I miss being us

Hi that must of been terrible getting a phone call for appointment . I received a letter for a follow up dentist appointment for hubby ,(he had to get a tooth out before he started his cancer treatment). And that was bad enough but for you to get a phone call how distressing for you . This is an awfull existince we have without our loved one xtake care x

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I feel the same I was with my husband since I was 17 and nothing is right anymore. I have no purpose except my grown up children and hate going out on my own now. Iā€™m just not the same any more. Sorry for your loss too.xx

Hi sorry for your loss . This site has helped me a lot. Hope it helps you a bit people on hear feel what you are going through x take care x

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i was actualy stunned at first as it was from the hospital he died in no communication between different departments


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Hi Carol sorry for your loss i had been with my husband from the age of 15 was together 56 years married nearly 54
keep posting on here we are all in the same situation and understand what each other is going through so will help you a lot
you can put your throughts and feelings down no one will judge only support you even have a bit of a moan if you like we all go through the same feelings

take care


Hi Carole
So sorry for you loss it is horrible to loss our soul mate I was with my husband since I was 18 so know how you feel donā€™t know a life with out him it has been 10 months since i have lost him not sure how I am still here taking day by day not the life we want all of us struggle dealing with our loss
Take care x

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I lost my husband to covid too and itā€™s so cruel. There was very little help and Iā€™m the same I feel him roll over in bed or touch me in bed. Or I think oh I. Must ask Dave about that or wake up believing heā€™s still here. Itā€™s really horrible so Iā€™m here for you. Big hugs.xx


Hi so true what you say . Iā€™m not a nasty person but Iā€™m starting to be . When I think what hubby when through and what Iā€™m going through and reading the horrendous posts on here what we have been through and going through it makes me so angry. Iā€™m so glad we have each other on here to vent off and just to talk to . Iā€™m feeling really down today and canā€™t think of the good times I had with hubby just reliving his illness and his death . Thank you all you have helped me today more than you will ever know x take care x


OMG I agree I have had over a year of trying to sort financeā€™s, some companyā€™s great some just honestly horrific especially symbio energy. They went bust in Oct but still ring me daily demanding money I donā€™t owe then. Dave also had a small business which has been a nightmare. Your grieving have lost your mind and then get all this mither. Iā€™m sorry you are going through this aswell. Any help I can give you just ask not sure I can help but if I can I will. Big hugsā€¦


Hi thank you for your reply . This is an awful life we have been left with, without our loved one trying to get through each day without the hassle of sorting things out and dealing with people that have no compassion. All I want is to be with my hubby and out of this nightmare . What is the point of it all . Take care x


I am a true believer that one day this will all make sense as our path is made for us and I really hope one day we will feel better and understand why this happened but until then at least we have each other. I just try to get through one day at a time but I feel your pain. Take care hun.x


May be it will but I can not make any sense of it all right now hope you are all managing to get through this Saturday
Thinking of you all xx


Hi Annie. I retired a year before my husband and got almost full state pension of my own. When Ron died in 2018 he was 65 and had just retired. I got over Ā£200 of his state pension plus Ā£210 private pension. I had no problem getting it. J think people should look more carefully into this as so many of you seem that you are being fleeced by the government.

i also feel that one has to always be left behind for a reason but hard to undersand why probably to help our children and grand children carry on till it is our turn to go
perhaps one day we will learn to understand why it happens

take care


Hi Looby
I guess so I wish it was my husband and not me sure he would deal with it better I have come to terms that I have to live for my children and grandchildren I hope I can be strong enough and have enough money to do things for them but Iā€™m not sure I will as my husband missed out on getting his pension by 5 months so I do not get any of it does seem so wrong all the years he payed his national insurance so unfair I have been out for a bit so awful coming home to empty house miss him so much like you all do on here keep telling myself I must do jobs but living through this grief is so tiring
All take care


Hi I feel the same Dave had had his pension for 10mths. British aerospace were good to me but now itā€™s taxed and I only get a quarter of what he got. Funny though what my lifeā€™s come to. Iā€™ve just invited one of those annoying survey people just for company. Mind you she did give me a Ā£10 love to shop voucher so that was a bonus. I donā€™t even recognise myself anymore but you know with each others help and support we will get there hopefully. Xx


Hi Lisa, I lost my husband 5 years ago on Christmas day, I still miss being us, I talk to his picture every day and feel jealous when I see couples holding hands. He was the love of my life and we had 28 beautiful years together, my cats are my lifeline now. I donā€™t think it gets easier, you just learn to live with it :broken_heart:


Hi Val, am sorry for your loss. I am so glad you had 28 amazing years with your husband. It is the loss of us that is so hard to live with. Your right we do learn to live with it and our hearts will be forever broken :broken_heart: take care Lisa xx

Yes our hearts will be forever broken my husband would be watching rugby I can not watch it with out him I have being with out him donā€™t know what to do with myself life is awful guess we wake up in morning if we manage to sleep and try get through another day sorry I am very negative tonight x

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Hi Rose
i am the same we always watched the cricket and football and loved to have a bet on the horse racing together but now i canā€™t get myself to watch it at all same with songs we always danced to and sang along to if i hear them now i have to turn the sound off because it is too upseeting to hear
