I miss being us

Will this pain ever stop might I feel half normal again. I thought I was doing ok but it has all come flooding back I will never see, feel, or hear my husband again. It’s nearly six months but seems to be getting worse I think I’m realising it’s so final. I’m 59 and can’t see any future without him. The only future I want was for us to grow old together . I miss and love him so much .


HI Broken 2222
no one can put a time on grief its an up and dow emotion that you can never know from one day to the next how you are going to feel
i dont think anyone of us knows what our future will be or how long it will take to start feeling any better all we can do is live one day at a time
take care

Hi Lonely, I certainly do understand you and your thoughts. Although I can’t say mine have taken the same path as yours. But this certainly doesn’t stop me from missing my soulmate and wishing he were here still. His untimely death created such a huge shock in me…and I still don’t think I’m completely over the shock as my mind still twirls in useless circles. All I can do is try to acknowledge the feelings and emotions by breathing deeply, counting backwards from 100 and writing. Hang in there as best you can…you’re not crazy.

I don’t think the pain will ever stop…maybe lessen. For me, as the fog of shock is slowly wearing off, I feel the deep pain far more acutely…and am searching for ways to alleviate the painful grief attacks.

I understand you perfectly because I feel the same way. I feel too that I have no future without my soulmate…but I also have to acknowledge that he is dead and won’t be returning…that’s hard. Try to relax…try to find paths that will allow you to continue but with less pain… Hugs


I agree…good advice…thanks for posting…

Thank you for your kind words and sorry for your loss x I am lying in bed crying for my one and only true love . I manage to put an act on infront of my adult kids and grandkids but when I’m in our bedroom it all comes out all the tears and stress and hopelessness of this life I don’t want. We had been together since we were 16 and married 39 years I don’t know a life without him. I don’t want a life without him . It is so hard . I think of all the beautiful memories I have of us together but just wanted a few more .x take care x


I too hate being a me, I hate being a widow, I hate the word I want to be a wife, I want to be Keiths wife again but I know that can never happen. I feel there is no joy in my life anymore and each day is just to be got through. I understand how you feel, it’s just 5 months since my husband died from a covid. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to being Lynn and not Lynn and Keith. Take care of yourself xx


So sorry for your loss . Yes that’s exactly how I feel no more Lisa and Neil. The world is a dark and lonely place now without him. You take care too Lynn xx


Dear broken 222
Hope you managed to sleep reading your message was as if it was me writing it just like you say we put on a brave gave for out kids and grandchildren but in bits behind closed doors it so hard people can not understand how the pain is that we are going through I don’t know a life with out my husband in bed I am like you it’s awful we had 45 married year he was taken from me too early so sudden he was fit and well sending you a hug and thinking of you hope you manage your day xxxx


I put on a brave face for my sister. Over the last week we have done a few lunches and I even went to yoga. Only down the road but I did it. Because of this my sister thinks I’m improving. Maybe I am but when I get home the floodgates open and nothing feels right. I miss my husband so much and I don’t want the rest of my life alone. I want him back. X


It’s very hard to live life as just you. I keep wanting to tell my other half about my day at work, but then just sitting on my own sobbing. Another thing I hate is having to refer to Quentin as my late husband. I have forgotten a few times and people just look at me like I’ve lost my mind. But he’s not my late husband he’s just my husband and always will be.
I’m really hating life now, covid has robbed me of everything and I’m finding everything so hard to deal with

I know how you feel. My husband was my soulmate and my life. I considered myself the luckiest person in the world when I met him. I’m lost without him and life is never going to be the same. Trying to make a life without him is going to be difficult and some days I don’t know if I will be able to do it. I don’t think of tomorrow. I try to live in the moment I am in otherwise I feel scared and vulnerable.


He is your husband always will be lv annie x x

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I feel exactly the same, I miss every little thing we shared during the day. We were together all the time except when he worked his 1 week in 3 as an emergency responder. I also hate the late husband term and even more being a widow, I hate that word so much.

I also sit and cry and try to get my head round how Covid found us in this little northern corner of the country. It’s robbed Keith of his future and me too, it’s hard getting through a day and I can’t imagine what my future looks like anymore. Sending you a hug xx

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Lynne I hate the word widow my husband was a paramedic for 27years I’m so proud of him lv ya annie x x x


I know how you feel, I’m back at work and because I’m not in floods of tears at work, colleagues think I’m healing and starting to move on.
But the reality is when I get home from work I go for a shower and sob my heart out because I know that it’ll be a another long night sitting on my own in the lounge, feeling so lonely and wanting my husband back.
Sending love xx

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Thank you for your reply .Had a really bad day (family) so wish hubby was here he would of known what to do or say. I really wish it had been me that had died and not him . He would of coped much better I can’t see any future without him and keep putting on this act at home and work . Why did this happen to us xx

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Sorry to hear that you had a bad day I really feel the same I wish it had been me hi and not my husband I’m sure he would have been stronger
And now it’s weekend I don’t think I am seeing the family so potter around the empty house missing him more more each day it’s horrific isn’t it will we ever feel less pain I don’t think so
Hope you all have a peaceful sleep if that is possible xxx


Families, they can help so much or make things much worse as I’ve found out with mine. It’s hard not to despair when you are trying your best to get through each day and then the smallest thing knocks you for six.