someone new or even remarried r but i could never understand how they did and even more so now



I’m almost 12 months on now and have lost count of the times I’ve been told I should have moved on by now. It still feels as raw as the first week, so no I haven’t moved on and doubt I ever will.
Unless people have actually lost their world like we have I doubt they’ll ever understand how we feel x


Yes am the same, I will never be with anyone else. I’ve read about people saying I’ve lost the love of my life and then a few months down the line they are with some one else. Am not judging people just don’t understand how they can move on so quickly xxx


Yes people don’t understand at all, my world has changed don’t think it will ever be the same :disappointed_relieved: xx


I agree with you when you have had true love nothing will ever replace it missing him every hour I breath trying to manage every day holding my memories close to help me must make him proud
Another spring day hope you all had some sleep ti help you through the day
Take care xx


Hope you get some sleep too. That’s all we can do hold on tight to our memories take care xx